in #entertainment6 years ago

Good evening everyone and welcome to today's episode of Saturday night with Zizy. Amazingly, it's been six whole weeks since the introduction of this show and I'm sure many of us have learnt a lot. I want to cease this opportunity to say a very big thank you to my esteemed lovers of the show. Thank you for your comments, upvotes and reesteem and to those sending in stories, I'm glad we are able to help solve these problems. Saturday night with Zizy is dedicated to building stronger and better relationships. Without much ado, we will kick start today's show.

DJ play the music in Jenifa's voice. LOL


Today on this segment we are going to be discussing a topic a friend asked me to talk about on this show. I title it "assumption", do not be afraid, I'm not here to


Assumption is the act of accepting something as true without questions or proof or concrete evidence.
There are two types of assumption:-

  • Direct Assumptions: These are our own personal thoughts which we believe to be true regardless of the validity and respond emotionally to it.

  • Indirect Assumptions: These are other people's thoughts and opinions we believe to be true without validating the second hand information and also respond emotionally to it.

It is not such a good feeling not knowing what your partner is up to and having no control over his affairs and his time and so the need to add the dots together arises and hence assumption. Assumption usually is the habit of those who fear intimacy, who have been cheated on, heartbroken and even lied to. They use assumption to masquerade emotional pain to avoid feeling vulnerable.
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Assumption is like a termite and it destroys relationships. It makes you build up a case against your partner silently in your head without giving him/her a fair hearing. It is a toxic behaviour and silently destroys relationships. It is wrong to assume your partner knows what is in your head without making an effort to communicate. They are not wizards or mind readers you know? Assumption is always a formed opinion based on what we see and not what we know. When we try to understand and fail, we fill the blank spaces with guesses. We judge based on our own experiences and perceptions as against theirs.
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Examples of Assumption

  1. He just sent hi to me. This is very unlike him. He usually sends hi darling. He has stopped caring. (It could be he was very busy and just took the time off to send the hi without the darling)

  2. He doesn't call as much as he used to. There is obviously someone else. (How about he is under a lot of stress and you need to be patient with him?)

  3. He doesn't make love to me anymore. He no longer finds me attractive. (Maybe but how about he is just not in the mood of making love?)

  4. She is always snapping at me. She is definitely cheating on me. (She could just be in one of her bad moods.)

The list is endless. The different examples cited, so many things could have led to that attitude but assumption closes up the possibility of exchange of information and builds a roadblock to communication
As you and your partner develop a pattern of communication, you start to read into non-verbal ques which leads to predictability and then assumptions. We should know that sometimes behaviours of others are not always about us.


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  1. Be aware. Recognize that you are making an assumption. Check if you have facts to prove this thought or it's just a thought.
  2. Clarify. Find out more. Get an objective view. Seek and communicate with your partner and set the record straight.
  3. Be accountable. If along the line you find out your perception and judgement was wrong, simply accept your fault and apologize.


  1. It brings about lack of openness. It makes you to stop being open as you want to bottle up your emotions based on your thoughts and the other person becomes receptive.

  2. It breeds tension and conflict. The other person feels judged, trapped and unhappy.

  3. You give out a negative vibe about you. You will be seen as being judgemental and always jumping to conclusions. You will be seen as a bad person and this will make your partner avoid you.

  4. Break up. When the person at the receiving end cannot take it anymore, he or she would seek a way out.
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    Communication can easily solve this issue. Instead of assuming negatively, utilize it positively by using it as a starting point for communication.


It takes only one man to prove to you that not all men lie, not all men cheat and not all men make promises they can't keep. Always give your relationship the benefit of doubt.

FUN CORNER (Just for Laughs)


$100M to never have sex again in your life, would you accept?


I just lost my relationship due to genotype issues. He is AS and I'm AS. We knew abt our genotype incompatibility from the very first day, we were cool with it or so i thought. We were together for a year and some months before we switched to long distance relationship because of his job. I'm a Med student, he is a doctor, so we both knew what it meant. I was cool with it because the signs were there that God put us together, everybody knows it, his parents, my parents; we ourselves knew it that our paths were ordained by God. Then suddenly, from nowhere, he comes up with dangers of having sickler kids, the diseases they face, their pain and all. He suddenly stopped talking about the fact that we may be lucky not to have any of our kids as sicklers, or medical methods we could use like IVF and all. Our parents are both aware of the genotype issue but mine are very okay with it. He said he's not sure his parents are okay with it and yet they call me EVERYDAY to assure me nothing will go wrong and to cheer me up and all. Now he has stopped talking to me. Please how do I move on?

I don't want to sound like I don't trust my girlfriend but please I'm really confused. It happened that last night my best friend went clubbing and came back by 4am drunk. I got up from my sleep to go open the door for him when he called and i returned back to my room to continue with my sleep. Meanwhile my girlfriend was in her nightie watching television like she always does. This morning my guy called me on phone and said it would be callous of him not to tell me what happened last night. According to him he said he fingered my girlfriend and she was so wet and even moaning but he didn't have sex with her. I was furious and I didn't believe him so I asked my girlfriend. She affirmed that when she woke up she saw something down there but doesn't know what happened as she was fast asleep. My girlfriend is a virgin and I trust her but this thing keep ringing in my head. Is it possible to be fingered and you won't wake up or even know? Ladies in the house please help me with this one.

Wow! What a trip all the way down here. We have finally come to the end of the show. I hope you enjoyed every part of it? If you have comments for every segment, do not worry Steemit doesnt penalize you for dropping more than 1 comment on a post. Why not express yourself and check out other peoples comment too? It's always fun interacting.

If you love this show and want to support, your SBDs and Steem are very welcomed. Supporters so far are @eurogee, @amec and @samminator @sammest and @smyle. Thanks a lot guys.

I hate to leave you but leave you I must. Until next time when I come your way again, same time, same blog, more hosts, I remain

Yours truly


+2348114218222 or [email protected]


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Anon 2: Meeehn, I believe if your girl is drunk as well then its highly possible...but if she was she shouldn’t get wet...which means (IMO) she was aware of the whole shenanigan. Ask your friend for full details...its a tricky situation. And then braah, that your friend is a douche!

Zizy for President! Good going ma’am

Hehehehe lol @trillex, which one is IMO please? I didn't see the president part o

Lool. IMO; In My Opinion

With the level of knowledge available as regards the effects of a dual AS marriage I think it's important to find out the genotype of anyone before you start getting close to them enough to fall in love. As medical students... download (4).jpg

Gbam! You've said it all. Always love your meme @one-person

Thank you

Wawuuuuuu 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Thank you so much. Waaaawu👏👏👏👏

Amazing @zizymena...
Youre are actually solving problems and helping people get better.
I like today's topic cause it is something thats found almost everywhere and in all kinds of human interactions and relationships.
But as pertaining to relationships with the opposite sex [dating], this is well said that;

Expectations based on assumptions results in failed relationships.

One major reason i feel causes this menace is people who have been hurt or broken in the past, who try to evaluate present and future happening using past bad experiences.
Its so disheartening when you're with someone and they expect you to act and react like someone they've experienced in the past. Its like judging by wrong standards.
And it actually causes emotional tension and frustration.
"If you think i would act badly, then i can just go ahead"

I would advice that after a breakup, you take out time to recover your whole self and do your new partner a whole lot of good bt seeing them for themselves and not through the lens of bad experiences.

Thanks @zizymena...take accolades😘💝

Wow, such wonderful comment but then I'm not surprised. You always drop beautiful comments here. Thank you so much. Oya please kindly advice my anonymous.😉😉

As lovely as always.. Great show. We really need to talk about bank plethora.

Now here's my advice for anonymous 1 and 2

ANONYMOUS 1: Before I start, I have a question for you, why do you even want to take the risk in the first place, all because of love? Please think again.. Secondly, you don't force a person into marriage, else you may regret it for the rest of your life. So be wise please, if he wants out, then let him be.

ANONYMOUS 2: Your story is a bit hilarious, Lolz... You can't actually finger a girl without her knowing, so I suggest you are in for a serious prank. She is probably telling you the biggest lie ever and to think a Virgin can't be Fingered without having blood spill, it's a big lie too. Virgins do masturbate. Let me stop here.

Till next Saturday @zizymena.... Keep up the good work

Do virgins get blood spill when they are fingered @desmoniac please I need to learn more. You are the first to advise anonymous 2. Seems people are confused what to say 😁😁😁

😯 Remember you said

Ladies in the house please help me with this one.

Ladies are better positioned to talk on it na. But make Una no deceive this guy further 😥

Hehehehe....ladies have spoken. Have you heard?

It depends.... You should know better... Lol

Well, everything has gone out of places now, and it said, some virgins dont have blood spill.

Your right though... SOME!

It's actually not about the blood,
Some people don't bleed.

Pain yeah?
Positioning yeah?

But blood, not for everyone

Lol, your bae was fingered while sleeping yet she didn't wake up, laugh wan kill me, lies!,

As for the madam having compatibility issue , what he did is not bad, he only think about the future, you should try and do the same, you won't be happy if you later gave birth to sickler and you start running helter skelter... Move on... Give another man a chance, an average lady get at least three to four guys on her neck

@burlarj where did you get this statistics from that a lady has at least three to four guys on her neck?

Another Saturday with @zizymena with lots of fun on the show.

Hmmmm... The assumption thing has turn soany relationships apart. I expected him/her to know that this/that was happening. It's better to discuss than assume.

$100M to never have sex again in your life, would you accept?

Eleyi gidi gan (this one is strong) lol... This is a difficult one. But will the amount involved is holding be able to abstain.

Anonymous 1: the issue of genotype is a serious issue. It may be difficult to do but I'll advice the relationship is broken in order to avoid future trauma. The possibility of having offsprings with health challenges are high, so it's better to boycott the whole scenario now.

Anonymous 2: my lips are sealed... 😷😷

See you next week @zizymena

Hehehehe @korexe, everything is gidi for you. You better talk o. Thank you so much for hanging out with me tonight.

As the first person to touch all segment you've won yourself a 0.5SBD. keep being a fan.

Yey.... I'm excited... Because of this gift Ehhhh... Next week I'll comment before you even make the post... 😀😀😀


I love your examples on assumption this is always the case sis.
You deserve so much accolades for taking your time to enlighten us on the effects of assumption most especially.
I've learnt a lot today.
And I've a response to the first anonymous common girl it's obvious he has moved on with his life well your story happens to be related to one of my stories and I've got goodnews tell Zizymena to give you my contact so we talk fully on the way forward.
A simple piece of advice here wouldn't solve it all I'm ready to do this to help.

Alright girly, I hope she does. Thank you so much for the accolades. They are well received.

There is nothing as bad as assumption. Most people that normally start assuming negative things about their partners were once victims of a bad relationship. The worst thing that can happen to anyone is to be dating a broken person cause the adverse effects is too numerous. They just makes random thoughts and take it as the reality why it ain't, their partners usually suffer huge emotional stress. Like you said we should all give our partners the benefits of doubt and communication is also a good tool in making a relationship to work, not just communication but good and effective communication

Nice one @Zizymena

You are so right, assumption stems from broken relationship. It is born out of fear and the need to protect your emotions and your relationship. Most people don't know how much it destroys their relationship, to them, this is being in control. Once broken sometimes, one never mends and this affects every other relationship. Thank you so much dear @prechyrukky

You are welcome dear
I do advise people that just got out from a bad relationship to give it some time before going into another so as to avoid taking the hurts they got into a new relationship, they should try as much as possible to take time to heal. Time is all that matters.

Yes! It is absolutely important to heal before dating again.

To anonymous 1
Am a bit surprised to hear that both of you are medical students and wanted to venture into the journey many are regretting, please and please don't try getting him back as his walking away is good for both of you.
Yes you maybe lucky but it's only a probability, you may go for IVF but remember the cost and stress that may come with it. My dear the best thing is not to start this journey at all, it may not be rosy and sweet as you think. Relax, your creator knows your genotype and certainly have your match, wait a bit more.

Hmmm, patience is the key right @dubem-eu. Nice piece of advise. I think while she felt this would work is because they are both in the medical field and so she feels she knows the best way to go about it. She is letting her heart lead her instead of her head.

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