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RE: The Curation and Engagement Leagues - Sponsored by @carlgnash and @paulag!

in #engagement6 years ago

Congratulations to you, @lynncoyle1, for retaining your crown and to @leeart for the awesome debut. Amazing amount of comments from both of you by the way. Holy cow!

As for me, though, I finished way behind the two of you in points, and so was very fortunate that @gillianpearce and @davemccoy were traveling or doing other things. Had this been the previous period, my efforts would have resulted in 7th (only because @abh12345 removes himself from the running).

So, I'm happy to be in the top three, but I'm feeling like I'm going to be lucky to be in the top 10 when everyone else who's normally there returns to form.

Which is really sad, because I felt like I was running all week just to get where I got! I didn't get to spend as much time as I would have liked, but then, I think I still was on more than a lot of you, so I'm just shaking my head, and thinking, "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy," over and over again.

It's going to bug me though, if I can't find a way to improve even more. :)


I think I got lucky too because of the holiday weekend which made others busy on other things other than steemit.

Well, with the amount of comments you had, I would say it was more than luck. As I said on the other comment, breaking 30,000 points is a pretty big accomplishment. It probably wouldn't take more than a few more words per comment to catch her. :) Or at least, that's my theory. I have no idea how this is being calculated. Asher's formula for the engagement league may be a secret, since it doesn't appear like the one for the curation league does.

I did try to recalculate the scores but I did fail in this. Must be, a great formula that even a smart person like me, can't figure it out :)
Place a witness vote for Asher and you probably can close the gap with the leading lady! Also we must hope for a real sunny summer, that would be our only chance!

If a smart person can't do it, what's the hope for the rest of us? :)

Does Asher want to be a witness? I'd vote for him!

I'm afraid it's summer year round where lynncoyle1 lives, so I think we're seeing what she's capable of even with that sort of distraction. It'll probably end up wrecking the rest of us, though. My wife is already wanting to go do things and in my mind, it's just not warm or sunny enough to do them. Not a fan of traipsing around in the rain and cold and she's from Mexico and lived in Southern California for a long period of time, so she shouldn't be either!

He is: @steemcommunity is the witness he is running!

Don't hesitate to vote for him!

The summers where I live are great to be active on Steem. Lots of rain :)
Still I will not be capable of getting even close to here!

Holy moly You done good @glenalbrethsen CONGRATS!!!

  • note to self... don't forget to bow when glen walks in the room... 😌
    • I know I always enjoy our discussions!

I do, too, which certainly helps when it comes to this sort of thing.

No need to bow. I feel like someone else is going to crash into the top 3 this week and make me look like I was standing still.

As it is, I was 12,000 points out of first, and 5,000 or so points from second, so, anyway. I'm happy to move up so many spots from the previous week, but I don't even know yet what it's going to take to get to the top. I'm afraid to find out. :)

Ohhhh I just realized I edged you out on the curation one. woohoo

  • puff out chest a bit :D
    I think I hit a couple of OCD posts with perfect timing...
    • but you bettered me by 5 times in the 2nd!!!!
      • totally dejected look... :D
        5 times!!! dang!!! Good job!!!

I actually found this by checking your wall.

  • You always have excellent resteems!

Well, I figure the resteem is there for a reason, so I might as well use it.

There tends to be some important or interesting information floating around and I've learned not to take for granted that everyone sees what I do. That was before I came here, where hardly anyone sees what anyone else does.

I made a concerted effort last week to move up from my 20-something position, and it was still sorely lacking. And I have no idea what to do about moving up in that curation league. I realize there's timing involved and how much rewards are in place and how much I put in it, but i just never see things fast enough and with the engagement league, we're not encouraged to leave large reward amounts. So, I'm trying to strike that balance, but it's going to be tough to be in the top 10 in both.

For timing, I check before I check my feed.
It shows how many minutes ago the posting was, how many upvotes and where the payout is.

  • I just do a quick check here to see if there are any approaching 30 minutes that might pay out a good curation reward. (Like OCD posts...)

BTW When I just looked at it before doing this comment I saw this post you may be interested in... It's another type comment contest he will announce on Sunday...

The comment challenge looks interesting. I'll need to learn more about it.

Sounds like you've got the curation part down to a science. Thanks for the info. I need to change whatever it is I'm doing if I'm going to get anywhere in the curation league. :)

Thank you so much! I was happy to see you up there too.

so I'm just shaking my head, and thinking, "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy," over and over again.

You are anything but, Glen! Congratulations ;)

Well, we'll see what happens this week. Regardless, you and leeart set an amazing standard for number of comments that I don't think I'm ever going to be able to match (at least not in these initial stages). My net needs to widen, obviously, and that's happened somewhat in the two weeks I've been doing this, so I would expect it to widen even more as I have to go looking for more content to comment on and curate.

It is amazing to me how that ripple just keeps extending outwards. It's slow at first and then seems to grow exponentially. I really try every week to find at least one person completely out of my circles though; that seems to help too.

I can see that.

I think things will only improve as more people get involved. I've been enjoying it, even if I'd rather concentrate on my posts. But I'm buying into the commenting more frequently idea (I was already curating as much as I could). Knowing that members of the league are at least trying to engage is helpful, too, because if they've come across a post I feel I can comment on, then I don't have to necessarily do all that digging on my own. That said, there's plenty of divergent tastes and likes among the members so following them can be hit and miss.

I know, I know. I need to broaden my horizon. There's only so broad it can get and then I'm just a walking trivial pursuits, which some people already think I am. :)

hahaha There's nothing I can tell you that you don't already know...about commenting and engaging I mean.

...but quite possibly, "Trivia" (your new name), on a lot of other things as well :)

Better 'Trivia' than 'Trivial* I guess, though I'm sure there are plenty of people on here with more stored knowledge than me. I think my brain storage cells have been written over enough over the years that they're starting to lose their ability to retain information. Either that, or they only retain the 'trivial.'

I don't think I'm helping myself here, am I? :)

hahaha ummm no, you're not ;)

And it's age buddy; I know of which I speak...who are you again, and why am I talking to you? :)

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. :)

By the way, who would have thought that a story involving a fish with short term memory loss would be so popular with children and adults alike? So popular, they have to make two stories. It must be a more widespread problem than I thought.


What were you saying? :)

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