(EN/JP)Education to associate the real life science and handwork/生命科学と手仕事を関連付ける教育とは

in #education6 years ago (edited)

A yarn making experience kit for children/子供たちの糸作り体験キット


Japan is an island nation had been experienced Sakoku/closed country in 17-19th AD. One of this reason our own traditional culture and habits were matured in this period, and we still can see many original traditional cultures.
Fortunately I had a chance working at a dismantling repair construction site of a traditional temple building since 2001, and related with the way of making temple's roof tile, I was participated in group activities to inherit an ancient weaving technique. Since then, I keep doing some activities such as cultivating plants called Ramie(one of a bast fiber), in the field and making threads and weaving cloth.
Many believe that sciences have to hi-tech. Indeed, science, to me, is rooted in traditional crafts. In this post, I’m going to tell you how traditional crafts and handwork can be used as a channel to convey basics of science.


多くの人が科学はハイテクにしなければならないと信じています。 しかし私にとって科学は伝統工芸や手仕事に根ざしたものでもあります。 この記事では「手仕事」が科学の基礎を伝えるための道具として、どのように使用できるかをお話します。

Present state of handwork and protection-preserving traditional handwork as knowledge of science-

The Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan holds events every year to introduce these "handwork(include weaving)" and "preservation techniques of cultural properties" widely. It was held in Mie prefecture last year and there was an "experience corner" and citizens and children could learn these techniques. Traditional arts such as "Kabuki","Bunraku(a Japanese traditional puppet show)" and "Ukiyoe" are well known in the world, and are loved by many fans. However, the situation of "handwork" which is a so-called "folk culture" that has been closely related to people's lives since ancient times is a little different.The concept of "mass production" for reconstruction in Japan after the end of the World WarⅡin 1945, and the infrastructure development and a construction boom for the Tokyo Olympic Games in 1964, and the development of the high-tech industry let "handwork" greatly declined.



Ancient tile production demonstration/古代瓦制作実演

Ability to combine real life science and handwork

Then, is there any way to inherit "folk culture" to children in a recent environment surrounded by digital equipment without any difficulty? The thing that I am most concerned about is that the children in this era have "less ability to connect handwork with their real life".
For example, do you know what kind of ingredients the clothes you are wearing are made from? When going out, you might wear shiny and beautiful color of silk clothe. If you are living in hot area, you might wear cool Bast fibers such as hemp or abaca, and if you prefer to wear comfotable cloth you might choose a cotton clothe. In Europe, people wear wool in the winter time, and kitchenware is often used with linen. In addition, many of the athletes compete wearing chemical fiber uniforms.


では、デジタル機器に囲まれ、何不自由なく生活しているかのような昨今の環境の中で、「民俗文化」を子供たちへ継承する方法はあるのでしょうか? 私が今一番危惧していることは、子供たちが「実生活と手仕事を結びつけて考える能力が低くなっている」ことです。例えば、皆さんは自分が着ている服がどのような原料から作られているか、ご存知でしょうか? 外出する時は光沢があり色彩が美しい絹織物かもしれませんし、暑い地域では麻やアバカなどの涼しい植物繊維、肌に優しく快適さを求めるのであれば木綿が好まれるかも知れません。またヨーロッパでは寒い冬にはウールを着て過ごし、キッチンウェアはリネンが多く使われています。更に言えばスポーツ選手の多くは化学繊維のユニフォームで勝負をかけているでしょう。

Use seashells to separate the outer skin and endothelium of hemp/the way of Okinawa area/貝殻を使って苧麻から繊維を取り出す(宮古方式)

twisting Ramie fiber/苧麻(ちょま)糸の撚りかけ

Sensitivity to grow by experiencing

Then how are the fibers made of? At first silk and wool are animal fibers, silk is from silkworm, wool is animal hair such as sheep. Next, there are various kinds of Bast fiber like hemp, Abacá and Piña. Any of them has a limited length and carefully separate it thinly, then make a long thread by twisting or tying it. And cotton is made from plants such as Indian cotton or Egyptian cotton, and spinning from a cotton ball by using a spinning machine or spindle. When associating various cloths that are close to our daily life with "raw materials of cloth", children can start thinking about "what is handicraft" for the first time. They become having interest in the process "How to use it?"
Recently, many museums in the world have introduced "experience-type exhibits". It is important not only to see exhibit but also to learn by using the five senses to children's experiences. What they have seen, learned and felt directly is a great experience for children and it will be a wealth.



twisting Ramie fiber/苧麻(ちょま)糸の撚りかけ


Science come from traditional wisdom and these traditional crafts can demonstrate some knowledge of sciences. Visitors,particularly kids, can understand how threads can become fabrics and finally clothing or something useful. Science does not have to be high tech, essence of science lies in traditional crafts.
When considering leaving "handwork" to future generations, how can we make children interested in "materials and raw materials"? I think they need some help from teachers, parents or local people to connect with what they learned at museums and events to the real life. Now we can "know" almost everything using the Internet etc. it is required helping children learn exploring the relationship with 'what is in real life' and "handwork", I think it is what we adults can do only for now. And to that end, I would like to conclude that adults are also interested in various things and that it is important to "acquire knowledge and keep learning".


科学は伝統的な知恵から来ており、これらの伝統工芸や手仕事は科学の知識を示すことができます。 訪問者、特に子供たちは繊維が生地になり、最終的には衣類や有用なものになることを理解することができます。 科学はハイテクである必要はなく科学の本質は伝統的な工芸や手仕事にあると言えます。

※this is for Submit Posts About Education & Science by @sndbox-alpha

※この投稿は @sndbox-alpha「教育と科学」コンテスト参加記事です。


スクリーンショット 2018-05-13 16.59.13.png



この手のコンテストに興味があるようでしたら、 @sndboxをフォローして情報をチェックしているといいかも知れませんよ^^ かなりハードルは高い印象はありますが、参加して損はないと言われたことがあります。

@sndbox フォローしました。
色々と情報ありがとうございますm(_ _)m

あれれ、今日はいつもと別の端末を使ってまして、何度かダウンボートを触ってしまったみたいでごめんなさい。ちょっとネット環境も良くないからそれもあったかも知れません(T ^ T)

いえいえ、上にvoteまでして頂いて申し訳です( ;∀;)


なはは、 @nadeshikoさん、ありがとうございます〜 紹介して戴いた(教えてもらった)ものには一応、参加して行こうかなと思ってまして。。
私が参加することで、JPの皆さんにもどんなコンテストがあるか知って貰えますし、紹介しようとしても参加してみないと要領が解らないので、記事も書きにくいんですよね(..) 何度か参加してから順番に、あんまり難しくなさそうなものからご紹介できればと思ってますので、楽しみに?しててくださいね^^*
ちなみに私は教育は苦手分野なんで、結構これは苦労して書きました。 @sndbox は難易度も高いので、とにかく参加してみたという感じですw




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