🔊BitShares Hangout #58 | 2018-2-10 | Sat @200PM UTC | OpenSource Agenda [Beyondbit Raffle Powered by SP!]

in #eos-project7 years ago

BitShares Speakers, Workers and Witnesses Earn Beyondbits for Updates/Q&A!

"Participate for a chance to earn a piece of the $300 reward Pool!" ~officialfuzzy

Join the BitShares Discord

Notice: Beyondbit Payouts are BASED ON POST PAYOUTS and are sent After Final Payouts for this post are Received!

📜 Hangout Decree

This RSVP post will go out weekly as a place for people to sign up as speakers for various topics of importance to bitshares as we prepare for an Open Source Hangout. The reason it is done this way is to enable anyone to show up to receive coverage on topics they feel matter to the community and crypto space in general. Most places in cryptomedia require you to Pay to have a voice. Bitshares Open Source Meetups are meant to give a voice to anyone who may need one!

- Only BitShares-Related Posts, Projects & Partnerships Qualify -

🕑 How Much Time Per Topic?

Hangouts will be at least 45 minutes long, but depending on attendance and projects/topics to be covered may last up to 60 minutes. Given this, we will try to stay with 5-6 core topics and will fit in others where possible.

🏅 What do we Earn for Active Participation?

Those who attend will be given an opportunity for 100 Beyondbits on the BitShares DEX (worth over $250). Best RSVP post wins 50Beyondbits (over $125) They will then be given directly to you via your Bitshares Wallet so make sure you have one!
Fuzzy will be giving Beyondbits to community founders who attend this weekly hangout to give their own unique perspectives and expert commentary. He will also be giving them to people who give topics and information we choose to use in our hangout!
So make sure you get a Get One!

Additionally every week one topic will be chosen for a Tokens4Tweets Post in which we reward those with Twitter Accounts for Sharing your content!

Look for Additional Benefits in the near Future!

🎤How to Join as a Guest Speaker

Step 4: Reply to this Thread with the following Details:

  1. Topic
  2. Appropriate Links
  3. Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker
  4. How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
  5. What is your bitshares account name?

⛒ Is Any Topic Off Limits?

Yes. We reserve the right to learn from the newest trickster trolling steemit consistently searching for way to insert chaos into the equation and devise future strategies for negating these. Naturally if these efforts become ham-fisted attempts at shutting down free speech in honest conversations, the audience will hold us accountable.
But with that said....pretty much anything can be covered--even up to and including current events. However, I personally will only be voting up stories that touch the blockchain in some way shape or form and will be asking the community to downvote absolute Rubbish! ;)

What are Beyondbits and Whaleshares?

Beyondbits and Whaleshares started as a conversations in the BeyondBitcoin hangout series shortly after Steem was launched historically in those very hangouts. It began as "community tokens" or "tag coins" for those who never knew to listen in who may wish to listen to the origins in our BeyondBitcoin Podcast Series. Drop in and listen to them sometime!

These tokens give their hodlers the power to Summon a Whalevote to posts without having to pay for attention. And they are only given to people who Win Contests and do other things of value to the community!
These little hidden gems are held safely just for you. Waiting for the moment when you prove yourself in the arena of contests and hangouts like the whaletank...so if you haven't yet, you should follow @officialfuzzy and watch out for his new contests, or join the Whaleshares Discord where there are a community of Beyondbit Experts!

Join the BeyondBitcoin Communities

Please join in the discussions with us by becoming a member in ANY or ALL of the BeyondBitcoin and Bitshares communities. We have a wealth of knowledge and information waiting for you.

EOSTalk Discord
EOS.IO related community and topic discussions.

Whaleshares Discord
Steemit community discussions, contests and events.

Bitshares Discord
Bishares development community and discussions.

Thanks for Helping Build Voltron & for Your Continued to Support!

All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by Steemit.com so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Post to Steemit.com to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!


Topic: Update: BitShares Core Team Budget Worker Proposal - 2018
Links: < DRAFT >
BitShares name: fox
Discord name: fox#7739
Twitter name: @ryanRfox

This will be a follow up to the introduction I presented last week on the draft budget worker proposal to fund a dedicated development team. I hope you have an opportunity to listen to the Hang Out recording from last week and come prepared with questions.

First, I will spend some time describing the Backlog, Release Cycles and introduce a Bounty Process for ad hoc development of estimated backlog items by community contributors and their compensation.

Looking forward to connecting,

This week we (@rudex) posted our 1st monthly witness report for bitshares that sarizes what we did in 2017, so I plan come and talk about that, and our plans for February (spoiler: one of the things would be 2nd report, that would be a summary of our January activities).

Active witness! Real meaning of the words! Cheers, see you on Saturday!


As of this week we're not actually a producing witness. :-D

I'm following you 👍

  • A new version of Bitshares core (v. 2.0.180202) has been released this week. The update resolves some potential issues at the API and P2P level as well as other bug fixes and improvements. All nodes are recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.

  • The Bitshares Blockchain Foundation have been working with Lykke and have announced that the Bitshares (BTS) will be listed on the Lykke exchange. This could open pairs such as BTS-BTC, BTS-EUR and BTS-USD providing further fiat on/off ramps to the network.

  • BitShares has been upgraded to B- on the Weiss cryptocurrency ratings released on the 2nd of February 2018. This puts the 3 leading Graphene chains sharing a B rating. Out of all the rating B+ was the higher rating and only obtained by Steem; Bitshares, EOS, Ethereum and NEO are all tied for third place with a B-.

  • @markopaasila has released his first progress report for the recently approved worker proposal 'DEXBot - User Friendly Bitshares Market Making Software'.

  • The Bitshares blockchain is currently funding 10 projects/proposals from the reserve pool. It is great to see that the Bitshares holders overall are putting the future of the platform as a priority and approving these workers to expand Bitshares into a brighter tomorrow!.

Question: The Bitshares State of the Network report tracks to the movement of BTS on the top 100 accounts. Currently BTS used as collateral is excluded from the total BTS per account. Would the community prefer to see BTS collateral included in the total of the Top 100 account which would give a more accurate picture of accounts controlling the largest amounts of BTS?

Awesome for transparency initiative! Poll voted!

Did you come across anything that talks about why bitsharestalk is down for 3 days?

Great anthology of FAQs, Tutorials, and Developer Guides

Suggested Duration: 2 minutes

@tsugimoto has prepared a great anthology of FAQs, Tutorials, and Guides for the BitShares system. There are numerous helpful articles that have been prepared by various members of the community. This post provides a single place where many of those articles can more easily be found.

Topics cover general overview, accounts, assets, integration guides, blockchain interactions, witnesses, committees, and worker proposals.

New BitShares Core 2.0.180202

Suggested Duration: 2 minutes

The full release notes describe more changes to nodes including, but not limited to:

  • New API calls
  • Improvements to docker container build scripts and documentation
  • Improvements to existing API calls
  • Major improvements to API stability
  • Major cleanups

Hello everyone, this week for Saturday i'm announcing myself back to the show on behalf on @apasia.tech with following topics to be discussed:

  • Infrastructure review after Foundation WP deployment and further steps.
  • OpenLedger - As discussed with Ronny last night in Traders DEX on Telegram, this topic is closed for the show.
  • DEXBot liquidity software from github and its review.
  • Public apology to @ash (Fav) and clearing up dust left behind which is also bad for the network and it's community.
  • Bitshares Slovenia and how to become official partner ?
  • Signed collaboration between apasia.tech and cum.md yesterday in Chonburi, with CEO of cum.md itself, where network and community will be able to get really specials deals that are completely transparent, as well as the document that we will disclose, where we take nothing in return and it benefits us as top 10 rated marketing/advertising companies world wide offering resources to the Bitshares who were heavily ignored, which almost went as opportunity lost. Also cum.md will bring their work behind the scenes and on-going projects to the Community of SteemIt, starting this month.

Many thanks,

BTS Account: steem-not


Regarding your topic about the critique of OL (which I cannot dispute nor support), may I request that you limit it to no more than 5 minutes in order to not make the discussion too one-sided, please?

Removed and discussed last night. Thanks :)

👍 Another great Bitshares discussion in the books. I am happy to see the participation and guest interactions grow each week. Thank you @fox, @Taconator and @dahaz159 for the topics of discussion and @SteemPower for the weekly State of the Network report. Thank you @ash (Fav) for moderating and recording the event each week. I'm happy to see everyone starting to use the topic slides I create in their posts and updates.

You are all appreciated!!!

💬 Great discussions initiated by @fox on establishing a BitShares Core Team for future development efforts. Aside from the technical advancements to the platform, this would greatly help in the long term marketing and public relation efforts to bring the Bitshares DEX and assets to the mainstream crypto-trading ecosystem. Hopefully this topic can stay at the forefront in the coming weeks.

There is an issue that needs to be discussed among those with the technical background to provide answers to it. In recent days many of us have been experiencing multiple failed transactions on the DEX as the daily transaction volume has increased. Each time I get a failure notice I check Blocktivity.info to see where the transaction rate is at. Just to note, I have never had a failed transaction on days under 1,000,000 mark.

We see Bitshares doing it's thing on the technical side, not even breaking 0.1% capacity for handling the transactions, even though we are now experiencing an increase in failures to complete them.

Are there issues with nodes, does the base-level server requirements for running a node need to be increased (like they did recently on STEEM) to handle the increase in average daily transactions?

If approved from my topic list it will be discussed. This network has much greater capacity than what is showing in real-time, and It's about time to explore that capacity in a proper way.

Much appreciated.

We spend A LOT of time over on the Whaleshares Discord onboarding new people to the Bitshares DEX and teaching them how to use it with Fuzzy's cross-chain tokens, so when these issues of failed transactions come up after preaching 3-10s confirmations while running at 0.08% capacity - we have a hard time explaining it away.

Thanks for the excellent visual slides

The throughput that is listed at blocktivity is the actual throughput of processed operations through each of the nodes. In contrast, your wallet/client interacts with one API node that is performing additional work besides the processing of operations such as providing data to clients and receiving new operations that are submitted by clients. Specific API nodes can become overwhelmed by this additional work however it is not an issue that affects the actual processing of operations.

It is similar to an outer network ring that is connected to an inner network ring, and your computer is connected to the outer ring. If the entire outer ring is slow, it does not matter how fast the inner ring is. Fortunately, the entire outer ring is not slow. It is a matter of finding a fast connection point on the outer ring.

Thank you for the explanation. Following up on that then, is there anything the average user can do to avoid this issue? Can we set/change the nodes we connect to through Bitshares/OL wallets, or is that not in our control at all?

For those who are more technically inclined and roll with it, it's an inconvenience but not a big deal. For the new people in Whaleshares we bring on to the DEX they get frustrated to the point of giving up and we try to explain it away with internet/bandwitdh/is-what-it-is type answers.

Yes, within the GUI wallet look for Settings:Access and then select a different API node

Hi officialfuzzy, I have only been on Steemit fo r about a month (enjoying it very much) I am very keen to learn as much as possible about the platform and the general wider crypto space, and consequently while having a conversation with a fellow Steemian recently (and sadly my feeble brain won't let me recall who) they recommended that I follow you. This is the first post, or at least the first that I have seen, since I hunted you down and hit the follow button. As I am new and relatively uninformed I do not completely understand what your post is referring to, however I am about to go and listen to the pod cast series that you mentioned, through which things will hopefully become clearer. I feel that I am not in a position to offer anything constructive to the "hangout forum" at this point but would very much like to hear / read the contributions of others. I have now joined Discord and have excepted the invitations so hopefully all being well I will see you there. Cheers J

Learning is constructive...right? :)

Bitshares is the future

Arisebank is a scam buddy

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63626.66
ETH 2640.26
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.75