I was in breakfast heaven.

in #exyle5 years ago (edited)


I'm working out a lot and I'm getting results but if there is one thing I keep failing at is reading packages before I eat.

So, Bianca decided that my regular go to Granola (Crunchy bits of grains I eat with milk or yogurt) should be replaced by a better option.

(The way us men usually find out about these things is when we go to the cabinet where the stuff is, open it and realise there has been a disturbance in the force. The regular blue and white box of Granola is not there. So, after closing the cabinet and waiting for 10 seconds to reset the balance we open the cabinet again in the hope something changed. It never does but we try because one day it will. We then start to dig for alternatives.)

So I find out she bought me this healthy looking version from Lidl.

I have no idea how that happened btw, we usually go shopping together.

It looked a bit dodgy (but healthier) compared to my regular stuff.

So to be safe I put a little bit in a bowl and added some milk.

I had a try and man I gotta admit, this stuff was tasty!

I couldn't believe it!

Healthy tasty stuff!

(From this moment on all thinking went out the window.)

I instantly poured my bowl full of this new stuff and added a good big splash of milk.

Every bite a delicious feast of crunchy bits, with dried fruits, almost like candy!

I was in breakfast heaven.

But I should have known better because....10 minutes after finishing I felt my heart rate going up.

That feel you get when you eat too much sugar too fast.

I went to check out the package....



There must have been 15 sugar cubes in that one bowl alone.

I guess it's not meant to be eaten in enormous quantities.

O well...I refuse to regret it. It was too good.

Instead I'll fix it by adding an extra 30 minutes of cardio today.

Lesson learned.

Read the damn package.

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Doh! Sneaky sugar. Live & Learn. I've always been super curious about finding a good way to gain nourishment and to be in the best health possible. The fad diets, and overwhelming changing information on food out there is more baffling than the crypto markets!! I am looking to give this method a try. It's basically no sugar, no flour (i am battling socially accepted addiction to it! Yikes!), eat only at 3 meals no other time, measure & weigh your food for proper portions. With this one there are no 'cheat meals' which makes sense for me because they inevitably become a binge fest 🤦‍♂️ which never turns out good! I am a 10 in suseptability to the addictive nature of sugar and flour. This is such an important topic!! I could go on & on! Good for you Mark! For always considering your health and props to Bianca for caring too. We can manage our health by our choices to a huge degree!! It's so important to evaluate everything regarding what we take into our bodies. I hope your workout was awesome!! Catch you later 🍎🍏🍎🍏

I'm just trying the moderation lifestyle with choosing more good options than bad. I need something I can sustain and it's working. I tried a pair of old jeans the other day that I managed to close (barely) but haven't been able to close at all for a while. It's a small victory.

I drink less alcohol, Eat less bad food, Train hard. But I do still enjoy eating bad food and enjoy my beers/wine too when I have them.

But you are right. It's extremely hard to learn about what to eat to get the results that you want. For me it's a complete mystery a lot of the time.

Just wanted to take a moment to celebrate your success!! 🎉🎈🏆 moving in the right direction is worth a few fist pumps and high 5's! NICE!!! Woohoo!!

Nutrition is such a mysterious realm! Each person has their certain thing that works for them. It's an important never ending joy ride of fine tuning what works and what does not work day-in/ day-out -- just never give up! LOL because one thing's for sure, unless you're a yogi that lives on sunlight -- you need to eat for the rest of your life! There's so much to say about great workouts!! LOVE that feeling. Keep on kicking a$$ Mark ✊💪👍

I'm eating similar for breakfast at present too, and yeah, no escaping the sugar here!

I'll try for Oats some days, and eggs on toast too so there is a mix and hopefully less sugar consumption.

Enjoy the cardio, I'm sure you will! :D

I had a good session! Powered by sugar :)

Even across the seas breakfast is breakfast! Yours combined with Mark's sound like my breakfast options. Though your options would be my 'fancy' options! They involve some cooking LOL ive been into apples or oranges or bananas or grapefruit with a nuts most often lately. Hope you are feeling better Asher! (Bodywise since your tumble)

I can totally relate as I am on a low carb regime as of late and some packaging is very confusing! Carbs and sugars hide everywhere depsite being marketed as organic!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Mark @exyle I would have rather had a Plate of Bacon MMMmmmm !!!

I Like my Bacon a little bit Chewy not so much too Crispy........

I Like my Bacon
A little bit Chewy not
So much too Crispy........

                 - stokjockey

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Me too, no carbs! ;)

Read the damn package.
Anything in a package contains sugar.
Try and use a food tracking app.

Wow, that is pretty crazy! I gotta say one of the best parts of my day is when I get to eat my greek yogurt and granola as a snack in the morning. I have been sitting at my desk for the past half hour looking at the clock waiting to see if it is too early for me to bust into it yet. Glad that this worked out for you despite the initial over dose!

Yogurt and Granola, man I love that stuff!

Poor you 🙈🤣😂🤣😂 well it was a good bowl of tasty stuff but now you know why it was so tasty 😃 I had enough cardio for today I wokeup with 1 floor climbed this morning I don't know how I did that in my sleep maybe 'the force' was calling me. 🙈🙈🙈🙈

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Hi Mark! Well, generally the sugar comes from dried fruits in it so it is not necessarily added during production, you should check on the ingredients to be sure, by the way it seems that 50% of a portion contains sugar, so it is not that bad on glycemic index as it seems. 💪

Posted using Partiko iOS

When I saw that package my first thought was SUGAR/CARBS and anyway, granola is itself a carb and milk, unless full fat or single cream, is the carb bit of the milk.

Good luck, I hope your 'magic cabinet' resets with your usual granola. Or better yet, eat veg for breakfast, their carb free ;)

I eat tons of sugar a day... I still lose weight 😂

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Do you do intermittentent fasting? And, what type of sugar are you having? Whole fruit? Or refined processed food with sugar? Or is it flour (which digests to sugar) that you enjoy? I feel like it's tough to go wrong if you eat food that grow naturally in a good way whether plants or animals, and take them with gratitude. I am not there yet but looking at cutting all processed food packaged food with lables. And, eating only at meal times. 3 times per day. Health is so important!! And, valuable!!

Ice cream and snicker bars haha ... I use to believe in all that stuff like a decade ago but not anymore. I’ve been intermittent fasting for 6 years 😀

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10 years ago! Arn't you like 24? What's with these crazy fans you have here Charles? Is this something @curatorhulk might be able to help with? Icarumba!!

I wish haha... I’m at that mid-life crises age of 42 😂 as for the crazy nut jobs out there, I have plenty haha

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