Wood is The New Hip But Which One?

in #environment8 years ago (edited)

In the very same market where I found the mealworms and cricket food products and those "I'm not plastic" sports water bottles, I also found these keyboard and mouse made of bamboo.

There were many things for sale that day but only a few things have captured my interest because they're unique and very distinctive looking.

These mouse and keyboard are made of bamboo and that beat box on the left side is actually a speaker that has an induction effect - you could just place your smartphone or laptop on top of it and it would work as a speaker for your music or any sound. It's made of walnut wood so it didn't really capture my interest that much.

The mouse and the keyboard however did because they are made of bamboo. Why? I am a planet Earth Lover, we would love to grow more trees if possible right now so there. As for the bamboo, it's actually a grass ever so tall so as we all know a grass would just keep shooting runners and one could try weeding a grass but a grass would always find a way to prevail. So does a Bamboo plant.

I know someone who used to have bamboo for plants in their garden here just because they're beautiful and they could serve as tall fences which adds to privacy in the garden but they had to get rid of all of those bamboo because it has tried to over power the whole garden. It set shoots everywhere and grew like runner plants. It even found its way to the neighbors so they ended up digging the whole bamboo plant up to make sure no rhizomes has escaped them and grow back.

Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the whole world because of the runner - style rhizomes they have so we can cut them down but they would just keep shooting new growth and so not harmful to the planet. It is still advised to do responsible bamboo logging though.

The bamboo plant has many uses. Back in the Philippines when I used to live with my grandparents in the countryside of Bicol, I remember going to others people's house called "Kubo" seeing bamboo floors. I used to like sleeping on those because they are not only smooth, they also have gaps so it was air-continous, it never felt too hot having siesta on summer days. We also eat peeled bamboo shoots and just added coconut milk and Thai pepper on them and it was freaking delicious. We also eat them raw. Many of the house roofs were made of a bale of nipa leaves on bamboo. Fences were also made of bamboo in that small village I grew up in. Most of the house furniture there were made from Bamboos. Bamboos were used in many ways back then and now and even as medicine.

I never thought though that they would ever end up being used as hip stuff like these scarf pins.

Nor as cufflinks like these and look how very creative these lazer wood cufflinks have been made. It's a head turner and is very unique. Reminds me of a fellow Steemian's lazer wood works - @anca3random. I think if this goes on, we could save a lot of trees from being logged. Bamboo grows pretty fast so no matter how much we take down as long as they get replaced, there will always be a regrowth. Using more bamboos instead of wood is a great way to save trees.

These tie and bow ties are still made from logged trees I wonder if there would ever come a time they would also be just made from bamboo.

These toys from Thailand are made from old Rubber Wood trees that don't excrete the latex anymore. The Rubber Wood tree farmer would bring them down to replace them with new ones that would still cry those rubber extracts we use in making rubber stuff and latex. Instead of just throwing them away or leaving them to dry they turned them into beautifully made toys and other stuff children could use.

Those monkey pencils are so cute I wanted to have one . That guy on the hangman's stake beside that piggy bank below is actually attached to a magnet. It was fun to play with and come to think of it am not even a kid but I loved it.

The best part about this is that the Rubber Wood logs were dried in a kiln using no chemicals which makes them safe for kids to play with.

These days, people are obviously turning things around. Many are becoming more conscious and concern of the environment and it brings hope that the earth could heal. Hopefully, we see more of these environment conscious products.

Are you an Earth lover, too? Which particular product in your country is turning things around to help this tired planet heal and recover? Would very much like to hear about them in the comment below better yet, blog about them and help spread the word.


Deze wil Ik hebben
Plan Toys

I took each picture above with my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

Normally, I blog posts about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .



I have never seen a bamboo keyboard

I really like some of those bamboo creations. What a cool versatile plant. I have a favourite dress made out of bamboo fabric, it is so soft and wonderful. Enjoyed your post, following :)

@bridgetbunchy, thank you for the follow, I checked out your page as well and found it interesting so I followed you back! Maybe you should also post the bamboo dress material that's also something new. They have rami in my country - it's from pineapple leaves they make barong out of it and handkerchiefs, too
This blouse is made from pineapple leaves' fibers, it normally feels soft and yes, it's also usually see through :)

The keyboard and mouse are 'wannahaves'. :-)

Bamboo is amazing. Houses can be build with it. And it grows so fast that it can be considered an effective renewable resource.

@oaldamster je kan het wel kopen maar een beetje duur nog.
I think so too bamboo should be grown here specially in zeeland and mangroves, too !

De prijs past denk ik wel bij het product. Maar ik heb het niet nodig, nuchter beredeneerd. :-)

Yes Bamboo can have many usefull applications, here in Nederland too.

These are amazing! The toys are really adorable!

That is really cool stuff! Beware of termites! ;)

Hi @englishtchrivy! I want to thank your for your appreciation token! I'm really happy about operation translation and really do understand how steemit works, so of course if a post is well rewarded I'm happy, but I don't get frustrated if it turns the other way, but once again I do thank you for your kind gesture.

Also I wanted to let you know that I am currently translating your How and Which Tropical Plants Can You Actually Grow in Cold Countries article. I plan to post it tomorrow.

Once again, thanks for your support and steem on!

@traducciones you're always welcome and am grateful you've translated that other one, as well.
Kudos for the dedication!

Bamboo is a green and renewable resource. I am planning to write an article on it.

I have two Granddaughters, age 4, 6, and they're still at that age when toys like those are still ok. At a certain age though, many kids change for other things. I re-steemed this, first time ever :)

@vegascomic thank you for resteeming - these days, toys like these barely sell I suppose kids would want digi games.

haha, you could order them I guess - you're just in UK - maybe the "Deze wil Ik hebben" would deliver @thecryptofiend Sir! I don't know cause I just saw it there.
I also find both that and the mouse interesting .

To everyone who upvoted this post and wrote their comments below, THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!
Let me just regain my voting power and I'll get back to you all, last time I checked it was down to 31% and now regaining 47%. I'm sorry but I will really have to recharge now, too.

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