ARE WE DOWNHEARTED? | 100 Year History Challenge: Peace on the Horizon in 1918 🕊️ ✌️

in #explore19187 years ago (edited)

Are We Downhearted.jpg

Title: Are We Downhearted? Painted by Norman J. Rockwell for Life Magazine on Nov 28, 1918 source

This was released just a couple of weeks after Armistice Day, when the first World War ended with a signing of the armistice, ceasing the fighting on land, sea and air between the Allies and their last opponent, Germany. 1

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The Story

The painting appeared on the cover of Life magazine at a time when American morale was low during World War I. I believe the artist, Norman Rockwell was appointed to do this as he was known for imbuing art with his own brand of ..."humor and wit, bringing levity in times of great strife." 2

'There was a definite turnaround in American morale as a result of that painting,' says Becky Cloud, director of the Mussleman River Walk Gallery. 3

photo credits at the bottom of page

At this point in world history, peace is in the horizon. Hope is rising, fear is fading and smiles are spreading. Many soldiers and sailors are now returning home. This group, perhaps is numbered among the home-comers, explaining the look of happiness in their faces. Are we downhearted? Not anymore!

* * *

I couldn't find out more about this particular painting, sadly. The artist was a very prolific painter who did numerous pieces about the war.

Below are a few more examples of his works during the period, always providing a small window of light and peace in an otherwise bleak time for the world.

War Collage 2.jpg
photo credits at the bottom

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The Artist

Without thinking too much about it in specific terms, I was showing the America I knew and observed to others who might not have noticed.
—Norman Rockwell


Norman Rockwell was a 20th-century American author, painter and illustrator. His works have a broad popular appeal in the United States for their reflection of American culture. Rockwell is most famous for the cover illustrations of everyday life he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine over nearly five decades. 4

He painted the world as he saw it, despite being hailed as an idealist. He saw both the good and the bad. He just chose to focus on the good and its potential.

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The Author's Thoughts

His work is one of the biggest inspirations for me as an artist. Knowing that he painted Are We Downhearted?when he was only 24 (close to my age), with the goal of uplifting the morale of an entire nation, makes this piece very close to my heart.

I have a number of Norman Rockwell Story Books in my little library and I am in proud possession of a 69x51cm jigsaw puzzle of his painting "The Soda Jerk" - something very rarely found where I am from in the Philippines!

The Soda Jerk.jpg

So this is my bit of history to share with Steemit. And the puzzle? I'm still trying to get it framed. It resides in its box in my closet. :)

I thoroughly enjoyed this 100 Year Challenge and hope readers found this small piece of history and art interesting. Check out the contest here and share a story from 1918!

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Thanks to my sources whose names are listed below. If you want to go to the direct site, simply locate the number in the article above and click.

Notes and References:

1 Wikipedia search, Armistice of 11 November 1918
2, Norman Rockwell
3, Norman Rockwell
4 Wikipedia search, Norman Rockwell

Photo Credits:

War Headlines, counterclockwise from the top:
1, 2, 3, 4
War Paintings, from left to right:
1, 2, 3, 4

Thanks for stopping by. 😊

See you soon,


Achievers Logo.png


I really like the artwork that brings positive ideas closer to people
Must be supported...
Thank you for your wonderful work

Another learning from you.. thanks for posting this! I love your puzzle.. that must be challenging.. anyway! keep the passion firing girl! Good job! ^_^

Aw thank you so much girl! It's a great contest, hope you'll join too!

I'll try..i don't know anything that happened in 1918.. haha.. ill ask my friend google later..

Yep, I googled important events too. But I chose something close to my heart because I feel I would write better.. or at least have fun writing about it. Hehe. Let me know if you will enter too :D I'm interested what kind of stories people will pick!

maybe like you ill pick something close to my heart too.. surely ill let you know if ill enter too! I'll research muna.. hehe

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