Towards Voluntaryism (Part 16)

in #education7 years ago (edited)

2.12. Education: Conclusion

Towards Voluntaryism (Part 16)



Education, how people are educated and enculturated, is the foundation of all human civilization. The culture of any society is a result of the education of its people. Education in the West, once the bastion of freedom and justice for the population, has been subverted by ideologues pushing abusive forms of coercive collectivism (Neo-Marxism, Cultural Marxism, Identity Politics, Social Justice, Anti-Scientism, Socialism, Communism etc.). Globally, the education system today is largely an indoctrination program designed to empower coercive collectivism by withholding the information and training of the faculties necessary to distinguish relativist narratives from empirical facts. The desired collectivist narrative is then supplied and the punishment for divergence ranges from social censure to active and violent political suppression.

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To summarize and draw into focus just how far gone higher education in the West is today, view this exquisite discussion between Camille Paglia and Jordan Peterson. If my presentation above has not made it clear that action is essential for preventing catastrophe, their discussion will eliminate any doubts, grab a cup of coffee and settle in to have your mind blown:


Currently, historical revisionism, the privileging of subjective beliefs over objective facts and entraining an emotional decision-making process has established itself as a parallel curriculum in many university disciplines. This is the multigenerational result of (primarily) the liberal arts and sciences being ideologically captured by Critical Theory, a postmodern Neo-Marxist cultural turn based on hyperrelativism, masquerading as the will to equality and actual epistemological progress.

This series on education has discussed how the problem arose, how it manifests itself and how it is maintained despite its active hostility to individual and pre-political (i.e. natural) rights. This was followed by administrative solutions and why it is necessary for the general public to focus on restructuring the Board of Trustees. Additionally, specific tactics for the general public, students and faculty were proposed which have a high potentiality to affect change. Finally, general recommendations for curricular revision were proffered that should, over time, counter collectivist narratives of obedience to entities actively hostile to individual rights and freedoms.

I am convinced that it would be possible to establish and maintain a human society based on the premises of Voluntaryism, meritocracy and altruism. To do so, people must be empowered with knowledge and trained to think for themselves. They must be consciously aware that they are responsible for the world they live in. By extension, they are responsible for the actions of those they delegate coercive authority to. In a rational world, people should be held responsible for actions that are not their own if they have delegated authority to others to carry out those actions. And yes, this has serious moral and ethical consequences for everyone, including the author. The best and most responsible course of action would seem then not to delegate coercive authority over oneself or others to a third party.

To achieve such a state of affairs, people must be raised and educated in an environment that is truthful, factual and focused on empowering the individual. Until such time as the educational establishment can be completely restructured to best serve individuals and society as a whole, we must strive to minimize the damage it can cause to the essential tenets of freedom and justice.

In closing, a pair of quotes from Thomas Jefferson: "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." and "Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day." It is my hope that the plan detailed above can help move us towards these noble goals and the eventual practice of Voluntaryism at all levels of social, political and economic interaction.

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Next: [Towards Voluntaryism - Government]

Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero
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good content,sir...
i appreciate your post...
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."

and Educated people are the asset of a country...Nepolean also said for this education and know about it..
So education must necessary...But there have some problem if there are more lacking in system...
Education must transmission of this civilization...It is so necessary...

thanks for sharing...
@upvoted @resteem

Glad you liked it. I understand 'Sir' is meant well, but just my user name if possible, sir is overly formal where I come from. Cheers Lafzaia!

okay @cupidzero...
your blog is so excellent...
you holds more logical topic on it...
like you and appreciate you too..
what country are you come from???@cupidzero

the privileging of subjective beliefs over objective facts

Holy fuck, tell me about it.... the postmodern subjectivist solipsistic world of academia and the left is crazy... we are living in a twilight zone... And why is this dung of a mindset adopted? Yes...

empowered with knowledge and trained to think for themselves.

People don't know how to think! Hahaha.

If you liked my mild formulations on the failures of the educational establishment here, you may appreciate some of my other more critical contributions. They are older but quite informative and entertaining in their own way: The Vicious Cycle of Social Justice Indoctrination Part 1 and 2, Safe Spaces - The Dystopian Infantilization of America's Youth Part 1 and 2, as well as what really got the ball rolling on this topic for me: Meritocracy is Dead - Diversity and Privilege in Higher Education.

I have done quite a bit more on this topic, which you can see on my Steemit blog. I don't have that many resteems, so it is still possible to gain a quick overview of my writings, plus I cataloged my posts for 2017 here. Thanks for the comment!

good logic,sir..

Good Question,sir???
creative too!!!
not flatter..sir..

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