5 Things You Should Know About Zord

in #challenge6 years ago (edited)

Having missed the chance to write up a post for the #gettoknowme challenge by @anomadsoul when I was tagged by my dear friend, @elizacheng, I've decided to write a much similar post called '5 Things You Should Know About Me'.

I actually do enjoy writing posts like these because it allows me to be 'genuine' to my readers and followers which makes things 'real'. It is also always easier to write about it because it is real and personal. So I would like if you would want to continue this challenge to tag 3 of your friends to carry on the #5thingsaboutme challenge. What better way to spread the 'intimate' vibes by making it a challenge and hey! I would love to read yours too!

For @anomadsoul's post, you would have to select your previous posts that you think represents you and would help Steemians to get to know you better. But for #5thingsaboutme, you can just go wild and crazy about the whole idea. You can write about what you like or don't like, you can write about what you do while ur pooping, or your hobbies. At the end of the challenge, tag 3 more friends to pass the baton. As simple as that.

And now, to get on with this!~

5 Things You Should Know About Me

I'm an INTJ

I think that one of the fastest way to get to know someone is by their personality or temperaments. Usually I would recommend my friends to do the myer briggs personality test if they haven't already not because I want to put them under a microscope and know all their deep dark secrets... but it's pretty important because you tend to understand why he/she does the things she do during certain situation.

For me, I'm an INTJ which shouts Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging, now before we all jump the gun at 'judging', or 'A HA! I knew zord judges me everytime he looks at me'. Truth be told, yes I do judge, at least a little but there are pros and cons to it. Anyways... I am an Introvert, and as much as it seemed like I'm an extrovert on Steemit, is because I feel safe and comfortable behind the keyboard. You don't get to see my face and at most, hear my voice on my talkshows. So there will be times when zord suddenly disappears and you can't find me online, there are a few factors that that would happen. First one is because I need to get away from people and hibernate my introverted self(That's how introverts recuperate) and secondly, I don't like you. HAHAHa Just KIDDING. It's mostly the first one, maybe.... :P

I don't mind spending a fortune on good food

Many of you know me for my food adventures during my meetups and my photos. If you're on my instagram, you would've thought I'm some kind of food insta account that spam you with food ads. There are some of my friends who LOVE GOOD FOOD but it is not a main priority to have it, much more spending a little more on it. They are not poor, I know because they can buy figurines which cost thousands but when it comes to food, the nitpick at the price so often.

For me, I don't mind spending thousands on food especially if it gives a new tasting experience or for quality ingredients. My satisfied tummy makes me a happy man.

I can play 5 instruments

Being in an Asian family, it's like a norm that our parents send us to music school to pick up the piano. Ask most of the Asian parents around, and they would be like....'YES, we must excel our kids in all fields and take over the world'. Muahahah..

When I was younger, mum enrolled me for piano class which I hate but have now regretted I quit at grade 3. I wanted to learn guitar and drum but was sent for piano lessons. After quiting piano at grade 3, with some musical knowledge taken there, I picked up the guitar myself through youtube tutorials. I didn't have a guitar at that time and I didn't ask for one from my parents. I prayed about it and I found an abandoned guitar at my old church premises. From there I started my first song ever, 'Robbie Williams - Better Man'.

Loving to listen to good music, I practiced 'air drumming' since a drum kit is quite expensive and I thought it was uneccessary to have a drum set at home. The neighbours would be all over my family. Through the years of air drumming before I sleep, it took me a day to learn the drum basics when I was needed to fill in the worship team in church. At that time, I was playing the bass for the worship team.

Oh and I play the trumpet too, was part of a brass band during my high school years.


I broke my skull before

I was very young and just started to learn to walk. I was also learning how to go down the stairs at home. I have quite a long stretch of stairs to the first floor of my house and as I was slowly inching down to get to the kitchen. For food of course, my sister accidentally bumped into me from behind and I went swirling from the top of the stairs and down the flight of stairs. Hit my head on an edged metal beam as my head fell in between two steps. CRAAAKKK!~ Wasn't the most pleasant feeling. Rushed to the hospital to get my brain juice intact. A few hours later, I was jumping about on my mum's bed.

I actually thought I was late for work just now!~

I was so tired I took a nap during dinnertime. Suddenly, my phone rang and I the first time I looked at was the clock on my phone. It says 9.47 and I was panicking because I was supposed to get into work at 9.00 every morning. I ran to the toilet, got dressed and sanity hit me. I went back to check the time, and it was 9.47pm. That is how much I value punctuality. I'm a guy who gets to an event 10 minutes earlier or half an hour earlier if I'm not familiar with the place.

I can say I'm quite disciplined at being punctual and I get ticked off when people are late. But I usually don't say. I always think that punctuality tells how much you 'treasure' that commitment to make it on time. Well, depending on the situation unless u had an accident of some sort then you're excused.


Let's keep the ball rollin'

Well, I've shared 5 things about me and now it's your turn! If you're not tagged in this post, you are still free to write up one on your own and tag others. All in all, just have fun with it. So for this challenge, I would like to tag @jaynie, @nomadicsoul, @elizacheng, @bboyady, @kaerpediem, @iamjadeline and ireenchew to carry on the baton. I can't wait to read some of your posts. :)


All GIFs are taken from www.giphy.com


Thank You

If you like what I do, check out my other posts on meetups, animation, and designs.

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DM me on discord : zord189#7776


Credits to @pinstory & @coloringiship for this lovely photo of me.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://zord189.vornix.blog/2018/10/09/5-things-you-should-know-about-zord/


This will still qualify to me as Random things about you!!! Or better yet surprise us all by coming up with 10 Random Things!!! We want more!!! Hehehe tag me!!! Tag more people!! We can’t wait for your share!!

Here’s the details:
10 Random Things

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@zord189 you are not running away this time... Lol... Two mommies coming at you this time... Haahhaa...

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Oh oh he is in trouble!!! Lolololol

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Make that three!!!!

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OMG........ @elizacheng, what have u done?!

Who ask you to pandai-pandai do 5 things about yourself when I actually tag you for get to know me... Hahaha...

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oh oh, you are in trouble now @zord189
so @elizacheng and @twodorks... do I respond to this or wait for the 10 hahahaha

@zord189 see two more mamas... @kaerpediem and @iamjadeline also here... Waiting liao... 😂😂😂

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Hahahahaha @maquemali is here too! More mamas!!! Hahahaha

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I would not miss this crazy confusion!! Hahahahaha 🤣😂

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I repeat we must wait for 10! Hahahaha

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Include me too!! This is crazy!! Steemitmamas on the move!! 🤣😂🤣

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Hahaha... @zord189 you better finish up the other 5... Before the whole troupe of Steemitmamas come after you... 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

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Hahahahaha shall we start the countdown before we start tagging all of them??? 😉😀😂

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We must wait wait for 10 hahahaha 😂

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Hahaha dam....

I am as well as waitinf for the 10 random things hahahahaha oh my what is this commotion all about? 🤣😂

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Hahaha omg... don't bring more ppl into this!

Many of you know me for my food adventures during my meetups and my photos.

This is how I best know you... well, plus #steemitbloggers, of course!

I have seen this before INTJ...
BUT never knew it meant "Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging".

you made me learn something today-lol

Hehe, you can head on over to https://www.16personalities.com/ to take the test. It's based on scientific studies over the years. Can't say it's 100% accurate but it helps you get to know people and yourself too.

I have a similar experience as yours too... I took a nap and then wake up almost 7pm... Back then I was still in secondary school. I was supposed to be in school by 7.15am... I jumped up, got dress and rushed downstairs... And my brother was like... "Uhm... Why are you dress in your uniform for dinner???" 😅😅😅😂😂😂

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Hahha, good thing no one saw me. I was still in my room but felt stupid. Your turn to write write, give u more reasons to post more :P korean BBQ soon ya

I already write 10 random things about me wo... Still want me to write 5 more meh?

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Write looo if you got nothing to write dy

Now wanna continue my first long story first. Last night part 3 liao... Hopefully can finish within 5 parts lah

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Actually @twodorks has a 10 random things challenge going on too... 😉

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Ooooo, will check it out challenge queen :)

I’ve already sent you details hahaha you can’t get away with this anymore 😜

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This 5 thing challenge surprises me too....how 10 becomes 5..

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Hahaha he is not getting away with this!!!! Hahahahahhaa

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Lol! You don't have to go and tell everyone!

🤐🤐🤐 I shut my mouth now... But I can't stop anyone from dropping by coz you are the famous Zord... 😂😂😂

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Hahah GG, have to write liao lo....

Pretty good to know few unbelivale thing about @zord189. I thought you trimmed the 10 facts challenge to 5 but now i realisedyou have a cimplete different ine.
The 10 facts challenge is going gaga and everyone participated on it i believe...anyway...looking at your 5 things..i find many things similar....i am a foodie too...and i always prefer to be punctual or before time in any event...better than to be late. Good to know you dear👍

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oh there are a lot of these sorts of challenges going on, didn't want to make it a challenge but I thought....why not, since I'm already writing one. Haha

Yes ....its kind if "kyc" going on around steemit....better to know

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OMG!!! The story about cracking your skull reminded me of my son when he ws little. Always getting himself hurt and then jumping around soon thereafter! I feel for your mom :)

I wish I played ANY instruments. I don't seem to have the stick-to-it-iveness to get good enough at any of them. :/ It's amazing you can play so many!

Hahaha, I nvr did remember how it felt like. I mean the pain. I think the impact knocked off my memory from that time. Lol!

Wah, 5 instruments. That's great bro

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Hahaha, thx

So you being a food addict started since you were young. Now that explains a lot. Should have out that as the first random thing 😉
INTJ ... That reminds me of those EQ classes I attended that talks about the different characters each one of us have. Don’t really remember what was mine 🧐

Hahahah why u and me and food all the time one... :D Yea it's like those EQ classes, go do again, I wanna know. https://www.16personalities.com/

I seem to catch you with food all the time.. u should join us when we meet up next round for makan session... u can eat my share 😊...
Do another test, I’m not sure if I want to know...

Hahaha, why u don' wanna know? it's pretty fun and you might go.....ohhhhhh.

I just did mind. I am a mediator. INFP-T

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We can click bah. Cause we compliment the last two personality

Okay I am being summoned. Will jot it down on my 'to-do-list' so I won't forget. I join the inktober so now I have extra commitment. Kelam kabut d. Hand gatal go join Inktober. Sorry my language manyak rojak😜

Haha, yea I saw u and your inktober, at least you got stuff to post lo. I'm now thinking of wat to post.

Congratulation @zord189! Your post has been recently featured on #TeamMalaysia's Daily Pick Series!

Have a nice day and STEEM to the moon!

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