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RE: The End Of Reason: A Glimpse Behind The Curve

in #endofreason5 years ago

I'll cover your points in reverse order...

(do you still think building 7 and 9/11 event was as the authorities said, btw, and free fall speeds of building can be made to happen without explosive charges being used? - if we are talking science )

I have shown you footage of bdg 7 before whereby it is quite clear that the building has been hit by flying masonry and bits of aeroplane, however you never responded to that. Quite happy to show you again, however I feel like you've made your mind up on that one.

None of the buildings fell at free fall speed, this is very easy to verify. Pick one of the videos (your choice), and then look at debris ejected from the buildings at the moment they fell, they are falling at free fall, and guess what? They hit the ground before the buildings.

Or conflating vaccines - yes I have scientist friends also involved in this research - this is big pharma corporatism working for profits.

Yet another study has come out today to refute that claim, when you say you have scientist friends, can you elaborate as to what their fields are and to what level they studied?

It's a hoax for one world taxes and one world government.

Again I'm interested to learn what evidence you have of this.

..and when the geometry of the pyramids is based on the earth being a sphere (obloid, whatever), and accurately measure it to the inch in doing so -

You can only do so if you massage the figures a bit :-)



I won't give you names of people in the fields for obvious reasons - nor the company one of them works for, if that's what you mean...

...leaving aside the 9/11-( you seem to have made your mind up on that one).

The pyramids do measure accurately as a model to the globes dimensions - including the calculations for it not being a perfect sphere

Read 'the incomplete pyramids' - stephen brabin - also a friend of mine, (I can give you his name).

...leaving aside the 9/11-( you seem to have made your mind up on that one).

A much more accurate statement would be; *'... you seem to have had your mind changed when presented with new evidence.'

I used to believe Bdg 7 was rigged, however then I saw the NYFB footage of the building from a new angle, and the building is, to give it its technical term; fucked, and is clearly about to fall down.

That's the thing about being a true sceptic, you have to be able to challenge your own beliefs in the face of new evidence.

I thought one thing, I was shown it not to be true, I adjusted my thoughts. This is the path to logic and scientific thinking.


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