
Thank you @leeart. I am really enjoying some time away. Yesterday I went to bed without having checked my feed all day! That's a first! 😁

Surprisingly the sky did't fall in over night. Now I have to decide . . . do I go back to the beginning of the posts I missed or do I start afresh from today or, who knows, maybe I'll go completely mad and not check it again today. although I'm thinking that might be a bit advanced for me at the moment! 😂

Enjoy your time at the top and your delegation. Whether it's because people are on holiday or not, you've earned it! Well done you!!! 😍

I want to take some time off from steem too but once I log in I enjoy it. It is addicting. Sometimes I just browse through my replies and pick who should I reply to. You lose touch with domeone if you do not reply until you suddenly remember him or her.

Yes. There is definitely a skill to be learned with managing Steemit I think @leeart. I like to keep up with my "regulars" but I haven't been on enough to check out their posts these last few days.

I'm just about managing to keep up with replies, which are my priority, and I've just made my first longer post for about a week! That will be it though as I'm off out again now.

Tomorrow we are going home and will be travelling much of the day. Then I will see what I've learned once I've back in my routine. Hopefully that compulsive feel will be past and I will be able to continue my more balanced approach! 😁

I hope there is a pause here or something lol! It just now that I have been replying to comments quicker than before. It usually takes me a day or more before I can get back to them.

I know you will figure it out once you get back. Safe travels!

Thank you @leeart. I've already had a few ideas of how to handle my time here better. Primarily being more relaxed about it! 😁

Glad that you have. It's me who is not having that much time here lol! I can't even stay for a 1-2 minutes :D

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