How to profit by killing our planet with a shameless move.

in #electric6 years ago


Automotive and oil industries have a lot of dough. Really. The proof of that is what happened not-so-recently with Volkswagen's "dieselgate", silenced as much as possible while they simply got away with pure, simple, plain lies about something as dangerous as emissions for NOx, CO2 and other harmful gases. They've been destroying our planet in ways we can't even imagine.

Volkswagen's cars were clean... While doing emission tests. How low could they go? Source.

Some countries went down hard on them, some didn't (such as mine - Portugal), but for such a huge industry... Nothing would really harm them, no matter how big the fine or punishment. This is the definition of impunity, because no one has the power to protect the environment against these unethical industrial groups.

Discovering their lies was actually worse for the environment, since Volkswagen quickly understood it was actually cheaper to give costumers a new car instead of trying to "fix" the mess they created with their lies. The result is this depressing image of a true car cemetery... Tons and tons of resources wasted:

This gave a new boost to the intentions of ending fossil fuel dependence in automotive industry. In a shameless move, Volkswagen quickly tried to hide their lies promising a bunch of full-electric vehicles in 2674, using their iconic vehicles's design (such as the "breadvan") to keep the hype, delaying them as much as possible while they still collect profits from their diesel-powered cars.

Volkswagen is making the dirtiest game you can imagine. You can almost "forgive" other manufacturer's strategy of actively trying to delay the adoption of electric vehicles, since some of them are really struggling to keep up with the new technologies. But Volkswagen's strategy is basically promising new vehicles that they could start making "overnight" with their huge economical power.
Volskwagen actively tries to make us believe there is such thing as "clean diesel". Source

On the other end, Bosch has recently announced they want to improve diesel engines and reduce NOx emissions to a minimum. What they don't tell you is that they'll still smoke and pollute with other harmful gases, and they'll still be ineficient and expensive and harmful to use. It's a desperate move to "clean" what is just too dirty already.

What do you think of Volkswagen strategy?

Would you still wait for their electric vehicles just for the iconic design?

Do you think there's an ethical way out for Volkswagen's mess?


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this has to be one of the most unbelievable scandals i heard.. VW comes form a leading country who today pride themselves on being eco friendly .. They are an embarrassment to Germany now, and i think the world will never forget.

Personally I would NEVER buy even an electric car from VW .. they should really be boycotted by all just to show that we will not tollerate OR forgive what they have done.

Bear in mind that around 5.5 MILLION people die EVERY year from air pollution. much of which is due to cars and trucks... What VW did is therefore murder in my opinion!

thanks for reminding us all of VW's terrible actions

VW is just the most unethical company on earth in my opinion. What they did is beyond our imagination, and no country will ever have the power to judge them accordingly... So I don't expect Germany to do something. Because they can't. No one can.

Another example: there's a big VW industrial zone here in Portugal. They're reducing the quality of life of employees making them work more (and earn less) than initially agreed, while they press the government to give them economical benefits (replacing their own obligations to their workers), suggesting an attitude like "if you don't comply we'll move the factory to another country". They employ thousand of portuguese workers and contribute a lot to our economy. It's a shameless attitude from a shameless company.

When you think about the damage this has done to their brand, you have to wonder what VW were thinking when they thought fudging the results was actually a good idea.

The point is that I don't think this has damaged their brand at all... They quickly started marketing full-eletric vehicles based on their classical breadvan design and others. In the meantime they get away with the dieselgate like nothing has happened...

I do think there has been some brand damage, just perhaps not as much as there actually should have been. A sign that it's more common in the industry than we may realise?

Oh, that's for sure...

The car companies could do better if they wanted. I was involved with a company that sold kits that created hydrogen and oxygen from water and injected that into the air intake. We had full size ford pickups and expeditions getting upwards of 30 mpg (about double what the stock engine gets). Of the 7 Honda Accords we put the kit on, 6 of them got over double the mileage. I personally rode in one that got over 100 mpg unless you turned on the AC and then it only got 70 mpg.

Ford was the only manufacturer who purchased any kits. They purchased 100 kits. We couldn't get any other manufacturer to even speak with us.

The company was finally shut down by the US government.

The oil industry controls everything. Tesla escaped thanks to a huge capital and Musk's stubbornness.

Jusf one question: was the separation more efficient than the burn itself? Because I hear that's one problem of it. The whole well-to-wheel not being very efficient

Most installations resulted in at least 30% increase in fuel mileage at least the first tankful. Then the computer would "compensate" and a large portion of them went back to "normal" mpg even with the injection of the gasses.

  • It took about 15 amps at 12 VDC to break down the water into hydrogen and oxygen.

Well, that's not a lot in fact... It seems quite efficient

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