How a broken hammock became a business (Story+Gallery)

My dog Dakota broke my hammock. From that moment a door of opportunity opened. (-W)

     Pets in general are man's best friend, you've heard that several times and it's not a lie. Our pets make our days happy when they're not going well and when one day it's good they can do it even better.

     One day I was really tired and cameback home a little late from work, the only thing I expected when I arrived was to see my dog Dakota. I arrived and she was very happy, jumping all over the place and making happy puppy sounds like "hi, hi, hi, hi, you're here, hi, I love you, I missed you, I loved you, I missed you, I missed you, I missed you".

It wasn't me.

     After we cuddle each other and played for a while, I decided to lie down in a hammock that I had always ready, so I did, but Dakota was still very excited and she jumped on me with her 25 kg (50 pounds) of love, it happened that after realizing that she was on an unstable surface, she decided to jump back to the floor, moment in which she putted her paws on the fabric of the hammock and broke it, as we were still on top, it opened completely and we both went straight to the floor. I laughed a little beacues of the fall and because she was a little terrified, then I realized that... "I just lost my best, favorite and only hammock", of course I couldn't blame Dakota, it wasn't her intention of course.

     “What am I going to do now with my adventures without my hammock?"... I wondered that a couple of times when I was almost crying. But…

My mom always says, "The best things are the ones that happen".

     So I decided to find a place to repair my broken hammock. After visiting a couple places I got one where the manager told me that instead of repairing that hammock, it was perhaps cheaper to make a completely new hammock. He showed me the indicated fabric, we made the measurements, we established the cost, we made a couple of modifications to the fabric patterns and we were ready.

     About a week after that he called me to tell me that the hammock was ready, I ran to the place to realize that the result was even better than I expected.

     Without much hesitation that afternoon I was already trying it out and taking some pictures when a friend saw it and liked it very much, he was going to make a trip soon and told me to make another one for him, but his trip was too soon, so he said "sell me that one", I said "mmm, why not? With the money I'll just make another one for myself and that's it, so... Sure, it's yours."

     It wasn't long before other friends called me saying they saw the hammock and liked it very much, that it was spectacular, that they wanted one too. That's where it all started. We developed a brand name, a logo and before we knew, we started manufacturing hammocks and selling them around the world.

     The name came up at the same time that we were trying out the first hammock we sold our friend. I was taking pictures of Vic in the hammock and my brother saw one of the pictures, he laughed and said that "it looks like a green bean".

This is the photo that gave the brand its name.

     We decided to use it and Green Bean Hammocks was born.

     That was in November 2015, since then we have been manufacturing and selling hammocks to individuals, travel agencies and resellers in Venezuela and around the world.

Here is some info about the Green Bean hammocks:

  • 3.00 x 2.00 mts (9,8 x 6.5 ft)
  • 180 kgs / 400 pounds
  • Includes knots at the ends
  • Manufactured in 2 or 3 colours
  • Integrated bag
  • Extremely cool, soft and light fabric
  • Net weight of 450 gr / 1 pounds.

     We offer a variety of colors that allows you to create a large number of combinations and taking thinking that people can also combine three colors that further increase the combinations between colors.
We always offer reference sample images for our customers to visualize their chosen color scheme.

Many people ask for their country flag colors on the hammock. Like Venezuela's flag, yellow, blue and red; We've also made Germany themed, black, red and yellow; Also with the United States colors red, white and blue. Those combinations are our favourites from the three colored hammocks.

     Here we are doing quality testing of hammocks, really hard work, tell me to go to vacational spots and have to hang up the hammock, take pictures and all that work that goes with it, no no no no. We better stay at the office, right?

You can see many more pictures of the hammocks on Instagram as Green Bean Hammocks and if you want a hammock, write us, we accept SBD/STEEM and we do National (Venezuela) and International shipments.

Thanks for reading!

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Diseño de Logo y Firma por @themonkeyzuelans como Multitakers


Congratulations! You were featured by @angelacs in the #payitforward contest. That is how I found you. All the best.

Thank you! We really appreciate that @angelacs featured us 😁

interesting story. shipping would probably be to much to order it.

The farther we've sent was to Madrid, Spain. The shipping from here was something ridiculous like 5 US$ and then the person there paid something like that as well just because of the customs fee that are pretty low because of the weight and cost of the product, Wich is very light and cheap, and because it's not huge package with a thousand units to resell haha it's just something to figure it out with a phone call to DHL FEDEX or whatever international mail company in your country.

Well if Spain was 5$ Serbia should not be much different. costoms should not be the problem (ordered stuff from aliexpress and most of the time is free or something small). Interesting. Could you check what would be full price with shipping? when you got the time, it is no hurry :D

Sure! We'll chat you on Discord 😁

I was so happy to see this post was still new so i could upvote and resteem wheni scrolled to the bottom! I found yoru comment on the steem makeup post by @mvd

I upvoted and resteeme dand i LOVE your ide aman PLEASE come talk tomein the smart media discord and come talk to us awe have venezuelans comingto do kareoke but dude YOU area LEADER

YOu ar the FUTURE of yoru country MAN i want tohelp your business!

Yu are a great success story you could help people lin Nigeria Ghana and @wafrica and @artzone to really support local enterpenuership and get people thinking about creating businesses

and you will be able to help Venezuela by just getting rich and spreading business!

Hey! We'll join smart media Discord for sure. Thank you very much for your support and interest on our content and activities here. Seems like you know the Venezuelan situation and we really appreciate your interest to help, we'll chat you for sure!

please come on! we need you to inspire otehr venbezuelans on how to create business make money and make sociualism irrlevenat! no oen will need government welfare or assistance or jobs when EVEYRONE make smore on steem

IMAGIEn when we yhave steem paying ALL teh fucking soldiers MORE than the miltary and the soldiers work to protect the peopel with the most steem THE WAY IT SHOULD BE


awesome story... kick-ass hammocks...

I just came through because I found your account awaiting minnowbooster whitelist approval... you surely have my vote!

Great to know you found, liked our content, and that we're on the minnowbooster whitelist approval haha thank you very much!

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

I especially like the fact that your dog Dakota was responsable in the beginning. It sounds like something my own dogs could do ... But I have to say. Lovely hammocks, I could totally one here ...

Yep, she has full responsibility on this bussines and still doesn't like those hanging unstable things hahaha

Hey @themonkeyzuelans,

My apologies! I could have sworn I commented and upvoted this post already!!! Featured it in my curation post earlier and submitted to @thedarkhorse's Pay It Forward Contest to help get more eyes on your blog.

Thanks to @cicisaja's heads up that she couldn't find my usual comment, I realized there wasn't one. Wow! Must be the sweltering day here in Jamaica affecting my brain! ;) Thankssss, @cicisaja!!!

As I said in my curation post, I enjoyed this share of how your business started. Found it very inspiring. It's always so great to run a business that's fun and has a great story about how it began and grew. Thanks so much and best wishes for it and your continued success.

This comment was made from

Hey @angelacs!!! Thank you so much for featuring us, for appreciating and supporting our content. We're sorry we couldn't reply this comment before, it was a really busy week but here we are and not too late to upvote your comment with the best we can! Big hugs from the monkeys 🐵

Hi @themonkeyzuelans! Loved your history and as benefit of something in principle was a loss. Thank you for sharing this great story.

Well, everything that looks bad always has a good side. 😁 Thank you for appreciating it @tashidelek!

Very great story! I love your mothers advice:

The best things are the ones that happen!

Keep up the great work, hammock testing and all the important business building activities! ;p

"Hammock testing* is hard work! Haha thanks for your support. We'll keep up all the good vibes 😁

Very cool! I didn't know this about you guys! That'd be awesome to have one of your hammocks someday, I'll keep that in mind :)

It's great to share some of our "real life" work here on steemit and seeing that it's also appreciated. If you ever need one we'll be here at the monkeys den 😜 Thank you!

Well..well.. it's always interesting to read the story behind the success of business😉 so how's your dakota now? Did she has her own special hammock for dog too😊 you are so smart @themonkeyzuelans, thumbs up👍👍... hey have you ever check on @steemfleamarket?

Found your post through @angelacs entry post for the pay it forward contest this week. Wish you continued success with your business.

My comment protector is @dustsweeper

Dakota is happy with our hammock business! She has been getting a lot of treats and infinity love haha thank you for your good vibes and support!

Interesting story for the life

Glad you like it. Thank you very much!

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