STEEM Cycle Update: Bought a Vibration Alarm for my eBike!

in #electric6 years ago

Since I'll be leaving tomorrow for 3-4 weeks or so, of course my thoughts turned to how I can protect my stuff while I'm gone. There has been an attempt on my eBike before. The infra red camera in the garage and "This bike is GPS tracked" sticker on top have put a stop to that.

However I'm not taking any chances. Just to be doubly, triply sure, I spent $10 on a basic vibration alarm. It comes with a key fob you can use to remotely arm the device, disarm it and change the sensitivity:

I found level 4 just a bit too sensitive. I worry my roomie's motorcycle will set it off when he starts the engine in the mornings, and then he won't have the key fob he needs to deactivate the alarm. Level 3 is just slightly not sensitive enough.

It's sensitive enough that if you try to move the bike, it goes off. But a thief could probably remove parts of the bike while it's standing still without setting off the alarm. I can't count how many people I know who left their bikes chained up outside while downtown only to return and find the seat missing.

For this reason I wedged it under the bike seat, the #1 most frequently stolen bike component. That way it'll be shaken about plenty if somebody tries to remove it. It's also much louder in the open air than it would be if I tucked it inside the battery compartment or something.

It sucks this is necessary, but that's the world we live in. Hopefully between the camera, sticker and alarm, I won't have to worry about my bike getting jacked while I'm gone (or ever). I'm much less worried about my car since it has an alarm built in if you remove the charging cable without unlocking the doors.

I can also call Onstar and have them forward the car's GPS coordinates to the cops if somebody steals it. The car's not the issue, the bike is. But with this alarm, I can rest easy while on vacation.

Stay Cozy


Hope the thief will not follow you at STEEMIT :D Otherwise, everything might not worthy enough!
Anyway, it's a good idea to have that kind of item while you are out for a vacation! Enjoy well!


Putting it under the seat sounds like a better plan. However, if the thief currently follows you on steemit... He or she might come up with a backup plan 😂

@alexbeyman is that the same electric cycle you made yourself from the previous post ?

Am more curious, why worry too much and spend all this when you can put the bike inside the house, possibly your room.
I thought you're in vacation already, never knew it's still some days to come.

I'm much less worried about my car since it has an alarm built in if you remove the charging cable without unlocking the doors.

That’s good!
I once lived in a small county in Tennessee and I could freely leave my car unlocked whenever I left it. When I moved to NY, I had to completely change my habits. Now my house has alarm, basement windows are enforced and double locks everywhere possible. That’s the world we unfortunately live in.

That protection is top notch.
Better safe than sorry, right

A vibration alarm, that's great.
But it's sad to see people stealing seats of bikes and not working hard to earn their livelihood.
How far is the range of the device ?

The range of the bike, or the distance from which the alarm can be heard?

The range of the bike,
Or the distance from which the
Alarm can be heard?

                 - alexbeyman

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

What the hell is this thing

Haha, that's what I want to know.

Come on dude I said range of the device which means the loudness of the alarm obviously.

Oh, sorry. I didn't measure? It's very loud though, I can hear it from inside the house even though the garage is detached.

You're sharing it all here. What if the thief follows you on steemit? 😀


He still won't be able to disable the alarm, or remove it without setting it off.

But won't he be able to steal other parts without touching the seat

No, the other parts are not easily removable like the seat is. This is why bike thieves who can't cut the chain just steal the seat instead.

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We live in a world where we have to protect our things, so precaution gives us a dose of extra peace of mind.

Better safe than sorry

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