Working with Bozz: The Radio Shack Years - Part 6

in #esteem6 years ago

This post is a continuation of some of the memories I have from working at Radio Shack while I was in college.

I have been posting a new set of stories every week or so.

I worked at Radio Shack for three years and like most jobs, there were times when things were busy and times when things were kind of dead.

While our manager would have liked us to pick up the mantra "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean", we found other ways to keep ourselves entertained...

The Radio Shack I worked at was in a strip mall, settled between two other businesses. One was a furniture store and the other was a dry cleaning company. Back when cordless phones were really starting to become popular, there weren't as many restrictions on the frequency bands as there are now.

We would often be able to listen in to the phone conversations that they were having in the furniture store next door just by turning on one of our police scanners and tuning it to the proper frequency.

The dry cleaner was just beyond the wall on the other side of the store. Our store was much longer than it was wide so you could probably cover the distance from one wall to the other in 15 or less steps.

It just happend to be that the same wall we shared with the dry cleaner was the home audio and car stereo wall. This was right around the same time that surround sound systems were becoming popular along with having subwoofers in your car.

The manager got countless complaints from the dry cleaner that we were playing music too loudly in the evenings. We always explained to the manager that we were demo'ing the sound systems for a customer, whether we really were or not.

This was also right around the time that the smaller form factor satellite dishes were getting popular. We had a VHS cassette tape that we were supposed to play on the TV's called Radio Shack TV. Many nights you could find us hanging out around the large 27" TV at the front of the store watching movies though.

There was also a period of time that we started selling Microsoft Network(MSN) Dial up. This was a time well before high speed Internet and up until that point the only computer in the store with an Internet connection was the managers computer in the back where we would use a modem to transfer our sales to the corporate headquarters each night.

Several of the workers had dial up at home, but we wanted to be able to check our email and that sort of thing at work, so we found an old fax line that wasn't being used hidden under one of the baseboards. We then ran a line under the carpet tiles to the middle of the sales floor where a computer was. Finally, we chiselled out a section of the concrete under the floor tiles so we could hide the phone jack.

There really wasn't much to do on the Internet back then, but we had a connection whenever we wanted it and the manager wasn't around. In our defense, it also helped being able to show customers what kind of speeds and experience they could expect if they signed up for the service.

As someone mentioned in a comment on one of my earlier posts, there was always a never ending stream of parts and components that we were able to play with and create things. Additionally anytime a new product came in we were expected to get familiar with it so we could sell it better.

I remember when the Lineum line of speakers came out, we had lots of fun putting them through their paces. I still have a small set of the bookshelf speakers that I use to this day with my Radio Shack turntable and stereo receiver.

Despite the fun times we had at Radio Shack, there were also some not so great times. I will get into those in my post next week!

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THis posts reminds us all how much things have change din a relatively short time, I remember when we were all wowd by 96k Dial up speeds and how fast it was lOL

I know right! It is crazy how things change. 56k was supposed to be such a huge game changer :)

YEah and now we complain if we dont have 10 G or more lOL

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Very like with the quote "if you have time to lean, you have a time to clean.". Nice sir @bozz

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, I think I heard it in a movie or TV show one time.

"If you have time to sneak dialup without the manager noticing and listen in on the laundromat next door, you have time to clean"
These are some great fun stories. So the connection was mostly for emails? There was no boredom-reducing things on the net yet?

Not really that I can remember. I think the main thing was I wanted to be able to email back and forth with my girl friend at the time.

Hahahaha, what a bunch! The dry cleaner guy must have gone insane. Whenever I go to this kind of chains and see the guys having to stand all the time, waiting for customers, I can really see how stressful it must be.

It was a rough time for sure. There were no chairs at all on the sales floor so if you weren't helping a customer, you were standing or sitting on the floor. I had one co-worker that would sit on the counter occasionally, but it was pretty rare!

That's really cool with the old fax line. Somewhere about that time I got a dedicated 'fax/data' line from the local Baby Bell and became the king of the bulletin boards. The most popular one in Spokane, Wa was hosted by the local newspaper and could have 12 people on it at one time. You could be on for thirty minutes and then were booted. Which is why I had 2 accounts, one of which had the 13 in it that I still carry today.

Thanks Bozz. I'm really enjoying the series.

No problem. Yes, we used to be on a local bulletin board as well before the www really got going. It was interesting to see all of the information in one place and quite a change over what we are used to today.

You had more laughs than I did at Kwiksave, but that cant be to hard. No Dire or Mort helps a lot.

Its crazy how times have changed...
I always enjoy reading about your memories working there. :)
Thanks for posting!

And thank you for the great comment! I appreciate the feedback!

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