My ArtVenture: Acrylic Ecopainting: "Global Warming" or Fake news?

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Hello dear Steemians,

First of all before I start my post, I would like to thank my dear friend @xpilar, he is well known by supporting many different Steemians with advices and just a nice words and inspiration. It is worth to visit his blog!

He kindly created wonderful exhibition of my artworks in summarized video. I love it very much, so decided to share with you my friends:

It became almost a rule that I use my blog to share the Hot topics some of them playing significant role in the life of everyone and everyone can contribute in it.

This time it is about Global Warming. The impact of it we already experiencing day by day, or may be not all of us.

We all remember the famous quote of Mr. D. Trump on November 6, 2012, he tweeted:

"The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."

Do you agree with this quote? ME, NOT!

There is another MAN, I am writing it with a capital letter because he is really a great Man, the Ecologist in his heart...

Mr. Al Gore

Mr. Al Gore, I hope everyone know him, he is an American politician and environmentalist who served as the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001.

He was selected for presidential election in 2000 but to my great regret lost it.

There are few very educating lectures that he gave about Global warming, one very popular was in 2010 “An inconvenient Truth”, that was bestseller and of course I watched it that time.

I found a little video for those who would be interested.

"Global Warming" by@Stef1


"Global Warming"

I decided to make my painting to reflect the result of global warming and would like to recap few main key signs of it:

  • High CO2 is a result of industrial revolution, usage of fossil-fuels leads to greenhouse effect, that leads to increase of Temperature, by 1C degree increase at Equator, will be 12 C on North pole.

-I hope everyone heard about Gulf Stream, that is warm Atlantic ocean current a part of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Amoc),having its origin in Gulf of Mexico along Florida and east North America to Northern Europe, so we in Europe have nice warm weather in winter and on coast of Ireland and Wales you even sea Palms.

The warm water cools down in North becomes denser and sinks, and then flows back southwards. Melting Arctic and Greenland’s ice floods the area with less dense freshwater, weakening the current, slow it down and stops it completely!

In Northern Europe we will have next Ice-time, water level will raise that will lead to global flooding where many countries will disappear under water.

As a result the Arctic Ice melts such animals like polar bear and arctic seal will extinct, because ice is there natural environmental area, without ice they are trapped, they still live but they need to reach the land, if it takes too long they will die.

Acrylic Ecopainting "Global Warming" by@Stef1

My step-by-step process and materials:

Acrylic textured paper 30.5x40.5 cm, paper weight 260 gsm, acrylic colors, palette knives, flat and round brushes.











I hope you enjoyed my post and thank you for viewing :-)


Hi @stef1

Again you show us great art and describe it well

Thank you for your kind words about me

Thank you, glad you like it and you are welcome it was my pleasure to mention you in my post :)

Global warming is an important issue for all of us. Your picture tells us the dangers of global warming very clearly. That polar bear seems very uneasy.

That is a truth and thank you for reading my post. Actually I thought the bear will be the most difficult part but at the end it was a water surface with reflection that took me a while :)

A beautiful and thoughtful post with a lovely painting, @stef1 !!! I think even if global warming isn't true (which, I think, it is) (but even if it isn't) ..... it is only good conduct for human beings to give back to the earth and to try to look after it better !

Like, why not try to be a better inhabitant of the planet so future inhabitants can also inherit a beautiful Earth? Like, WHY NOT???

Anyway, I love the composition of this painting and how effective you communicate your message ! The rising ocean surface and the helpless polar bear sends out a very good and clear signal ! Beautiful work !

Thank you @veryspider for your thoughtful comment. It is a real pleasure to know what do you think and I hope that everyone will try figure out what he could do to let our young generation to see and enjoy hte beauty and luxury of this planet like we do.

It is very nice description you gave to my painting, thank you :)

Wow if the country gets lost under the sea, it's scary too, but your painting is really cool😊

Thank you, you are right, nobody wants to think even about such horror scenario, I Love that Polar Bear he looks a bit scared :)

Well you're right ,, he looks scared, especially if it's true😊

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thank you @artzone for your support :)

It's scary to think about water levels rising that it reaches this part of the Statue of Liberty. But, this is our truth now - but the good thing is it's a truth we can STILL do something about.

You are right, we should do, in first instance to convince the politician, they have power to set up the regulations. Thankyou for reading :)

Yes, asking all-out support and imposition from the government greatly helps the movement against climate change become stronger. But sadly, our authorities seem busy on "other" stuff.

Climate change is a serious issue, and it needs attention now more than ever. We have to realize that "we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." And it's our duty to give our children and their successors a wonderful world - not a wrecked and doomed one.

that is an awesome composition on global warming. Man and his creation drowning in its self created doom and natural world suffering the consequences ! Superb, @stef1 !!

Thank you for your attention, very well said, really appreciate it :)

I love that picture, and share your admiration for Al Gore's environmental initiative. I think your art may be as effective in persuading people as the logical message Mr. Gore delivers. Art does move people.

I agree with you, human like children they remember something they have see better then something they have heard. I am really pleased to hear your nice words, thank you for stopping by :)

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