Intriguing Blog Title Overhyping Somewhat Disappointing Content

in #epicblog6 years ago (edited)

Epic Top Text

Below image:
"nudge nudge wink wink" by arthurking83



Red light, blue light, yellow light, white.
Mixtures of magic? Coils of might.
Wordlessness, timelessness, tiredness, trials.
I've got the lab if you bring the vials.


Heading text

Hello. Yes I still exist in physical form a.k.a. the aliveness-thing is happening. I rarely take several days off posting, let alone several days of not writing poetry—but between moving cross-country to stay with my parents before going to teach English in China (yeah, there ya go, have an anticlimactic announcement), getting used to living not-by-myself again, @steemmonsters releasing battles for the first time, and probably a half-dozen other things competing for my attention and energy, I just didn't post, even though I could have.

The weather has followed suit; it's been raining and cloudy every day in good ol' Allen, TX. My dad @ldp had an emergency eye surgery for a detached retina the other day and is recovering well but has to lay on his left side every 30 minutes to relieve pressure on his right eye. Our refrigerator doesn't currently work because the compressor is broken so it's the novel experience of living out of ice chests (which, by the way, I ain't complaining about. I'm very thankful for everything I've been blessed with in this life.)

I don't really know what the exact point of this blog is, but I rarely just talk like an ordinary human to my friends here, I guess. As much as I love writing poetry, it sometimes seems like a zero-sum game. Outside myself, and the few that derive some sort of fulfillment from reading it, does it really achieve much? Recently, I got a comment from someone who didn't care for my work. They said I was in love with the thesaurus and running out of ideas. Honestly, I thought that comment was hilarious! (and not entirely inaccurate.)

Big words and bad ideas

I thought it was so funny because I historically have gotten accused of thesaurus-courting on pieces I write on paper or in dictated form away from the computer where I didn't actually use one to write. But, on the other hand, it could just mean using it at all, or being obsessed with expanding one's vocabulary. Well, that reminds me about an article I meant to write years ago about the purpose of using "big words" or even creating new ones. It has to do with the attrition that terms suffer when they are used over and over and over. More obscure words can come off pretentious, sure, but they're often much more precise from having less distorted connotations.

Regarding running out of ideas, I thought that was double-awesome because it's kind of like saying fire is running out of the ability to burn things. But hey, I know it's just a saying, not to be taken literally. And some people do actually think it's possible to run out of ideas. It's certainly possible to run out certain kinds of ideas that might be called inspired. And when you write some 500+ pieces over the course of a year and a half it's a bit tough to maintain brilliance in each one. Why the hell else do you think I was forced to recently write a poem about ice-cube trays?

Look, this isn't even a rebuttal. I ain't salty, I'm sweet n' sour(or all three at the same time? Hmmm, I didn't mention bitter or umami...) I like getting critical comments. I'd rather someone dislike my work then be completely indifferent to it. I think that's many-a-poet's worst nightmare: spending midnight hours hunched over some discolored leather binder by firelight, seeing oneself grow old through the endeavor, and realizing all of it was just total rubbish in the first place that never really made anyone feel anything, anyway.

Great post, good content!

You know the four line poem that I put at the beginning of this post? What if that was the entirety of my post today? No images, no explanation? Maybe no title, even, and one tag. It wouldn't earn that much less than any of my other posts. Maybe after a few days of it I'd get removed from @qurator and @msp-creativebot or whatnot. But the blockchain itself is content-indifferent. STEEM having any value requires human beings to make the asymmetric, irrational decisions humans make. We're somewhere between code-is-law and culture-is-law. And in that grey area, lies a paradise, and a void.

Will we fall into a void, or make a paradise today?

(Arbitrary and obligatory "deep" ending
meant to jolt somebody reading into
a spontaneous meditative state)

Below image: "Westerly" by arthurking83


Farewell text,

Dan / @dpend
Oct. 17, 2018

Writing by
Yours Truly
Photos by

First image: "nudge nudge wink wink"
Second image: "Westerly"
Third image: "The Dreamtime Serpent"


B o t t o m   T e x t

3ce5e49638f70743058a176c4cc3323b-d2y7pjc 2.jpg


Hi d-pend,

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Greetings, dear friend @d-pend!
Your poem, in spite of be short, is a poetic condensation that unravels bits of dissonance, because it starts from a luminous whole of multiple facets and darkens along the way with a definite purpose: to demonstrate that it is a magician of words.
The last line is in itself a challenge:

I've got the lab if you bring the vials.

Launched for those who do not analyze, do not comment on what they should read in a post and, on top of that, criticize with the intention of wearing down, reducing or nullifying the power of linguistic creativity when it comes to composing poetry. The word is power and as a thread of power, it builds a harmonious fabric that inspires not only beauty, but content, message. Therefore, one cannot take lightly the power that is wielded when one writes to be read by many. However, dissidence based on arguments is normal and should be respected if it is based. However, when it has no basis, it is best to continue with the good work and do it better each time. It is not easy and it hurts, but it is necessary to accept with humility that we are not "gold coins" to please everyone.
Peace and inner harmony are our temple and that is sacred, we should not expose it. The quality and creativity of his work is indisputable, do not let disappointment gain space in your creative process, it is not worth it.
On the other hand, I missed his presence and his "addictive" intricate poems.
I'm glad that your father is overcoming the bad health trance and that his errands for his move to China are flowing. By the way, when is that for? Does it already have a date?
I hope everything continues to improve (even the weather, which I feel affects you).
I wish that the Divinity that dwells in me will ingratiate itself with its higher self and fill it with love and forgiveness. I embrace you infinitely, Daniel.

This was a lovely comment. Thank you so much @zeleiracordero. Infinite hugs!

Greetings, @d-pend. What can I say? If you ask the average lit class student they'll tell you literature (of any kind) is boring and they'll most likely attribute that to the teacher's inability or unwillingness to make better picks for their assigned readings.

Bottom line: thinking hurts; it takes time and energy and sometimes emotional involvement.
In an era of immediacy and instant gratification making people do any kind of intellectual effort may be very well punishable with death.
I have not missed you, though. I needed that break :)

I have been overwhelmed with some issues and find it very difficult to concentrate on anything.

So, I celebrate this post; the rambling and inarticulateness, the informality, the more parochial take. I have your two last poems pending for comments and @quillfire had the brilliant idea of writing a brilliant end to a series of stories and now I have to read them all (can't help it) and comment on his (he got me hooked with his outrageousness).

So, keep it cool; ride your wave. Hope your father gets better soon; wish you the best in your far east adventure. Keep counting your blessings.


Bottom line: thinking hurts ...

H, you're more right than you know.

A simple math equation is as traumatic on the human brain as plunging your arm into a bucket of ice water. Hence, most people avoid "effortful thinking" to the greatest extent possible.

"Thinkers" are no different in this respect ... but ... some people "get off" on "solving problems" and "understanding things." When they do, they experience a sense of completion (dopamine ... "wanting" & "reward") and an exaggerated secretion of opioids (morphine) and endocannibinoids (marijuana) in their brains. Both cause "liking" ... and both are powerful pain killers.

Individual brains are jury-rigged towards specific kinds of brain behavior. The three of us are "thinking addicts." That's why we think so much ... we actually enjoy it. Our brains are wired in such a way that we actually get rewarded for effortful thinking ... and that feels good. Sitting around for too long and thinking about nothing is like "withdrawal." We have to think about SOMETHING.

As addictions go, this is probably one of the better ones to have.


Hahaha. It makes perfect sense to me.

Where did you get all that scientific stuff? It sounds great! :)

When I work hard on difficult tasks there is a moment amid the mental exhaustion when I can sense that the idea starts taking shape; once I grab that thread, I can't let go and, as if boosted by some drug, I start feeling hyper, tireness is gone, substituted by this sort of envigorating energy that demands quick writing before the ideas evaporate. And when i am done, the sense of achievement, of satisfaction, is absolutely orgasmic.

This is, sadly, an addiction that most people do not understand or value, including family. Sometimes I think they'd rather see us drinking or smoking, or both (I guess that's more fun). I'd be more than happy to combine the three (although I never got the whole smoking thing)
Unfortunately for us here, we can't afford either.


I've been studying the brain for almost 20 years.

Eight years ago, my Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. My daughter and I turned our Dining Room into a biological laboratory. She's won more Science Fair Competitions than I can count and, even back in Middle School, she started receiving invitations to present her findings at universities (which she did). She's currently in Grade 12 and her university applications will start going out in a week.

The brain is a common subject of conversation in our household.


Kudos to your daughter. That sounds like she's a prodigy. How did your mother's disease evolve? Is there effective treatment over there?


She's in the late stages. It's bad. And treatment, nothing? The medical research community has been barking up the wrong tree for thirty years, having utterly wasted untold billions of dollars.

It's finally starting to change ... but to redirect "the consensus" is astonishingly difficult.

Interesting tidbit: The lowest (almost non-existent) levels of Alzheimer's in the world is around Lake Maracaibo ... the rest of Venezuela is the same as other places ... it's just that one locale.

I have a theory as to why but it would take a number of posts to explain. Someday.


Wow. That's sad.
We have a lot of people in our family fading into oblivion.
It is amazing how the scientific community can be as lost as politicians when it comes to doing the right thing. I wonder if it has to do with politics or interested parties influencing their decisions.
I hope one day you can write about your Maracaibo theory. I wonder if it has to do with the Catatumbo.

Catatumbo generates gargantuan amounts of ozone. The lake is surrounded by a "wall of mountains." The people who live on the shores of Lake Maracaibo live inside a giant ozonator.

Ozone is an extremely potent anti-microbial agent. The evidence of Alzheimer's Disease being caused by microbes is enormous. And, Alzheimer's always originates in the Olfactory Bulb ... which, incidentally, is located right next to the Hippocampus: Ground Zero for Alzheimer's.


That was an hilarious comment. A lady next to me on the train could tell how hilarious I found it. She chuckled in response to my uncontained reaction. Thanks for rewarding the commentor because he or she really made my evening. Your post here is really nice - raw and unplugged, not completely unedited, but did you use a thesaurus, you naughty man!?

I have observed a worrying tendency - maybe more so on some sites than others. A sort of social pressure toward mediocrity. We are made to feel we have to follow the crowd in whatever it is saying and however it is saying it, 'bruh'. Don't be more articulate, don't spell words correktly - cause we all sayin the same thing anyway, or be criticised for ones own ideas - 'your too old-school and too rigid or toxic', because I have strung together a clear line of reasoniing. I was schooled on YouTube yeserday, 'wow, bruh - 2018 and your still correcting people's spelling(sic)' This was in response to me asking someone if he meant that people 'don't know how to pronounce your name, or pronoun's your name'.


Hey Tru.

I have observed a worrying tendency - maybe more so on some sites than others. A sort of social pressure toward mediocrity. We are made to feel we have to follow the crowd in whatever it is saying and however it is saying it, 'bruh'. Don't be more articulate, don't spell words correktly - cause we all sayin the same thing anyway, or be criticised for ones own ideas - 'your too old-school and too rigid or toxic', because I have strung together a clear line of reasoniing.

I have observed the same phenomenon. I have a theory: It's not mediocrity per se, rather mediocrity is a symptom of something more fundamental.

My theory is that it is all part the "ME Obsession" with which sociologists are becoming increasingly concerned:

I'm so special and you have to accept me as I am. I don't have to conform to any standards. My incorrect spelling is as good as your correct spelling. Indeed, who's to say my words are even misspelled? Why should I have to conform to a dictionary ... I've made my own. No Rulers, No Rules. I don't have to use logic because my Truth is as valid as a thousand contradictory studies from Harvard. Reality ... is what I say it is.

We are individuals ... but we are also intensely, even pathetically, social animals. The two create a conflict ... and a balance must be struck. In modern western culture, the imbalance has become extreme in favor of individualism. Even the idea of the fundamental unit of social organization, the nuclear family, has been shredded.

Too much "Me" and not enough "We."

No willingness to self-sacrifice for the good of the group. This is my fear for Steemit ... the people in charge won't deny any of their own short-term self-interests for the long-term good of the group (and themselves). Every other time in history when this has occurred, it has presaged the demise of the nation or empire. Rome is an excellent example.


There is no right and wrong; there is a rightthink, though. If you are guilty of not rightthink, then you are hurting someone. The limits are an invisible box - no one speaks about it and everyone is seen shouting about it, in mobs. If you are inside the box, then anything you say or fart even, is art and even scientific, factual, real.

I actually am quite fond of the opening poem @d-pend. Rather inviting... great opening for the outpouring of straight forward blogging. It wouldn't be as fun following you if you had to explain every post like this, but its up to you.

Your family seems pretty cool. I enjoyed staying with my parents for a few weeks in the summer. Give me a call when you are in China. If you get a vacation feel free to come over for a couple days.

I actually am quite fond of the opening poem @d-pend. Rather inviting...

Thanks! I had fun writing it... in about thirty seconds xD

It wouldn't be as fun following you if you had to explain every post like this, but its up to you.

Nah, don't worry, I doubt my overall blogging style will shift so dramatically :-)

Your family seems pretty cool. I enjoyed staying with my parents for a few weeks in the summer. Give me a call when you are in China. If you get a vacation feel free to come over for a couple days.

Sounds good!

I love words and poetry. I understand needing a different, but same word to keep from repeating too close together. Sometimes though I came to read and I must admit that I had to ponder a while to try to figure out the meanings of parts of them, so I felt like I was not sure what exactly you were trying to get across. I didn't blame you though, I just thought it was my comprehension that wasn't on the same page. LOL....

I understand needing a different, but same word to keep from repeating too close together.

Why oh why English must you only have one word for water?!

So I felt like I was not sure what exactly you were trying to get across.

Yeah. I used to be really self-conscious about my style of writing poetry when I started back in 2011 or so. I didn't want to share it with many people because I was afraid it would come across pretentious. Many times, it was more complicated then it needed to be, and the older I get the more I enjoy writing "simpler" poems... though my proclivity remains with the cryptic :-D

I didn't blame you though, I just thought it was my comprehension that wasn't on the same page.

Well, that's nice of you. Though as a writer, I have to take some responsibility for the confusion of my readers. Sometimes, I intend to confuse them, similar to a zen koan. Paradox is exploited for maximum elucidation-shock-factor. It's when something is unintentionally confusing, or unnecessarily so, that I must take the fall :-)

Not saying i was anywhere close in regards of constantly posting but i feel you. Lately I been so swamped with school that by the time I get back home and am done with whatever im supposed to do, I no longer want to deal with letters. lol I need to find some sort of balance.

About big words, I actually love learning new ones though I don't use them that often, unless tipsy, caffeinated or stuck mid presentation.😂 Again, balance! Smh

And oh, enjoy your stay in China,
I'm sure you'll be getting some crazy inspirations once there!

Realises how much he misses coffee...

Lately I been so swamped with school that by the time I get back home and am done with whatever I'm supposed to do, I no longer want to deal with letters.

Haha. I feel you there. I've written plenty of pieces whose themes include the inadequacy of words. A major part of all art is struggling with the limitations of the medium in question.

About big words, I actually love learning new ones though I don't use them that often, unless tipsy, caffeinated or stuck mid presentation.


And oh, enjoy your stay in China,
I'm sure you'll be getting some crazy inspirations once there!

Thanks for the well-wishes! I have no doubt it will be paradigm-shifting.

Your poem is great to read. And your blog is quite open to read. I really want to be s Poet because I want to know how poets see this world

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for your comment @amit1995. Indeed, you can be a poet, too. Especially if you feel the urge, try to write your thoughts and feels in an abstract manner. Then do it again. Then talk to others that do the same about it. Share it with people you feel comfortable with. If you like it, keep doing it.

Suddenly, one day, you'll realize you've become a poet...
(I have to try really hard not to write the obligatory cheesy ending here.
C'mon. Don't make me do it!)


...try to write your thoughts and feels in an abstract manner. Then do it again.

Don't listen to him! He's a known trouble-maker. Poets are insane. Before long, you won't be able to write a paragraph without using the word, "void." (No one knows why.) You've heard about poets being penniless? Well, it's true. This fact is supposed to be compensated by our "getting all the girls" because "we're sensitive." Don't believe it. That was a piece of propaganda we concocted to try to "get all the girls."

Sensitivity ... they'd far rather we had some pennies.


Sensitivity ... they'd far rather we had some pennies.

Plate o' pennies the entree,
Sensitivity the garnish!


Have your cake and eat it too.


Hi @d-pend just to tell you this post is still an interesting read. It's akin to reading a friend's diary. Good luck on your China assignment.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey @positivesteem thank you for reading and letting me know that! Sorry for the delayed response. Have a great one!

That is ok. Better late than never.

Posted using Partiko Android

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