
Sorry to hear about your laptop @osm0sis. Hope King Asher can work his magic and get it back up and running.

Thanks for stopping by the post I left for curie review. :) I'm always happy to see when one gets curied. Have a great day!

Edit--forget to give my congrats for making it to the top of league 1!!!!

Muchas gracias my dear. I've never made it to the top 10! Pretty stoked.
Yes, i noticed you and @goldendawne submitting posts on the curie discord chat yesterday :) Awesome finds too. The feeling you get out of rewarding people who deserve it and may have otherwise never been noticed is just too good. Well done you.

I was more worried I was going to break me with this engagement and trying to keep up rather than my laptop (though it has been acting a little strange lately). Was it an older Macbook Pro you had, say, circa 2012? If it was, I might have to convince my wife I need a newer one. :)

Haha! It isn't but we can just say it is ;)
Although you may have a hard time explaining how a Macbook can break... Those things are indestructible!
Send it over if you do end up getting a new one. I'll take care of it. Promise ;)

I've been very happy with it. This one was the first Macbook to come with a solid state drive, so it booted up really fast. Not quite tablet or iphone fast, but much faster than a normal hard drive would. I say booted, because now it's gotten a little slower. I apparently reached the too much junk tipping point. :)

If I do give it up, I'll probably need to come to Mallorca. The ticket and the FedEx shipping fee seem like they'd be close to the same. My wife wants to go to Europe one of these days, anyway. :)

I hear ya! The too-much-junk state of my laptop might have been its tipping point as well. Sigh.
Great excuse to come over for a visit I say :)

Nightmare :( :( :( !

Congratulations @osm0sis!! I guess all of your hard work was simply too much for your computer to handle ;)

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