
Instead of assuming you know what I wrote, try reading what I wrote.

I said upvoting posts just because someone upvotes your post adds nothing to Steemit.

I did not say the post was shit.

I responded to being accused of making threats.

Steemit is a wonderful opportunity for everyone.

We're all custodians of this platform. We can help it to improve or we can try raping it for a fast buck for no effort.

Personally, I'm going for the "let's improve it as much as we can" and by encouraging good content over shitposts and upvoting in return for upvoting, we can all do our bit.

I objected to your friend's fast buck system and I voiced my objection.

He responded by being a bit of a cunt.

I responded by being a bigger and better cunt.

I can (and will) remove all the flags, and my own upvotes when he takes a better look at what I wrote.

Oh yeah, an apology for that last comment wouldn't go amiss, either.

So instead of sorting this out, you're going for the heroic finish? Flagging me?


Oh boy...

If this is how you want to go, I can show you what a flagging war looks like.

Or, you can remove your flags, quit being twats and man up and learn how this platform works.

I was going to remove all my flags from your friend's post - it's a waste of my voting power and he's literally not with losing that much on.

He'll be bored of this platform by next week because he's not making hundreds of dollars like he was promised (I've seen his post) and he'll quit, saying it doesn't work.

I'm not going to try to persuade you that it does work. I'm not going to show you the other 'dozen' people that are making it work, because your friend was rude, obnoxious and wants everything dropped in his lap.

Well, life isn't like that and Steemit isn't like that.

I'm removing my flags and then I'm muting you and instead of the Steem you could have got as an upvote from me, you're going to get the booby prize of fuck-all.

Off you fuck, pair of billy-big-balls without a clue between you.

thank you, steemit does work, il upvote what I deem worthy, nothing more nothing less

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