Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path [Dabbing with a Mage episode 174]

in #esoteric6 years ago

The terms Left Hand Path and Right Hand Path are terms which are meant to define certain approaches and end goals to an individual's journey through magickal practices. The Left Hand Path is often seen as being negative, or even as derogatory, while the Left Hand Path is frequently esteemed as the "good side." Join me in today's episode as I uncover the differences and similarities between the two paths.

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Yo @alchemage, awesome video. I find this particular topic very interesting, and I find myself talking to my friends a lot lately about this dichotomy. What are our objectives for our spiritual path? We can seldom get a clear answer from the average seeker who has picked up a hodge podge of random systems. Within one system there can be different approaches. For example shamans devoted to healing the earth, or shamans who are more focused on individual power. The law of attraction & manifestation approach seems to lean quite heavily into the left hand path.

Before using these terms I was using a similar division. Something like on the one hand is pure transcendence - and letting go of everything mind based. On the other hand is the sorcerer wanting to master mind, reality, and manifest powers in the world.

Do you think that these two paths are related to the Qabalah and the tree of life? The right hand seems to fit with Netzach, Chesed, and Chokmah. The left hand based in Hod, Geburah, and Binah. I think I did read though that if the tree is an analogue for the body, then it would actually have its back to the viewer and this would be reversed.

Then also there is this third path which is the 'straight up the middle' path aiming for liberation as the one and only goal. I think that both the left and right hand paths are utilizing the ego to create something and affect the world, which as you say is completely OK and probably unavoidable.

I think regardless of our goals and intentions, the seeker has to acknowledge the ego and the fact that certain energies and powers will arise if we are earnestly seeking to go beyond our current limited state. So it's mostly just a matter of if we can be conscious with these powers, and craft an ego identity which is a boon the world - not a cruel and destructive god.

Thank you for your compliment, @philyc, I am glad you enjoyed the video. Interesting that you mention the average seeker being unable to answer the question clearly. In my experience, the average seeker hasn't gone to the point of finding their path and thus has no clear overall goal with their practice.

I personally have never thought about the two paths being reflected in the sephiroth (Qabalah is still fairly new to my studies), but I can certainly see how they could be, especially if they are reversed as you mentioned. I would see the right hand path seeking understanding and the left seeking wisdom.

The middle path seems to be a balance of the two paths, imo. I think both sides are using the ego to manifest, certainly - but I think the left embraces the ego while the right rejects the ego, where the the middle path recognizes the necessity of the ego but acknowledges that the ego is not the Spirit.

Quite right that the average seeker doesn't really have a clear goal. I am fairly new to the Qabala myself, it's pretty solid though. Highly Recommend The Mystical Qabala by Dion Fortune. I am finding that it integrates my other knowledge from other systems and pantheons. When I was given this book I actually started to feel sensations in my body so I knew it had some good stuff in it :)

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