10 Random Things About Me

in #esteem-surfer6 years ago (edited)

Hello Hello Steemians,

So @zord189 tagged me in 5thingsaboutme which he created because he missed @anomadsoul's post's deadline on sharing 10 of our favourite posts from the past.

He tagged a few of us including @elizacheng who had already done something similar created by @twodorks 10 Random Things.

That's when all hell broke lose. First Eliza then @twodorks and then her sister @maquemali arrived. And almost demanded (very politely haha) that he also do the 10. Then the bystanders who came to watch the shenigans like @iamjadeline and yours truly added to the pressure. So Zord who was supposed to have only done 5 ended up doing 15. That's a lot of Zord but I enjoyed reading theme both and you can find our more about it here, 10 Random Things :)

So here's my 10 (yes I am tucking my 5 into this):



I looooveeeee colours. Though in my 20's, almost everything in my wardrobe was black. Right now, it looks like a rainbow exploded in there. And I love it!!



I am very afraid of dogs. I like them from a far but I freeze when they come close. When I was young I was bitten by a puppy, and I didn't even see him coming. I was 5 years old. He sunk his teeth into my calf and wouldn't let go. And the old lady he belonged too, made it worse by rubbing some traditional cream on it, that made the wound burn to hell and back.



I love, love, love reading and wanted to grow up into a recluse, sitting in my safe space and reading to glory. I read a lot before the kids came along. The only book I didn't finish reading was Stephen King's It. It bored me. But I have this thing about finishing a book no matter how bad it is before starting another. So I finally threw it behind a cupboard so I could move on to the next. #truestory



I don't like carbonated/gassy drinks and I hardly ever snack. Even when I go to the movies, I am not your popcorn kinda gal. Not even a drink unless I am really tired, and then I'd have a coffee. No, not like I snack on "cru-de-te because I'm healthy or anyting. It's just not a habit.



However, I loooorrvveeee desserts. As long as they are not cold because of my sensitive teeth, give me pastries, cakes, jelly, mousse, chocolates, chocolate fountain, traditional sweets,.... yeah, you get the picture. When I was young, I couldn't wait to grow up so I could have condensed milk to my hearst's content (@zord189 I believe you also love your condensed milk). Now, I am trying to cut back on sugar though for obvious reasons.



I never liked studying. Many people always reminisce their school days. I'd rather deal with the adult stress because mugging is just not my thing. I love learning, and I would like to think I am a pretty fast learner but the whole mugging of subjects I have no interest in, I really hated that.



I failed my Driving Test the first time around. I was trying to show off to the instructor by driving on the road shoulder to avoid the traffic. I was so proud of myself and was very sure I was going to pass with flying colours. It was only 100 meters but I figured for a newbie, that was impressive. The instructor didn't feel the same way. ahahaha



I worked on a cruise ship for 3 months. I was with a Dance Troop that danced Latino like Salsa, Merengue, Mexican, Lambada.... We also did Dancersize on the Deck in the mornings and evenings. It was fun... for 3 months.



I love the rain. Back in the day, when it rained, I would go for a walk. When I was a kid, part of our kitchen was open air, and so when it rained, we'd just hang out in the rain. Even today, I don't need an umbrella if there's a drizzle. A little rain, never killed nobody.



This is a little embarrassing, but I can't really cook. I cook very simple dishes and the family will eat and I haven't poisoned anyone yet. But I can't do anything fancy. Well, let's just say, Not Yet... Some Steemit Friends have challenged me to cook.... I have managed to stall it til they forgot hahaha


Ok, there you have 10 random things about me. There's also a question that's been thrown at me by @zord189:

@kaerpediem : Do you have any secret ambition?

Yes, but if I tell you it won't be a secret anymore... haha.
I want to produce, direct, a small budget film. But I need to get back to my vlogs/videos first which I have completely dropped ever since Steemit. There I've said it and it's not a secret anymore hahaha.

That's all I've got today. Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you @elizacheng for introducing me to MomentCam which was fun to use. Now to tag 3 Steemit Friends to share 10 random things about themselves and also answer one question.

@fitinfun: Which country would you like to call home?
@brittandjosie: What are the 3 things you'd do as a Whale?
@marblely: Is there any project you wish you could do/waiting for the right time to do for #needleworkmonday?

Can't wait to read your 10 Random Things. And if you are reading this, and if you haven't done it yet, please go ahead and tag me too so I can find out more about you. You can read more about the original post here @twodorks 10 Random Things.

All Images using MomentCam app


With Much Love,


❤️👇🏿Part of these Tribes with Pride 👇🏿❤️




This is a cool post! So much creativity and positive where you can get upset! Keep it up!

Thank you for swinging by @amalinavia
So glad you enjoyed the read
You should do one too, so we get to know you a little more :)

You are such an interesting person, @kaerpediem!!! I remember you joined a beauty pageant for a watch and now you have worked on a cruise, but that poor dog bite memory is just so pitiful for you. I love knowing your more! You are very adventurous at heart! You being a reader doesn't surprise me at all, with the awesome stories you have written :)

You are too kind @happycrazycon
You are always so generous with your words <3
The cruise was fun, but the two "bosses" were once upon a time going out, and then the broke up but they were still dancing together. Sothey had so many crazy fights on board, it became very stressful especially since there's no escaping when you are on a boat...hahaha

I 100% agree with @happycrazycon! You're such an interesting person. Really love the momentcam of yours.

Thank you @joannewong
yes this momentcam is so cool hahaha
I liked my avatar so much I understand why Eliza uses this all the time :)

Your avatar is very nice! Am going to try the momentcam too. Eliza introduced to me some time ago already but I have never try it.

I will be looking out for your avatar 😊

Hahaha, I’m so polite!!!

  1. you were emo growing up?? Hehehe now you're like a beautiful unicorn with sparkles 🦄

  2. Geez! No! That’s awful did they take you to see a doctor? I was once almost got bitten by a dog but I just stood there in the middle of the street all frozen up with my eyes closed..the dog was just barking loud at me, good thing my brother did a trick. He pretended to pick up a rock, then the dog got scared and ran away!

  3. aww I could tell how frustrated you were to just throw the book so you can move on! Why do we complicate things?? Lol

  4. it’s ok your doing better than me!! Hahaha, I’m a sucker of bad food!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️

  5. haha too much of something is bad!! Poor, you most of the desserts I like are cold!!!

  6. I totally agree!! I never liked studying either hahaha the reason why I feel stupid most of the time!

  7. hahaha! At least you can drive!!! I still don’t drive at 32! Hahahaha, wish me luck next year I really have to learn and pass the test!

  8. that’s a good experience!!

  9. just gets you a cold later hahaha I do like the rain but since the super typhoon hit the Philippines, and I suffered a lot through that horrible experience I didn’t like the rain anymore!!! My son had a traumatic experience too but now he already has overcome it when we moved here in the US.

  10. keep stalling hahaha I too, I’m not a good cook, just good enough to feed my family, though it’s one of my passion hahaha I love cooking but hate the dishes afterwards!!!

Oh my I enjoyed you Randoms so much!!! Thanks fo sharing!! 😆😊🙃

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@twodorks you are too sweet
No, they didn't take me to the doctor for the dog bite. The used the 'chalk" that you'd use when you eat betel leave. It was apparently supposed to kill whatever germs. It was terrible but I guess it worked.
Don't feel stupid cause you are far from it, look at how warm and fuzzy you make us all feel <3
And all the best with your driving test
Glad your son got over the typhoon experience...
Me toooooo, can't cook but want to be an amazing cook, so I used to buy all sorts of kitchen tools ... not anymore

Thank you so much for reading :D

You’re very much welcome!! Thank you for your kind comment!! Have a good night!!! 💤🌙😴

Posted using Partiko iOS

You're like a super talented person..I track from one of your post that you're in the entertainment industry.. Doing some MC work but dancing, now that's new news!!
You've put the bar so high that's it's so hard to catch up 😆

I am just kiasu and want to do everything
Jack of all trades... like that :D
Thank you though for your kind words
Now I tackle the biggest challenge of all.... "Mummy" haha

I should say thanks to all in Steemitmamas... Learn so many new things in just a short span of time. More than I ever did in my years of working. Wished I had joined much earlier

Posted using Partiko iOS

Maybe if you had joined sooner we also blur haha
Everything’s working just beautiful 😊

I really did laugh at the drivers license thing.
In the US it would be unusual to fail the test, but in the UK, it is uncommon to pass on the first attempt. But then, the roads are narrower and busier there, so they demand a higher standard of driving.

It's become harder now to get your driving license, but back in the day it wasn't too bad.
But of course I messed up big time, and I did that in the first 5 minutes of the test.
And the instructor didn't react at all, so I was in for a big surprise when I failed... haha
I didn't know that it was that easy to get your driver's license in the States... but from the movies I gather the law is enforced there
Here, we get away with a lot

Thank you fellow minnow @viking-ventures, so happy you enjoyed the read :D

It depends on where you are... Some places it's harder than others. New York (now, this was 1996) - it was a five minute test and not on any major roads... Two right turns, a three-point turn, a parallel park (and not even a challenging one), one stop sign, two left turns, a flashing light, then that was it. I couldn't believe they were going to issue me a license with so little knowledge of my driving!!!

In the UK, it was much, much harder including the ability to reverse around a corner, conduct an emergency stop, in addition to all the main bits. In lessons, you are also taught how to find the "bite point" with your clutch so that you don't roll back on a hill. Very useful skill that isn't taught in the US. I did fail the first time there, but then, I got a little cocky and tried prematurely.

With enforcement, again, it depends on where you are... But I'm aware in some parts of the world it's pretty lax.

That kinda makes sense since we were under British rule so I am sure that would naturally be the test we follow
Now you are given your license for Automatic so there isn't the clutch, brake, accelerator coaction(which I was adamant I must have with my first car and then I got used to without) and you are not allowed to drive a manual unless you take the license for it.
Hey, it was great chatting @viking-ventures... :D

Yes, in the UK, you're not allowed to drive a manual unless you test in a manual. In the US, it doesn't matter. My mother taught herself how to drive manual on the back roads - me in my car seat...

oh wow!!
I think our generation survived many, many things hahaha

This is so cute, I LOVE IT!

The cruise ship sounds like lots of fun. I bet you have a lifetime full of stories from that. I love reading too, but finally let myself not finish books. If it losses my interest for more than a few... months, then I let it go. LOL. I don't really have time to read so I start a lot of books. Im changing that though, by posting a reading log!

Had fun stopping by here.

Thank you @metzli
So happy you enjoyed the read and didn't have to discard it before finishing hahaha
Yes, I saw the reading log and I find that really interesting. I too hardly have time to read books these days, and with all the reading I do on Steemit......
So the reading log sounds like a motivator :D

Oh gosh, I didn't know you dance so many styles... I need to see you dance! DTUBE DTUBE DTUBE!!! Ngahaha, Loved reading your 10 random things.

If we'd be eating condensed milk, we'd probably be dead getting diabetes and all right now. Though I love it, I don't actually eat it raw. Health more important. haha

For cooking, I got a tip for you. Campbell soup always works. Hahahah!

a budget film... wow, I'm interested! Can you start planning already?

Maybe I will :D
But of course, this is 20 years ago story, may not be so flexible anymore haha
Since you have tried the canned soup, I shall take your word for it haha
Have been planning long time on the film, now to put it into action right?... Yeah, I must, I must, I must... hahah
Thank you @zord189
This was fun to do :D

Haha, need to stretch a bit then can dy. I used canned mushroom soup or else the dinner would never be served. :D
I am waiting to see your short film. :D

I was just telling my hubby that I shared my secret ambition which is not secret anymore.... hahaha
Ok, time to stop overthinking and get into action :)
Thank you for your vote of confidence... if no one else watches it also, I am going to make you watch it hahahaha <3
I will serve you mushroom soup while at it k ;D

Hahha, I will 100% watch it with the mushroom soup and some garlic bread too. Yum!~

Lol you got me at the cupboard 😂😂😂 the only thing I could think of throwing behind cupboards is the rotan!! Hahaha

When I was growing up, that wouldn't have really mattered because there was a rotan in every corner and if the rotten couldn't be found, lidi stick, hanger, worse come worse just use the hand also can la hahahaha

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Thank you so much for the invitation to Discord :)

You love colours just simply means you have grown colourful as you grow. I haven't done mine, feel like just take some of yours and stick it on my draft coz there are similarities like colours, don't snack and don't go for carbonated drinks nor popcorn, love rain, don't really cook fancy dishes, fail the 1st time driving. Lol... Hehe.

You are a great person to know, even without meeting you, I know you will be a great friend. :)

you have already shared 5
now you have to do proper 10 like Zord hahaha
Thank you so much for your kind words @iamjadeline <3

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