Get the fcuk out of our schools and away from our kids. If that's what you think 'giving back' means, you can shove your money up your....

in #education7 years ago (edited)

Screenshot-2018-1-22 Live Lessons - Super Movers - Live Lesson - BBC.png

The Barclays Premiere league is a business of mammoth proportions. It is now unrecognizable to those who remember standing only sections and footballers with two jobs. We have entered the age of celebrity footballers. Now rather than chase the highest awards, they seem much more concerned in chasing the highest REwards.

We have all heard about the grotesque amounts of money, just one talented footballer can demand for his services. It has only been a few weeks since the latest record-breaking fee was paid. £125 million, I think it was. Had the human populous not been lobotomized, we would most certainly see how this is insanity. And that's just ONE PLAYER!!

The Barclays Premier League, has an average of around 30 different teams. In each team you would have approximately 20, demanding, 1st-team-players and 1, unhinged, manager. All of whom are being paid vast amounts of money for their services.

But what about the company behind this sport(If it can still be called that). Over the last 30 years we have seen the game of football transformed by Russian billionaires and Saudi Princes. When football was re-branded as the Premier league, it had effects that would push this sport to produce some of the highest paid celebrities on the planet.

Lets get some perspective on this. Because with figures as large as these, it's easy to loose touch with reality.

In 2012, there was a report in the Express. It stated that the average wage for a nurse, in the NHS, was just £15 per hour. At the time, a footballer, earning £1million per yer, would be receiving an hourly wage of £822!!! That's 54.8 times more.

But that was in 2012 and you know where this is going, don't you?

Your right and it isn't pretty. It doesn't help that I have chosen the Goalkeeper as the example either, but it's my job to play devil's advocate.

At such short notice, the variables are too erratic to find any kind average time, he would be actively 'working'. But it is safe to say, that this is the least active member of the team. From this excellent collection of data, provided by, we can see how absolutely bonkers things are.
Screenshot-2018-1-22 Wageindicator co uk - Pay, Salary Messi, Vardy, Bale, James Rodriguez, Neymar, Rooney, Frank Lampard, [...](1).png

Don't be too hard on the lad, he has got a Girlfriend to support you know?!

So lets do some math and work out his hourly pay. What are you saying, up or down? Ha, don't answer that.

£28,493(daily wage) Divided by 90 minutes of weekly competitive play, and 2hrs per day in training(5days per week). This would give us a total amount of hours worked in the week. That would be (60 x 2) x 5 + 90 = 690 minutes per week. Now take 690, divide that by 60, to give us the amount of hours. We then get our total hours worked (11.5hrs). Now we divide £28,493, by 11.5 and this should give us an idea of how wages have risen, in just 2 years.

Are you ready for this?

The hourly wage of David De Gea is an eye-watering, £2477!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now while I am enjoying pulling on this thread, let me really give it a tug and see what unravels...

From this report, dated 22/1/2018 (, we can see that David De Gea has played a total of 23 games this season. In those 23 grueling games ( 34.5hrs), this hero has been called into action to make no less than 68 saves! Apparently this earns him a score of 61, whatever that means...?

Over-paid, under-worked and now we see he is adored, to a rating of 61! Give the boy a carrot, hasn't he done well for himself? Presently, David is earning around £3600 for having to save an average of 2.9 shots per game....

Now let's go back to our, irreplaceable, NHS nursing staff. With David earning £1200 for every goal he saves, I would assume that saving a life, is worth 50 times more. (If its even possible to put a price on life.)

This was posted onto the job-search, website, known as This advert is only 3 days old (Maybe Wayne Rooney might want to apply, after his career winds up)

Screenshot-2018-1-22 NHS Salaries in the United Kingdom Indeed co uk.png

Oh no...Oh no, no, no, no, NO?! £7 to £32! Are you fucking kidding me!?

And breath in......1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.... And now breath out.... Sorry for the language.

Are we getting the message though? Please tell me so? Because if there is a person on the planet, who is willing to defend this. I would sure like to hear what they have to say.

Oh yeah, I forgot there's quite a few of them....

source -

Yeah, you keep buying you £13 meat-pies, that contain no traces of real meat. God knows what's in them. There must be some reason they spend over £500 a year, for the most basic season ticket on sale.

All together now, "WE LOVE YOU MAN-U, WE DO......"

To place the last nail against the coffin lid, I will end this part by showing you this.

This is a breakdown of the money generated by teams in the Premier League, 2015/2016. As stated in this Guardian report by David Conn. (source -

Screenshot-2018-1-22 Premier League finances the full club-by-club breakdown and verdict(3).pngScreenshot-2018-1-22 Premier League finances the full club-by-club breakdown and verdict(4).png

Screenshot-2018-1-22 Premier League finances the full club-by-club breakdown and verdict(6).png

Screenshot-2018-1-22 Premier League finances the full club-by-club breakdown and verdict(8).png

So what's my problem with all this? Schools that's what!

Yes, schools. Over the last few years, these vast sums of money being passed around, haven't gone unnoticed. Lobbyist have started to put pressure on this super-wealthy industry, to give back to the communities. Don't start getting too hopeful though. The only reason this movement has gained any pace at all, is because of the woeful attempts made by England's football team, to qualify for major tournaments -.

At least Frank Skinner will be able to coin it in every 4 years with his fantastic song
"It's coming home. It's coming home. It's coming, footballs coming home"

whatever the reasons are behind this attack on the footballing industry, we are now seeing the fruits of their charity. Considering what you have just read, we should now have a better understanding of the wealth that floods through the gates, every weekend. It is truly astronomical and it has to be noted that most of the teams, mentioned in David Conn's Guardian report above, all have their accounts in known tax havens.

So they now have 2 reasons to put back into the communities they are defrauding.

After years of campaigning and decades of excruciatingly terrible football, the Barclays Premier league have decided to give back! Yay! The world has seen sense! With the vast sums available, from folk who don't bat an eyelid when paying an agent 10% of a £125,000,000 pound deal( £12.5 million ), this can only be a wonderful thing for future, right?

So what do you imagine, would be the level of effort and commitment these BILLIONAIRES have applied to this cause? With bottomless pockets and a responsibility to give back what they have stolen through tax-avoidance, one would think the production value would be top notch.

Part of this scheme, would be to join the increasing number of industries who are currently poking their snouts into public schools, all across the UK. The BBC have been very outspoken about their move into teaching.

Yes, we have now entered the twilight zone, where pedophile supporters are going into schools and teaching our kids to spot 'Fake news'. The BBC, teaching kids about fake news.

This would only be acceptable if it involved stocks, a pot of honey, and a wild Mountain-Bear.

It is because these two mutations have come together to highlight and promote one another, that I spotted this piece of government-organised propaganda. Which of coarse, is all about social conditioning and from what I could see, a big dollop of product placement. But that's my opinion. I'll let you decide if what you see, is the honest actions of an industry trying to make a difference and change its ways.

Screenshot-2018-1-22 Primary school pupils joined by Bolton Wanderers stars for live lesson.png
(pictures above and below are sourced from -
Screenshot-2018-1-22 Primary school pupils joined by Bolton Wanderers stars for live lesson(1).png


Crazy isn't it? Not only are we administering a cocktail of, potentially lethal, vaccines and lining our kids up at the nurses desk to receive them, we are now allowing this to happen.

Teaming up together, the BBC and the Barclays premier League, are now making children familiar with gambling site's. Nice. And It's quite surprising, that these two have decided to bury the hatchet. It was only a few years ago that the Beeb were singing a different tune all together.
Screenshot-2018-1-22 Football talent spotting Are clubs getting it wrong with kids (1).png
Screenshot-2018-1-22 Football talent spotting Are clubs getting it wrong with kids .png
(source -

And it isn't a one off either.

Screenshot-2018-1-22 BBC NEWS Education TV football 'corrupts children'.png
(source -

But that was then and this is now.

Now the government have an agenda that suits the need for a reconciliation. From what I can see, the responsibility handed to the F.A. by the lobbyist mentioned earlier, have been coupled together with the the BBC to produce this poisonous apple.

Here is what these two mega-corporations have come up with..

Screenshot-2018-1-22 Live Lessons - Super Movers - Live Lesson - BBC.png
Screenshot-2018-1-22 Live Lessons - Super Movers - Live Lesson - BBC(1).png
Screenshot-2018-1-22 Live Lessons - Super Movers - Live Lesson - BBC(2).png

Unfortunately for you, I do not own a TV license. Therefore, I cannot show you any clips from this terrible video. But please, feel free to go and watch this video, that can only be described as pathetic.

Put it this way. The next time you visit your Granny. Give her your laptop, a video recorder, some props ie fruit machines and go-go-dancers. Give the old dear a few hours and I tell you now, what ever she has managed to produce, will be better than the shite that has been chucked together in this production.


Written and produced by Rebel Dan. @article61 & @team-solutions

Please visit @familyprotection and support our fight against forced adoption and the Child Social Services.
Come join @article61 as I report back from Nottingham's child abuse inquiry. Hearings are to be held all week in Nottingham and I will be attending and reporting it exclusively to!

steem image.jpg

Links -

  1. David Conn. List of team earnings -
  2. The Sun report on footballers wages -
  3. BBC super movers website -
    4.BBC - children corrupted by football -
    5.Bolton news - lofty the lion -
  4. Average wage 2012 -
  5. Footballers stats -
  6. Man-U season ticket prices -
  7. Premier league web-page about new scheme -


Too bad the post has not received proper attention. 100% upvoted and resteemed. Here are some additional tips.
Don't use the promotion option; it won't give you good results. Period.
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@larryphang @abasinkanga @resteembot @re-steem are good ways to get resteems and more views when your post gets few days old.

Best of luck!

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That is some good advice bro, thank you. I really am lost when it comes to bots and stuff like that. I have just started using @randowhale but have now seen vid say bot can be a scam. I will try minnowbooster and the other links. Thanks again bud, good form ;)

I haven't used it so I don't know if it's a scam. But it's run by the person behind this account:
This person has an army of bots and millions of dollars worth SP(Including randowhale) and the behavior of the person is very toxic. I don't want to support the business of such a person. He even use the voting bot's voting power for flagging people's posts. So personally I'm staying away.

That's good to know, thanks. I try to be as cautious as pos, but you know how it is out there, like the wild west man! I think I will have to have a school night and get up to speed with some more stuff. Great learning experience though. Hard to believe this kind of thing is possible but I ain't complaining. I'll have to pop over and check your work out. Speak soon bro. Peace

Here is a nifty site for the job:
It doesn't work always because of heavy network loads. So you might have to use the keep scrolling down to find my posts.

Here is a nifty site for the job:
It doesn't work always because of heavy network loads. So you might have to use the keep scrolling down to find my posts.

Yeah lets keep our kids glued to screens cos that's where all the learning is, active how? we need to be taking our children outside. Ah sad days indeed, thanks @article61 for telling it like it is x

Most welcome. What a joke this is. I only wish I could show you the video that they had shown on the news report. Honestly it was like an 80 music video. And bringing betting adverts into schools is such a good idea. I really do wonder what the head-teachers are thinking when they get these offers. It's not education anymore, it's pure indoctrination. I've already warned my daughters school that there would be trouble if they allow this to come here. And breath again... this subject gets my back up, it really does. Thank you for the support.

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