
I think GOD smiles down at us, like we look at toddlers, and he loves us much more than we can ever understand.

When we are happy, and laugh, I think he smiles.


Yeah i think he does smile.. thats probably why he kept sending those little angels back to Earth so that the world will be filled with happiness..

Posted using Partiko Android

He does his best, but we are too slow to accept the joy he hands to us, most of the time. Maybe we can learn to take what he offers, and smile a little!


That is quite the problem with us.. we are not really contented with what he is offering us, it either we want more or we want something else.. it is us who makes life a little bit complicated when it is really not.

How hard it is to live simply. I agree we should wear smile always..

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Living simply and being content with what we have, that is the core of Joy and Happiness!

My greatest joy last month was given to me by a little girl we had fed at the homeless meal. I was pouring drinks for her, and her Mother; and she came up and gave me a hug, and thanked me for the hot food (she said fun meal)! She was smiling with her whole face, and very happy! I smiled the rest of the day!

NOW, I understand that GOD was sending me Joy by way of a sweet little girl!


Oh wow! That is truly magical!

You have a good heart in doing all that sir! Every single meal we give out to the needy and homeless are always appreciated. It really fills our hearts once we get to share.

I like the act of kindness.. it is so sweet.. and the girl just melt my heart away!

Yess! A little girl angel!

Posted using Partiko Android

We feed about 325 homeless every month in a parking lot, here in Tulsa. She is an angel I am sure, and i had been up all night cooking; but she sure made me forget how tired I was! Sometimes we get our rewards here on Earth....


Oh wow!! Thats pretty huge and amazing to help out and feed all those people!! 😍😍

Awwww.. your effort had been duly worth it knowing how many people you have touched. Its a genuine act of kindness there!

Reap all the rewards my friend.. 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

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