Intro music contest for Let's talk EOS intro

in #eos-project6 years ago (edited)

The need for an intro sound

I and others witnessed the beginnings of the Let's talk EOS videos to be a little akward and I think everyone could greatly benefit by knowing that if the intro music is being played the show is about to start.

Listen to this intro

to get a feel of how an introduction can inspire and how it sounds with Fuzzy's voice.

I know for sure that @officialfuzzy likes it because he picked it himself. However I think having any sound resembling a voice is not good because it distracts from anything being said. The general feeling is positive and full of promises. It builds up slowly like a real introduction.

Overall the music should inspire and feed your imagination that what we are talking about is something great, magnificent without being overly dramatic or persuasive. Better to be subtle than to boast, over-promise and under-deliver.

Good examples

While these examples are my personal opinions and those of @officialfuzzy feel free to post comments with what you like and @officialfuzzy (and others) will give hints to which artistic direction to go with your music.

First few minutes:

Bad examples

  • aggresive sound
  • using vocals (see above)
  • melancholic or depressive
  • harsh sound
  • overly dramatic


  • The music you present is yours and made by you.
  • Your music is not used anywhere else.
  • We can use your music for Let's talk EOS for an indefinite time.
  • We will ask your permission to use your music for any show other than Let's talk EOS.
  • I will contribute 20 BeyondBits extra if you tune all sounds in your track in 432Hz tuning instead of the usual 440Hz
  • We reserve the right to not pick a winner and announce the contest 2x at maximum if nothing satisfies our taste. This is to protect ourselves of having to pay out quite big sums of beyondbits for music which we don't feel is the right tune for us.
  • If your music is 99% cool but needs some mixing or other fine adjustments we will ask either you or do it ourselves. But you must feel happy about the end result!
  • Entrants must Upvote and ReSteem this post (afterall, this is a community-building challenge)
  • Create a post with your musical entries (up to 3), then reply below with a link to your post, and your BTS/OL account name in the comments so we can send you your BeyondBits if you win.
  • We will give out 300 Whaleshares and 30 BeyondBits for the winner, 200 Whaleshares & 10 BeyondBits and 100 Whaleshares & 10 BeyondBits for the 2nd and 3rd place respectively.


  • Grab some old or new Let's talk EOS or other intro like BitShares and try how your music sounds with Fuzzy's voice.
  • Just one minute of music is needed for an intro but if it is loopable or has a part which is a loop all the better. Sometimes technical difficulties might delay the beginning.

the Future

If we like what you've done we might consider having a part of it as a background loop during converstations to spice things up a little. Also consider this: your music is going to be heard not only lot's of times but by many viewers, some new to EOS some old but they will all associate EOS with a good vibe, thanks to your music!

Winners and closing thoughts

We'll try to pick the best artist / musical intro together this means cooperation on our part and it might take some time but we'll also let the community have it's part by upvoting what they like best.


Here's my entry! Thanks @djlethalskillz for pointing me to this contest :)

I'm open to making an extended version, as well as excerpting little parts of it for musical interludes as needed should you choose my track. And yes, it's tuned to 432hz ;)

I'm ausxen94 on BTS/OL

Wow, that's awesome... How do you like it @officialfuzzy?

i love

^,^ i'm so glad y'all like it


Are you meaning nutela that the track i sent a week or 2 ago to fuzzy which he told me to sent to compound after that is now not in the likes anymore? don't believe that man, didn't told you maybe.. allthough it was this one, you confuse me here will ask him to be sure soon

but to topic, a contest is the way. luckily weve been building a community for the musicians online for the last couple of months... will kickstart it here, and also kick of the contest with the first submission.. which I was about to sent anyway after the first

both anyway are pretty precious to me.. dont let them fade away to easy ;-)

of the two, I think Hammock may have some cool segments that could be used. I also think the transition segment in "Fearless" (around 3:23) may have potential for something. "Ritual" (especially the second half) has potential to be used in "interesting ways" as well...

I like Hammock better but I'd prefer if the beat would begin a little bit later! Maybe you want to start at 1:09?

The main theme is very nice! But I wonder if you can talk over it like Fuzzy does.... The vibe is very positive, well done!

heey thnx for seeing something alex!im an early competitor , let's see what comes out

Salute to @nutela and all the Eos Porject team!

Hope you enjoy my entry submission! Kudos

I commented on your blog, where did you get your artwork from? Just watched the 2nd Blade Runner ;)

Peace @nutela! niiice I love blade runner which is better 1st or 2nd for u?
The artwork I did using free wallpaper images on future cities and remixed the rest of visuals around it, will check ur reply right now! Kudos

Wow that's a tough question, the first is always the purest and 2 was a felt a bit copied but it was very cool, a worthy sequal which could stand on it's own. + the sound was awesome f!!!

Lookin forward to checkin but i think its the most issue with most sequels nothing really beats the first. But excited to check and hear the wonderful works!

Just a reminder, the rules are that you resteem this contest too...

I'll GLADLY write and record and record an intro using music that wins this...but i need to be inspired by it like i was by a hamitsu :)

if you imagine growing on a storyline up with some tentions. I leave this as the entry then :) @nutela, its 432 here ;) good vibrations :P

I'd say try to be more rhythmically interesting than 4/4 but I like the build-up.

well lets keep it just like this man, im not going to upload my hd, that would give too much of a mess on thhe feed dawg yow

Hey the rules are the rules so you can have up to 3 entries and you can put them in a separate post, I hope the comminuty will upvote the best and/or Fuzzy too, it should be his pick too. I didn't say which wins, the most votes or the most stake... TBH I don't know what would be fair. If Fuzzy doesn't use it I would have wasted all by whaleshares and beyondbits. And I want you guys to all make the best - if you want, it's up to you all how much time you want to put in it. I think the rewards are more than good! What do you think @seveaux and all?

Great initiative @nutela ! Glad to see more opportunities for musicians on Steemit to contribute to a great project thats going to change things as we know it! EOS is the future

I will def pitch something, i'm lovin the 432hz concept! Universal Spiritual Alignment. Kudos to all what u guys are doing!


Hey I love what you and @seveaux are doing with Steem Music Alliance, I just wish that would be the nextgen Steem! Live social media at it's best.

Kudos mah man! Its amazing to have a space were all community musicians can meet, build and synergize and Ohh yeaaa! I see great things in the near future going to happen especially with EOS so great to be alive in these days and witness all these evolutions

Amen bro, amen!

I rather enjoyed the A Himitsu. It is upbeat however and spunky.

Looks like some fun music has been inspired by EOS. Nice post. Thanks for sharing.

is there a source of competition, or only here?

You can make a post with your music and reply here. See Rules

Alright guys here is my entry! I really thought about keeping this as a background for @officialfuzzy 's talking and hope you guys enjoy

Promising, it's quite happy but the intro sound is a bit screeching my ears... however I like the gradual build-up, if you really would like to win you go to bring more to the table.

Thanks for checking it out and for the feedback!

Thanks for participating and you know there's also 432Hz... ;)

For sure! That's a whole new world I have yet to explore, but intend to :)

Sound good. Thanks for sharing @nutela

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