Zhang Muyi Never Belonged In The Pedophile Closet [Part 2]

in #entertainment5 years ago (edited)

[Please Read Part 1 Of This Article Before Reading The Segment Below] 

C.  Zhang Muyi Never Entered Into The Pedophile Closet Except In The Deluded Minds Of Self-Righteous Do-Gooders

Zhang Muyi is a musician from the People’s Republic of China, and he is now in his thirties. When he was 20 years old, he began tutoring this one 8-year-old Chinese-Japanese-German girl who was a Canadian citizen. This little girl’s name was Akama Miki (sometimes referred to as Miki Akama). Four years later, after Akama had turned twelve, she and Zhang Muyi announced to their fans that they were in love with each other and had planned on getting married after Akama was 16 years of age. It was 2012, and, by then, Zhang Muyi was 24 years old.

Now, before anyone reading my article here jumps the gun, allow me to inform you that the kind of romance that Zhang Muyi had with Akama Miki was a formal courtship in which both parties had agreed to keep their relationship celibate until after they were married. Nonetheless, a whole myriad of hateful accusations against Zhang Muyi flew out of the woodwork in 2012 after he had made his romance with Akama Miki known to the public. The Young Turks had the audacity to call him a pedophile on their YouTube channel, even though no mental-health professional has ever formally diagnosed him with pedophilia. It’s interesting how The Young Turks always choose what is and is not morally bankrupt regarding adolescent sexuality, especially after they disgracefully accused Bristol Palin of lying about Levi Johnston raping her back when she was a teenager in high school.

Boyu Xiao published an article that describes the events encompassing the romance between Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki and the controversy surrounding it. Her article is titled “Six Years after Chinese Pop Star Zhang Muyi (24) Declared Love for 12-Year-Old Miki Akama, they’re Now Tying The Knot.

Akama Miki’s sixteenth birthday rolled around in 2016, and she and Zhang Muyi were still not married. However, by 2018, they both ensured the public at large that they were getting married; and according to one of the people who posted a comment in the comments section to Ms. Xiao’s article in 2019, the couple finally did tie the knot, although it was a little later than they had planned.

There was a Chinese-Australian woman whose name I cannot remember who posted a video regarding this couple on her YouTube channel, and she expressed her skepticisms on whether their relationship was abstinent. She claimed that she believed that Zhang Muyi was a pedophile. I do not agree with her opinions of Zhang Muyi; but because she is of Chinese descent and she would know the Chinese culture better than I would, I guess I have to respect her opinion.

Also, I would like to state for the record that I am not someone who would ever encourage a 24-year-old man to enter into a romantic relationship with a 12-year-old girl, especially here in the United States of America. Although the relationship may not turn out to be toxic or harmful in any manner, that same man is going to be confronting many social pressures in doing so. However, if someone calls another person a pedophile when that person really isn’t one, I’m going to make my dissent known to that individual.

Has Zhang Muyi ever qualified to be a pedophile in accordance to its medical definition? Well, let’s find the answer to that question. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (“DSM-5”), someone is only a pedophile if that person is 16 years of age or older and is sexually attracted to prepubescent children more than five years their junior. Zhang Muyi doesn’t fit that description by a long run. Also, what I would like to stress to anyone who believes that Zhang Muyi is a pedophile is that he likely hates pedophiles more than the majority of us do inasmuch as he resents people equating him to such human rubbish. 

Now, I’m not going to pretend that Zhang Muyi’s relationship with Akama Miki is the most conventional one, especially by American standards. It is not. However, Akama Miki is now approaching 20 years of age, and Zhang Muyi is still in love with her and he is now married to her. It is also likely that they will always be in love with each other and remain together as a married couple. I feel that if it worked for Celine Dion and René Angélil, why can’t it work for this couple? Zhang Muyi married Akama Miki, and he wants to build a life with her.   

I saw the movie titled I Know My First Name Is Steven, and I became outraged upon finding out about all the depravities and atrocities that the late Kenneth Parnell committed against Steven Stayner from the time that Steven Stayner was 7 years old. The late Kenneth Parnell was every definition of pedophile scum up until he died a little over a decade ago. Zhang Muyi is nothing like the late Kenneth Parnell and could never be mistaken for him. Also, if you take a good look at the case in which Donald James Smith had kidnapped, raped and murdered 8-year-old Cherish Perrywinkle back in 2013, there is no way that you are going to be able to find any similarities between this Donald James Smith monster and Zhang Muyi.

Akama Miki was supposedly an adolescent when Zhang Muyi fell in love with her. However, regardless of whether or not Akama Miki’s bodily development was still in Tanner Stage 1 back when she was 12 years old when she and Zhang Muyi first announced their love for each other to the world, Zhang Muyi did not dump her for another 12-year-old girl after she began approaching her twentieth birthday, which I believe is in September of this year. Now, I completely get it. It may seem a little unusual that Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki’s initial involvement in each other’s lives started out as an instructor/pupil relationship when Akama Miki was only 8 years old and Zhang Muyi was 20 years old. However, let’s remember that American President Grover Cleveland’s involvement in Frances Folsom’s life started out under similar circumstances, and he married her when he was 49 years old and she was 21 years old; and they lived happily ever after. President Grover Cleveland was not a pedophile, and Frances Folsom was never a victim of child sexual abuse or child sexual exploitation at the hands of President Cleveland.

Akama Miki is not the first celebrity to date a man ten years her senior when she was 12 years old.  Actress Loni Anderson once admitted in a television interview that she dated a 22-year-old man back when she was only 12 years old.  She suffered no emotional scars from going out with a 22-year-old man and having a good time. Of course, she did note that her parents had laid down strict rules for the 22-year-old man before they had allowed him to take her out on a date because of her tender age.

We all need to see this situation from a bird’s eye view rather than from a pop-psychology point of view. The Puritanical Establishment is not always right about everything. Accusing every adult man over 21 years of age who has ever fallen in love with a girl any younger than 18 years old of being a pedophile is kind of like saying that everyone with dark skin who speaks Spanish is a member of the MS-13 gang.

Zhang Muyi doesn’t even live here in the United States of America, and people from our nation have been actively persecuting him all over the Internet for the past 7½ years. The word “pedophile” gets thrown around way too indiscriminately here in our nation for anyone to know whether or not an actual depravity has taken place in any given situation. Zhang Muyi is someone who played by all the rules after he fell in love with Akama Miki, and self-appointed pedo-experts and self-proclaimed child advocates continue to dwell on the fact that he and Akama Miki were on opposite sides of the legal age line when they first fell in love with each other.

Instead of going after Zhang Muyi, we, as Americans, need to be going after lowlifes like Fleece Johnson and LaMark Moore.  These two men are no different from the late Kenneth Parnell and Donald James Smith, and yet there are people who find them both to be so intriguing. Such a trend in our culture here in the land of milk and money strikes me as being extremely twisted and inhuman.

I recently came across a derogatory article about Zhang Muyi’s relationship with Akama Miki by a woman who goes under the username of Ressurrection Graves. She has a telephone number listed on her website that has an area code from Washington, D.C. This woman proclaims herself to be a “child sexual abuse grooming expert” who has authored a petition to make it a felony for someone to engage in “child sexual abuse grooming,” and she is a real high-maintenance piece of work, for a lack of a better description. I read through her article titled “Zhang Muyi a 24-year-old pop star in China is Child Sexual Abuse Grooming a Child from Canada with millions of approving followers,” and just about everything that she is suggesting therein is a recipe for the kind of Fascist totalitarian police state that was depicted in the science-fiction movie titled THX 1138.

I looked on other parts of Ressurrection Graves’s website to see what her credentials are, but I could find none. The only information on her that I was able to find was propaganda that indicated to me that she was just another extremist right-wing nut who pretends to be on a mission for the good of humanity and the youth of the world. Give me a break.

Ressurrection Graves’s above-aforementioned article is poorly written in terms that it initially compares the relationship that Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki have with each other with a scenario that bears no resemblance to it. She describes a situation in which an older man had told a young girl that he was going to leave his wife and his kid to marry her. Hence, Ressurrection Graves is comparing apples and oranges.

Resurrection Graves does accurately point out therein that Zhang Muyi is not a pedophile. Instead, she states that he is a hebephile, which is not a psychiatric disorder as I have explained in my Steemit article titled “Should Hebephilia Be Reclassified As A Psychiatric Disorder?”  Since the time that I published that same Steemit article, I have found out that the definition of hebephilia is a very slippery one. Some experts claim that once an individual crosses over into his adulthood and becomes attracted to an adolescent between 11 and 14 years of age, that individual will always be locked into that preferential age range if he or she is truly a hebephile. Other experts claim that if any adult has ever felt attracted to an adolescent between 11 and 14 years of age after coming of age, then that adult is a hebephile regardless of whether he or she is also sexually attracted to people his or her own age.

I believe that all this confusion over the definition of hebephilia stems from the fact that the American Psychiatric Association (“A.P.A.”) has not reclassified this inclination as a psychiatric disorder, and, therefore, there is no solid definition of it set in stone. In a nutshell, the term “hebephilia” acts as sort of a clause or an oasis of the definition of pedophilia to exclude someone of being medically diagnosed as being a pedophile if he or she finds himself or herself gravitating toward a youngster between 11 and 14 years old who is no longer a prepubescent child. A good analogy for hebephilia would be that it’s kind of like what West Berlin was to the German Democratic Republic during the Cold War. That is, West Berlin was a democratic safe haven in the middle of that country away from all the indignities and oppressive actions of communism that that country imposed upon its citizens, and it was considered to be a territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.

In her article, Ressurrection Graves states:

The sole purpose of creating a petition like Make Child Sexual Abuse Grooming A Felony, is for cases like this, where the child victim may not feel victimized or the adult may not have actually had sex with the child. Admittedly, Zhang Muyi is grooming her for sex. It is unrealistic to have the same things in common, famous or not as a child and an adult.

Okay, Ressurection Graves. It appears to me that you wish to create an oppressive law and get it passed in legislation that would empower individuals like you and other self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts to accuse anyone of “child grooming” whenever you feel like it based upon your unfounded hunches and pop-psychology speculations. The term “grooming” is very arbitrary and subjective on its own. If there are no professional standards in place to determine whether an adult is grooming a child, then such a law would bring us back to the days of the Salem witch trials. Moreover, there is an ambiguity over what the actual definition of a child is. In some English-language dictionaries, pubescent and adolescent youngsters are excluded from that word’s definition, whereas other English-language dictionaries define anyone below the legal age of majority in their nation to be a child regardless of whether that age is 18 years old or 21 years old. For this reason, among many reasons, such a law would never work here in the United States of America. In my humble opinion, a boy and a girl leaves his or her childhood once he or she enters puberty.

Regardless of whether or not Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki had anything in common, they somehow knew how to make their relationship work; and the fact that they are now married demonstrates that all the hate speech against them and the false accusations against Zhang Muyi of being a sexual predator have no basis of fact. Predatory prosecutors and overzealous law-enforcement officials just love you, Ressurrection Graves, because if that law you’re proposing were ever to pass, they’d have more authority to lock up whoever they please. Ressurrection Graves? You have no real condemning evidence to back up your claim that Zhang Muyi ever groomed Akama Miki. You are solely basing it on conjecture that you concocted in your deluded mind as a result of how you have been indoctrinated to think here in the land of milk and honey.

Ressurrection Graves? You actually want to create a law that would send people to prison for what could be best described as thought crimes. If that law were ever to pass legislation in Congress, the criminal justice system and the court system would both practically have to recruit psychics to enforce this law in a precise manner. Such an objective would be more ludicrous than anything that our nation’s Federal government has ever done. There is even an old song whose lyrics say that you can’t go to jail for what you’re thinking. Here is the song in the video below.

The Song Titled “Standing On The Corner” By The Four Lads

When our laws start sending people to jail and prison solely for what they’re thinking, it will mark a point in our nation’s history in which many Americans will likely be expatriating and renouncing their United States citizenship for very good reasons. It is these kinds of laws that open the doorway for government officials to take control over every aspect of average, everyday citizens’ lives, which was what eventually happened in Germany after Adolf Hitler got into power.

Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki live clear on the other side of the world, Ressurrection Graves. Instead of wanting to go after them, why don’t you do something about all the deadbeat teenage fathers here in our nation? For example, why don’t you campaign to push for the passage of a law that would draft these social degenerates into the military on their eighteenth birthday so that the parents of sexually promiscuous adolescent boys will think twice before they allow their son to go knocking up every middle-school and high-school girl in sight? You were a mother of a teenage girl when you wrote your article. Therefore, you must have some opinion regarding deadbeat teenage fathers in terms of how they get away with so many of their transgressions against the underage girls they impregnate.

Okay, Ressurrection Graves. I read about you being exposed to sexual abuse at an early age; and if you were a victim of something like that, then my heart goes out to you. Nobody should ever go through such an atrocity. However, don’t go suspecting everyone of being a prospective child molester only because their way of life and their cultural values may be diametrically different from yours. If opposites attract, then it is possible for an adult man and an adolescent girl to fall in love with each other despite that they may not have every single, solitary thing in common; and their mere age difference does not automatically constitute that sexual exploitation is taking place.

I have watched some of the videos of Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki singing together shortly after they first became an item in 2012, and there is nothing sexually suggestive or sordid about any of their videos. I don’t understand what they are saying when they sing, because I don’t speak any of the dialects in the Chinese language. However, their songs remind me of how music once was when I was a little kid. Their songs are like soft-rock ballads similar to what The Carpenters used to sing many years ago. If you don’t believe me, watch the video of them singing below.

Zhang Muyi And Akama Miki Perform A Duet

Ressurrection Graves drags out all of the lame and cliché arguments about the human brain being underdeveloped until a person reaches their mid-twenties. However, I find myself constantly rejecting that same argument, because the very same prosecutors who love to preach about this so-called medical claim always seem to find a way to get it disqualified as an argument in a court proceeding whenever a defense attorney is attempting to keep one of his or her underage clients from being unjustly tried as an adult in a criminal matter. This argument always seems to be more about the politics than about the actual truth.

Now, I’m not going to snipe at any legal experts who may have used this same argument back in 2005 to get the Supreme Court of the United States to outlaw any and all death sentences against minors. When a human life is on the line involving someone not old enough to vote, I can be a little more receptive about an overused argument of this nature. However, if these career politicians in our criminal justice system and court system are not going to own this argument in all respects, then I cannot take this same argument seriously and I do not believe that anyone else should do so either whenever the topic of adult/adolescent relationships is being debated.

Ressurrection Graves? Zhang Muyi doesn’t want to be called a pedophile, because he is not a pedophile. Moreover, the term “minor-attracted” is very vague, because it doesn’t really clarify whether the person who is “minor-attracted” has to be an adult or can be another minor for that person to qualify as one. Even if someone has to be an adult to qualify as a “minor-attracted” person, the question of whether someone who is 25 years old and is attracted to a 20-year-old in a nation where 21 years old is the legal age of majority would still be a “minor-attracted” individual would remain lingering in people’s curiosities. Nobody has ever really specified what exactly that term means.

In her article, Ressurrection Graves states:

By supporting Zhang and this child you also support that children are sexual beings who can consent. We know spiritually and statistically that this is false. A child can not consent to sex, in fact child sexual abuse is the silent health care crisis topping $124 Billion over the life time of its victims in the United States alone, according to the Center for Disease Control.

Ressurrection Graves? The only thing that you have proven with your statement is that child-abuse prevention is one of the most lucrative and prosperous industries here in the land of milk and honey, and, for that reason, many of the people who take advantage of this cash cow couldn’t care less about the individuals whose lives they are destroying, even the alleged victims of child sexual abuse. Furthermore, back in 2013 when you wrote this article of yours, Akama Miki was an adolescent who did teenage things rather than a prepubescent child who had all her baby teeth and watched Saturday morning cartoons.

I agree with you that children cannot consent to sexual relations if they are actually children. However, once you begin describing adolescents, you are delving into a vortex of ongoing debate and discord. Zhang Muyi fell in love with Akama Miki back when he was 24 years old and she was 12 years old. Call it bizarre, if you must. However, he did not break any laws and he did not harm anyone. For you to call him a child groomer is no different from you accusing our nation’s 22nd and 24th president, Grover Cleveland, of being a child predator for falling in love with Frances Folsom when she was very young.

Ressurrection Graves? You insist in your article that if Akama Miki and Zhang Muyi were not in the public eye, professionals and anyone who was aware of “this case of child sexual abuse grooming” would want to intervene. Perhaps you are correct in your assertion about such possible intervention. However, the mere fact that anyone involved in such an investigation would allege that Zhang Muyi engaged in “child grooming,” as you call it, might encourage Zhang Muyi’s attorney to sue those individuals for slander and defamation of character. A person accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law here in our nation. Furthermore, I cannot fathom how any prosecutor in his or her right mind would want to entertain such a frivolous criminal case based upon something that is really a figment of your imagination rather than an actual fact of reality.

In her article, Ressurrection Graves states:

In Akama’s mind it would be consensual sex, but Zhang Muyi on the other hand, he knows better. It’s one reason why he’s gained the support of his followers who are also children I take it. Children often say “parents just don’t understand” when the truth is the other way around. Children do not understand adult things, and can not reason as adults do. There is no way that a child can in their right mind consent to sex.

Here Ressurrection Graves is way off-base, because no premarital sexual intercourse ever occurred between Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki before they tied the knot. Zhang Muyi emphasized to the public that he was not going to have sexual intercourse with Akama Miki until they were both legally married. He fulfilled his promise. Moreover, Ressurrection Graves could not know what goes on in the minds of Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki, because she is a not a psychic.

Fraidy Reiss of Unchained At Last and Jeanne Smoot of the Tahirih Justice Center along with all the other societal fundamentalists like them have been on a mission for the past so many years to get laws passed that would make it illegal for anyone to get married under 18 years of age under any circumstances here in the land of milk and honey. Zhang Muyi was going to marry Akama Miki at first when she got to be 16 years old. However, he put off those wedding plans until after she was 18 years of age. Therefore, I don’t know how much more of a wholesome formal courtship Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki could have had with each other than what they had. Zhang Muyi’s intentions for Akama Miki have always been honorable.

Ressurrection Graves? It appears to me that you are one of those narrow-minded individuals who fantasize about your make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection and your ultimate goal in life is to mold our nation into such a deluded fantasy. If you open your eyes and look around you, you will see that there are far more teenage boys who are sexually victimizing underage girls and saddling them with unwanted pregnancies than there are adult men “grooming” adolescent girls, if you can even really call it that. You had a teenage daughter back when you wrote your article. Therefore, I cannot understand how you can overlook such problems.

Self-proclaimed child advocates like yourself, Ressurrection Graves, are no different from self-appointed nutritionists in terms that self-proclaimed child advocates just love to misuse the words “groom” and “grooming” for situations that they have very little or no command of the facts encompassing them in the same way that self-appointed nutritionists have a predilection of misusing the word “protein” to mean the same thing as “nutrients” or “nourishment.” You don’t know Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki on a personal level, and you are going completely off of tabloid gossip that you have read about on the Internet, which is usually not a reliable source of information.

Ressurrection Graves? You complain in your article that if people are to ignore the “situation” with Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki, whatever that may be in your deluded mind, then older men will see an opportunity to follow this example without fear of the law. Perhaps you feel that way, because you know so very little about adult/adolescent relationships except for all the propaganda that has indoctrinated you to prejudge and demonize such relationships. Moreover, you are basing this argument of yours on the fact that the United States of America has statutory ages of consent that range from 16 to 18 years old. However, most countries in the world have lower statutory ages of consent that range from 12 to 15 years old. For example, Zhang Muyi’s home country, the People’s Republic of China, has a statutory age of consent of 14 years old. Therefore, your argument is extremely weak.

Ressurrection Graves? You contradict your previous claim that you do not believe that this relationship between Zhang Muyi and Akama Miki is a form of pedophilia or that Zhang Muyi is a pedophile, when you state that another concern of yours is that pro-pedophile groups will use “this” as an example that the behavior is acceptable. Why would they do so, Ressurrection Graves, if Zhang Muyi is not even really a pedophile just as you had said further back in your article?

What Ressurrection Graves is trying to do is unleash Big Brother upon our nation to feed her deluded fantasy that she could somehow change our society into her make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection. She has a flawed mentality that is similar to that of Eve Lawter as I described in my Steemit article titled “American Legislators Are Now Putting Age Limits On Legalizing Love,” although I do commend her for implying her disapproval of teenage boys engaging in sexual promiscuity that is harmful to underage girls in one of her other articles on her website.  Nevertheless, she still appears to adhere to an upside down school of thought that older men are the cause of all teenage girls’ problems, and she libelously describes Zhang Muyi in her article as though he is some kind of Bosnian war criminal that is out to harm young girls.

In her article, Ressurrection Graves states:

The challenge with the age of consent issues that exist within each state are breached when an adult openly preys on a child and gains popularity for doing it online. The entire situation is wrong, and in many states community leaders are fighting to raise the age of consent laws.

My fellow Steemians and anyone else who may be reading my article here? The statutory-rape laws in our nation are broken and defective enough. What this woman is proposing to do is make them even more oppressive and unreasonable than they already are. The reason that our nation has such an epidemic of unwanted teenage pregnancies is because our laws and our society go easy on teenage boys who unleash chaos in these underage girls’ lives so long as these boys are not legally old enough to vote.

The fact alone that people like Ressurrection Graves are unable to differentiate between teenage girls and toddlers shows the kind of danger that she and others like her are to our society. These people do not have our best interest at heart. That is the reason why people who are like her are called special-interests groups whenever they come together in a collective effort to promote their agenda at the expense and detriment of others. We don’t want people like this influencing our legislators, because then our nation will be confronted with more needless incarcerations and more people being needlessly placed on sex-offender registries. As a result, there will be more homeless people living below bridges and in alleys, and this problem could pose a threat to our national security.

George Soros is a multi-billionaire who keeps his eyes on these situations, because he wishes to unleash chaos in our nation despite that he may have many people fooled into believing that he is a philanthropist. If such a law that Ressurrection Graves is proposing should ever pass, then we can all look forward to George Soros spending exorbitant amounts of money to arm all the additional homeless people we’re going to have with deadly weapons; and if such an occurrence were ever to take place, there would be massive death and destruction everywhere in our nation. It is bad enough that we Americans have to turn our television sets on every night and watch a news report about another mass shooting somewhere in our nation. I don’t know what ever became of Ressurrection Graves’s proposal; but if it were ever to become law, it would take our nation much closer to the beginning of our end.

Ressurrection Graves explained to a Jeremy in her comments section that there would be parameters established to determine what is and is not child sexual abuse grooming. However, she never specifies what those parameters are. Perhaps if she were to put more thought into why Zhang Muyi got together with Akama Miki when he did, she might realize that perhaps he really was in love with her and will be in love with her forever. Perhaps Zhang Muyi had never had a girlfriend before in his life when he professed his love to Akama Miki, and Akama Miki became that adolescent first love that he had always dreamed about during his teenage years and was finally getting later in life. Often adult/adolescent relationships can be like a belated adolescent first love for the older partner if that partner has never been in any kind of romantic relationship in the past. People like you, Ressurrection Graves, see most everything in black and white rather than in shades of gray.

Regardless of what any of these people can say about Zhang Muyi, there is one very strong point on which none of them can disprove me. That is, at the end of the day, Zhang Muyi is a much better person than Levi Johnston and Isaac Frausto are, and he is definitely a much better person than Josh Dugger and Toby Willis are.  Never mind that Levi Johnston, Isaac Frausto, Josh Duggar and Toby Willis were all in same-age and similar-age relationships or marriages when they each committed their crimes of passion. They all four unleashed pain and suffering upon the very people who once loved them and cared about them.

[Article Continued In Part 3]

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