Facebook Now censors verified mainstream media news articles if it goes against groups they protect like Pedophiles. Remember their pedo support feeler survey?

in #facebookcensors5 years ago (edited)

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The block and jail sentence above happened After I simply tried to Tell other friends what they had done. How totalitarian is that? So basically You and I are not even allowed to Tell Others what they are doing! C_a much? Any Lights flickering?

This is what led up to the above post and it Was one right after the other. Will post at the end a series of videos showing the trolls and attackers which Could have been sent by them or paid for by Shareblue media. They have sent them after me for a few days now and since I post truth and evidence to back up my info. . .as the trolls, haters and distractors post None, that is likely why they started Punishing me.

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Why Won't they let me post this verified news clip? What do you suppose they are so afraid of? If there is nothing to fear. . .shouldn't they just let it be and if there is Nothing There. . .won't people just ignore it? Do they Not trust their subscribers?

No Shocker Here. . .Facebook Once Again will not allow me to post this evidence which includes Mainstream Media Links on the Wide Spread Pedophile problem.

They shut me down after I started sharing to groups. . .once again these are like minded groups so not leftist groups in which many progressives support these people. No, Like minded groups I have been invited to or join in which we all share content. So why am I restricted?

I believe we All Know Why.

Those of us who bring evidence, facts and links instead of what the left does. ..spews out hatred, name calling and belittling. . .are Censored and they attempt to shut down because they don't want this exposed. Likely because they have their own set of protected. . .

You will recall they actually asked rather than Knew the right thing to do about this. . .Guess what I'm screen shooting as I already reported this across All platforms that Do Not censor. Reported on this very survey 2 years ago! I pray daily Mark Zuckerberg and his owned, compromised mods will see the truth and choose to protect children rather than shut out those exposing the evil.

MeWe I hate facebook will receive yet another post today along with non censoring platforms that support Free Speech and are dedicated to #SavingOurChildren

BTW if you look at my posts and especially what occurs with them on the Melania & Trump Fans page. ..you will see a New Minion Host of trolls they have sicced on me! Go on a post that has been shared out, click on the shares with number in right hand bottom corner, scroll down to that fan page and you will see. I have archived as they have had some of the haters go in and delete certain comments which expose how they attack on a personal level just because they despise the Truth and evidence.

I'm guessing they don't like me exposing the evil. Darkness Hates LIGHT! It is a literal disinfectant to the rampant evil!

Luke 11:34-35
“The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.”
Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.

Micah 2:1
Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand.

I did go in after I did my video report and documented what Facebook had done and filled out there report which read,

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Video series on Hagglers, Haters, Distractors and Trolls,

Mocker's, Haters, Distractors People slinging hash but bringing zero evidence FB

Haters and Goaders part 2 an ex-military weatherman speaks on the climate

Hagglers, Braggers, Mockers and Harassers pt 3 liberal condones attacking women based on looks

See article here which includes all that was in this censored post,


Connector articles,





#Censorship, #GuardiansOfChildren, #FreeSpeechHaters, #Remnant, #GodsArmy

Please let me hear about your stories and encounters with censorship and what you are seeing out there in the comments below. Godspeed Great Guardians Of Children


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