Stop the Excuses, Stop the Bullshit

in #excuses6 years ago (edited)

Being disturbed by the truth confronting our falsity is uncomfortable. When we get called out for being wrong, or shown to be wrong, it can get our "blood boiling" so to speak. But being shaken up and rattled by the truth is good to awaken us and snap us out of all the automated behaviors, responses and thinking patterns we repeat.

Each day we have routine behaviors and habits that we play out automatically, unthinkingly for the most past. We often engage in impulsive decisions that are also automated responses that have become conditioned and programmed into us. Some of these impulses are biological-natural as part of our core construct (nature), and some are part of our environment conditioning and influence throughout life (nurture). If we just repeat what we already have done, or what we are automatically programmed to do, we won't be thinking about it much and might keep ourselves trapped int he same patterns of behavior that limit us or prevent us from moving forward.


But we like to stay in the comfort of our routines, because it's what we know. If we get used to something, we stick with it, whether it's good for us or not. It becomes ingrained as a habit, coded in our neural pathways. We then make up excuses to keep doing what we have been doing, because the current condition of how we do things is part of the current and stream of behavior we always swim in. We are programmed to keep swimming in that way because it become "hardwired" into our brains as a default mechanism to engage in.

Our lives can change, but we have to overcome the comfort and convenience of the unthinking behaviors we engage in. We have to start to think more, to reflect, contemplate, analyze and examine our lives more closely. If we don't do that, we are automatically and unthinkingly be robotic in how we do things, excusing it as simply "who we are", as if that is who we are "destined" or "fated" to be, or we justify and excuse it because that's how we grew up, that we were born into this path, that we are this way because people made us this way, that the world is against us, etc. But that's just bullshit excuses to not take charge and control of our lives and make things change for the better.

But that is just using excuses to keep ourselves down, to keep ourselves from reaching higher. That is admitting defeat to past conditioning, programming and influence that created who we are now, and limiting ourselves from changing into the future. It is keeping ourselves stagnant and static, rather than opening up our dynamic possibilities to change.

When we make a mistake, people can call us out on it. Yet we often excuse it and justify it with the previous or other "reasons" to "rationalize" it. There is a problem, but we don't admit it. We don't stop the excuses, we don't stop bullshitting ourselves.

We admit defeat without ever realizing we are in a battle with ourselves: our past and present self against our future self; the present self that doesn't serve us as much as the future self potential can. We give up on out potential to improve our lives and make things better for us and others, and even the world.

It's just easier and more comfortable to think we are fine as well, for to admit we can do better or that we are doing wrong means to admit we have a problem in the present, in the "now". Plus, admitting a problem, a wrong, and the potential to change for the better, involved work to make that change happen. It's easier to just keep doing what we are doing, and excuse it as something that "has to be".

We are defeated by ourselves in our own inner-battle. Other people can try to help us by telling us the truth about our errors, mistakes, or wrongs, but we have to care enough about the truth to let go of our pride and denial, and choose to honestly re-evaluate and re-examine ourselves in the mirror. This is to live a self-examined life, through self-analysis, introspection, reflection and contemplation.

The self-defeated mindset is a problem that weighs us down and keeps us from moving forward and improving things. Things happened to us, but that doesn't mean we have to let those things define us and keep us repeating patterns that don't serve us for the better. We need to take responsibility for our own lives and change how we see ourselves, to take back our power and control rather than remain as victims to circumstance, fate or an "evil" world out to punish us or make us suffer.


That's not to say there aren't real bad things that others do, or that happens to us. We need to accept that those things happened. Sometimes there are real physical limitations that are valid excuses for why we can't do something. But much of the excuses we use are attempts to justify where we are and keep ourselves down and defeated in that current position.

We need to take responsibility for actions and choices we ourselves make, because that's the only way things are going to change. Is your excuse a real thing, or just a way to deflect, dismiss, reject, refuse, avoid, deny or ignore the potential to make a change in your life?

We need to respect ourselves enough to want to face the truth about our lives, and welcome others who respect us enough to tell us the truth. Valid criticism about what we are doing can help us move forward for the better, even though it's uncomfortable to be rattled, shaken and disturbed from that comfort zone of excuses or ignorance we keep ourselves in.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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"We need to take responsibility for actions and choices we ourselves make"

Yes! I also like to discern between 'react' and 'respond'

'React' always means absorbing others' emotion and shooting back very same emotion which is not ours in the first place. 'React' always means absorbing others' emotion and shooting back very same emotion which is not ours in the first place. Instead, we need to resort to our own energetic signature, placing our response first (responsibility= the ability to respond), only this way we stop placing ourselves into self-made agony.

When we react we also tend repeat past pattern and transfer them onto the present moment, thus we shut ourselves close towards new ways and solutions. We give meaning to the present moment depending on the meaning we gave it in the past.

Instead, we need to resort to our own energetic signature, placing our response first (responsibility= the ability to respond), only this way we stop placing ourselves into self-made agony.

Great read, I am wondering how you are able to channel your creativity on such a consistent level. Really amazing! ;)

'React' always means absorbing others' emotion and shooting back very same emotion

Yeah often it is. It can also be a negative reaction that is created whereby the negative emotion wasn't even there from the person talking to begin with. Not always absorbing and sending back ;)

Yes, reactions are heavily influenced by past patterns.

Thanks for the feedback. I like to think and I have learned a lot in my days of spending time thinking ;) Not had a career and devoted to truth instead ;)

Our nature prevent us from moving forward and growth . We just can't help from being defensive instead of looking in the mirror .

My friend @thedarkhorse got called out on one of his post . after a brief moment of disbelief and discuss he reflected on the subject . Not only did he change the way he operated he also engaged with an open mind . His action not only helped his growth but others . I am one of the ones he past it on to and better off for it .

We need to quit lying to ourselves and get out of the perfect bubble we think we live in . Without criticism we cannot grow . There is nobody that will not benefit from a little growth .

Your post should make people reflect on their attitude , It does me . Thanks for bring it to the forfront

That's good he was able to take valid criticism. Defensiveness is strong in the psyche, all to protect our fragility ;) You're welcome. Thanks for the feedback.

What you said is absolutely right, but nowadays, the people of excuse, dove, spend an excuse with some excuse ................

I read it through, you are right, we always thinks we know the best that is surely in human nature.
If we actually want to do something, we will find a way to do it, but if we don't, we will surely find an excuse not to them

wow your work this @krnel very amazing, very touching in my heart .., its contents full of advice. how do you write very good this article. honest .., I am touched to read your post while shedding tears.
we as humans sometimes do something always put forward passions. but in ourselves there is reason as a benchmark of truth. but we are created by God decorated with reason and lust. malikat is mere sensuality, and animals are only adorned with lust.
if we put forward reason in any case then we are more glorious than angels. but on the contrary if we just put forward the passions then we are more depraved from the animals.
thanks @krnel for this excellent work.
now i follow you

Animals don't only have lust, many have care too. You need to research that more.

yes it is true animals are also there who cares, this is just as like sir @krnel. if man only uses lust in life then he is more depraved than animals. but on the contrary if man in doing something using his common sense then he is more noble than the angels. thank sir @krnel for his advice. please guidance her because I'm new in steemit. greetings from me @muftii

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