All the Colluders and Orchestrators from the Tech Giants like Facebook and Google. Employees they have in common and how they have helped the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton, yet they censor others and yell collusion. Hypocrisy much?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

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When I got suspended yet again from Facebook, I remembered reading several posts concerning this seemingly entitled tach giant of what they like to call "social media."

See a vid report connecting to this you can listen to while working or doing chores if you scroll to the bottom above sources.

Now we all know what we're in for if we choose to engage in this social engineering program in which there is plenty of evidence to support they collect our data and track our habits and patterns. They are then able to predict fairly accurately which choice we will make in virtually any given situation.

To see the background story and the funny clip they suspended me just for sharing out to like minded groups, you can go here,

Facebook suspended me so I told Zuck I would remind Everybody about his attempt to take land from Hawaiian Land Owners, not to mention What he said about Everyone in College and the shared employees with Google!

I did leave links in there pertaining to his entitled attempt at getting land. He probably doesn't like to talk about that so be forewarned.

In this article I will;

  • go back into Qanon drops and show you how there is evidence of why Facebook was formed

  • what the Zuck Really thinks about all of us

  • How empolyees are shared between two major Tech Giants involved in heavily censoring. . .Google with people from places like DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and people who aided in trying to get Hillary elected, yet they claim they are Not Biased while constantly censoring those who are conservative or think for themselves!

  • How they have been caught, though they claim not to be a part of a government spying company called Recorded Future. . .they doesn't sound like data accumulated for your next AI meld now does it?

  • How Hillary willingly gave access to China

  • History of these Tech Giant "creators" remember they are a CIA construct, and what they have been involved in.

  • Examples and evidence how several have actively been involved in the DNC, working with past presidents, candidates, yet tell you and I to shut up, censor, us, suspend us and ban us!

Now if we look at some previous Q drops, you can see FB has been on the White Hat's radar for some time! You can count on the fact that they know what's what!

For example, if you look at this one,

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Yes, it Is in regards to Google, but as you will recall, how often do Google and Facebook share the same type of personnel or have them travel from one company to another?

Let's take Regina Dugan.

She was the first female director of the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where she served from July 2009 until March 2012.

After leaving DARPA in March 2012, she was appointed to an executive position at Google. Here, she led and created Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) at Motorola Mobility, a subsidiary of Google. In January 2014, it was announced that Motorola Mobility would be acquired by Lenovo. Dugan and her team were retained by Google.

She later moved to Facebook, joining a team called Building 8. In October 2017, she announced that she would be leaving in early 2018 to pursue other endeavors. Building 8 is a research division similar to Google's ATAP group.

Paul Adams

the vice president of product at Intercom, worked at Google for three years, between 2007 and 2010, before leaving for Facebook, where he worked between 2011 and 2013.

Now thinking back to this drop again,

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This article is interesting.

Facebook and CIA-backed Recorded Future say they are not scanning Facebook Chat messages

Recorded Future works to identify real-time online risks by collecting and analyzing sources on the web. Recorded Future is a private company, as are most of its clients, but it does have ties with the government thanks to an investment from the CIA's investment arm, which set the conspiracy theorists off.

Coder website Bosnadev wrote a blog post looking into what happened when it posted a private link in Facebook chat. The group had built an app that had never been published. It then posted the link to the app in private Facebook chat box and tracked who opened the link.

For the first three minutes Facebook's own IP address looked into the link. This shouldn't come as a surprise — Facebook and most any other chat function routinely check links. But three minutes after that, an IP address from the company Recorded Future hit the link.

Now it this time they said Recorded Future didn't work in conjunction with Facebook.

Then in this drop,

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This drop in October,

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In August,

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Interesting because if you go to that link you get,

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So when you scan his name in a search you see this,

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It becomes clear he stands on the wrong side of politics for radicals thus likely suspended!

Music to my ears!

No one gets a Free Pass!

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In September,

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Now this is very Fascinating!

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Donor to Clinton Foundation, McAuliffe caught up in Chinese cash-for-votes scandal

Wang Wenliang, a Chinese billionaire and donor to the Clinton Foundation and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, has been expelled from China’s top legislature after being caught up in a widespread cash-for-votes scheme.

Wang, who made his fortune in construction and running a strategic port near the North Korean border, also has been a big donor to New York University, Harvard University and the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Wang’s $2 million donation to the Clinton Foundation in 2013 made waves when it was disclosed last year because of his ties to the Chinese government. More recently, his name surfaced amid news that McAuliffe (D) was the subject of an FBI investigation.

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Though from Google, this shows another way these tech Giants are affiliated with the DNC by getting aid from Google's then CEO of Google writing emails to Cheryl Mills, Senior Adviser and Counsel for Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign,[4] and is considered a member of Hillary Clinton's group of core advisers, self-designated as "Hillaryland".She served as Counselor and Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton during her whole tenure as United States Secretary of State.

In which Eric Schmidt clearly laid out a plan to get Hillary elected. . Yet what do we always hear? That Russia steered the election and it was Their duty to silence and censor the other side. Which they Did and Still do!

As usual we have found evidence it is those involved with the DNC and certain tech giants demonstrating through their own verified actions they are doing what they are accusing the other side of doing. This is In Saul Alinsky's rules for Radicals. Alinsky was a hero to both Hillary and Obama.

Qanon drops Eric Schmidt Google used corporate power to influence an election! We have All the emails. See vital one here. Nothing is Ever Erased!

Remember when Facebook did this?

Facebook asks users if they, "should allow adults to ask minors for sexual images" Are you kidding me? Yet Good People are banned, harassed and censored!

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See the whole story here,

More coming concerning Facebook allowing pedophiles to engage on their platform, all while censoring those of us who try to expose these wicked predators and keep our most innocent of society protected.

Think of how they Allowed Heart Progress to have a facebook account. I believe they still do. If you look up what they are about and their predatory practices, every bit as sickening as NAMBLA, North American Man Boy Love Association.

Facebook claims to have pulled these pages, do a search.

Here's what I find even today.

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Here's the link,

Thee are more, this is just one example. If you look up in a search Heart Progress on facebook, you will come across some very strange accounts.

More on this another time. Now back to Faceook and Tech Giants.

This shows Zuckerberg's character,

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This shows that instead of being loyal to a friend or a partner and working through conflict, he chose in this instance to get rid of the problem and be disloyal, then talked it out on how he would not have to deal with any repercussions from his back stabbing behavior.

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There's far more to this article and comms which show Who Mark really is and his selfish behavior. There is also evidence in here concerning his "charity," which virtue signals all while hiring people affiliated with Progressives and the DNC. Who's colluding? Who was attempting to steer an election?

He sold shares to fund his philanthropy which had Direct Ties to the DNC and people affiliated with it.

This taken from an article I wrote last year,

It is interesting to note that "Since 2018 Zuckerberg has sold off 5.4 million shares in Facebook, estimated to be worth $980 million." As stated by Finance. This saved him 70 million, as their stock plunged more than 7%. Wall Street analysts say there were regulatory filings, and they claim Zuckerberg was selling these shares to fund his philanthropy.

To see evidence of those he engages with for advice and input into his philanthropy we can look at this email from John Podesta to Sheryl Sandberg, who before joining Facebook as its COO, Sandberg was vice president of global online sales and operations at Google, and was involved in launching Google's philanthropic arm Before Google, Sandberg served as chief of staff for United States Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers. Interesting connections here, but that would be for yet another article. Corruption and collusion for these elitists is so vast and overwhelming, which is what they count on for people not to poke around in the details and unearth their scandals and how closely they interrelate. Not to mention, they write the programs, entertainment all while cloaking a great deal of their activity in a well known umbrella of "philanthropy." All of this to keep us engaged in the distractions so we don't catch on to the Big Picture!

The email connecting Mark to Philanthropy of the Political leaning sort.

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Their staying connected and working together continued in this message from Hillary's campaign manager and Facebooks COO and her response. You are able to find all of these on wikileaks under the Podesta emails for verification.

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Here is one from Mark Zuckerberg to John Podesta (Hillary's campaign manager) to Sheryl Sandberg.

Just a reminder, Sheryl Sandberg, whom John Podesta was writing to was working for Facebook as the Chief Operating Officer.

In 2012, she was named in the Time 100, an annual list of the most influential people in the world according to Time magazine. As of June 2015, Sandberg is reported to be worth over US$1 billion, due to her stock holdings in Facebook and other companies.

Prior to joining Facebook, she was vice president of global online sales and operations at Google, and was involved in launching Google's philanthropic arm Before Google, Sandberg served as chief of staff for United States Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers.

What? Lawrence Summers. ..say it isn't so? All these colluders working together and given high powered positions in the Tech Industry? Not possible you say, they said it was the Conservatives trying to run the show and steer an election. Why hasn't Google figured out how to scrub all this telling info?

Likely, they believed we all simply would be too busy engaging in their social networks and engineering projects while being entertained by Google owned youtube videos to poke around, pay attention and see how it is They who are working together and attempting to control the political atmosphere And elections!

Lawrence Summers

Former Vice President of Development Economics and Chief Economist of the World Bank (1991–93),senior U.S. Treasury Department official throughout President Clinton's administration (ultimately Treasury Secretary, 1999–2001), and former director of the National Economic Council for President Obama (2009–2010). He is a former president of Harvard University.

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Their leadership or people engaged in helping them achieve their goals reads like a "who's who" guest list of people connected to Obama like David Plouffe, who served as White House Senior Advisor to President Obama. Along with being a a veteran of several congressional, gubernatorial and presidential campaigns and served as Executive Director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and senior staff member to Democratic leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Having connections to Plouffe would have really been an asset when facebook helped data mine for Obama. As reported by many sources including Breitbart which states,"Earlier today, we reported on a former staffer for Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign who admitted that the campaign had harvested mass amounts of Facebook data for targeted campaigning. In a 2013 interview, California congresswoman Maxine Waters revealed that Barack Obama possessed a “kind of database that no-one has ever seen before,” with “information about everything, on every individual.” Waters confirmed it was linked to Organizing for America, now called Organizing for Action.

There is far more in this aforementioned article link,

Facebook's 'family' is getting smaller, as several executives head for the exits in a turbulent year

Just a reminder,

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Here's a thread I did, got removed from Twitter, but I have it in an article for some deeper history and connections,

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Just a reminder of yet another Tech Giant who admittedly attempts to steer the Political atmosphere,

Several other tech execs have expressed similar commitments to a deeper mission. Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, told my colleague Andrew Ross Sorkin that Apple had a “moral responsibility” to attempt to heal the nation’s social and economic fissures.

Did an article on him recently and it's very telling.

Tim Cook from Apple Closed Meeting behind doors with Obama and funding Hillary. How he is front and center in censoring , virtue signaling and Pushing Controlling Measures! A club you're not part of!

Obama's speech,

Speaks to Europe,

Hear Obama say, "Ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs!"

He also states, "The order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign!" .

Is anyone else creeped out?

Fast forward to here,

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I'll end with this as we Are Coming Up on some Very Interesting Times!

There will be no denying of the vast corruption and the spells some were living under, but Some will Choose Not to Know.

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