Yes My Children Are Wild And Yes That Is Exactly How They Should Be.

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Yes my children are Wild and Yes I am very happy that they are. Why is it such a problem for some to see children being allowed to be themselves, to express themselves openly, to teach themselves?

Having left the mountains in Spain to return to Ireland, I knew that the choices I have made in regards to my children upbringing would be questioned, I'm pretty okay with that as I really don't care so much for other people's opinions. But the level of discomfort I have seen, that my children cause just by being open and free, well it still surprises me. This is the longest I have come away with my kids, it just over 3 weeks now and certain tolerances are starting to wear thin for some.

Like all children, my children love to go anywhere new, which has been happening a lot lately. We have been spending the time between staying with my sister and my parents. My mum is great and loves to take the girls out. A couple of days ago we went to a hardware store, a pretty big one and the minute we got in the girls got excited. Looking at it from their point of view it is a large space with long corridors and lots of cool stuff to look at, they really wanted to explore and as long as they stay in my view I am okay with that. Then they started to get really excited about a star wars projector they saw and were calling for me to come and check it out.

When they get excited they both tend to move a lot either spin around or do little jumps or even do a little dance, their voices also change. I love to see them like this, but some people in the store just threw me dirty looks and tutted at me, as if to say 'Control Your Kids', really being happy and expressing excitement is frowned upon. Seriously, who does not enjoy the sound of happy children, quiet a lot it seems.

It is funny how so much money is invested in to creating ways to obtain and maintain happiness yet when it comes to expressing that happiness people can become quite uncomfortable. I grew up in a house where any noise was frown upon, so I never got excited for fear of getting told off and beaten for it. But when I left home, girl did I make up for it. I became very vocal when I was excited, it was so liberating, whooping and hollering over lightening in the sky and seeing fireworks. I got a few looks then from folk, but it is nothing compared to the looks I get when my children freely express their emotions.

My oldest 2 girls are very adventurous and love climbing, trees, gates, fences what ever they can find, they do not climb shelves in store though so don't worry this story is not going in that direction. They are really good at judging danger, because like all creatures they generally do not want to get themselves hurt. It is in their best interests to stay safe. It is important to trust your children and allow them to have the opportunity to explore their surroundings, they are very clever and will not put themselves into dangerous situations. Of course I stay near by especially when they are young, but they are so capable of assessing danger.

My one year old is no exception and she loves to climb. She is really good at it too, she goes up and down the stairs, climbs onto benches and chairs and I can literally see and hear people's hearts jumping out of their chest when she does so. I have people come over to me in play grounds telling me not to let her climb up ladders to the slide. I am right behind her, I am there to catch her if she does fall but I do not hold onto her and that really makes a lot of people uncomfortable. When you allow your children the freedom to explore. you are helping them to navigate their way in the world, you are helping them gain confidence. This really starts at a young age too, of course you are right next to them but telling young children no all the time and don't do that you are instilling your own fears into them, you are telling them to not trust their natural selves. Like I have said already no child wants to hurt itself. But by interfering we are telling them to not trust themselves and their natural abilities.

Image Source:

Something that really annoyed me recently, was when one person whom I see regularly, told me that it is not natural to have your children up after 830p.m in the night. That by letting them decide when to go to bed, allowing them to go when they are tired, is making them wild and that I have no control over them because of that . Why would I want to control my children, I for one am not out to 'control' anyone, that is not my way.Children do not need to be controlled, they need to be treated with respect and understanding. I really dislike hearing people talk about controlling children, as if they are dangerous.

But for some control is the only way they know and because this person knows no different he was trying to 'control my children'. My girls go to bed when they are tired, I have no problem with that. If it gets late sometimes I tell them to go to their bed and read books which they do. But this person really had a strong reaction to seeing them having the freedom to choose when they go to sleep. What is the point in sending a child to bed if they are not tired, in effect punishing them for not being tired.

I have definitely had to hold my tongue, okay I did not in the above situation because I will not tolerate some one trying to tell me how to raise my children. Especially someone who is not a parent.

We all have the right to express ourselves freely yet so many of us do not and that is understandable when you see first hand how uncomfortable some people are with children having the freedom to be themselves, to discover who they are. They are all natural explorers and we should be encouraging them not robbing them of such a powerful trait. So the next time you are out and see some kids having fun, go along and laugh with them, encourage their happiness.

1st Image Source:

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


I have come to believe that people with strong opinions on controlling children must be aware somewhere deep down they too are controlled, that they live in a controlled society and simply cannot tolerate the idea of somebody else being free to do as they please, freedom is unnatural to them.

I know, that is sad really that such freedom is unnatural to them, yet it is what we are meant to be in our most natural form. Thanks @ladyrebecca xxx

The freedom and honesty of children! Hardly wild. We prim and proper adults have a lot to learn. And possibly we should take a lesson from a child. At what point in growing up does a person lose that wild abandonment of living? We all raise our children differently. We all get tut tutted at some point but how wonderful it would be if adults celebrated life with the freedom of a precious child!

I know they are just being their true selves, exactly how they should me, they are our greatest teachers really on how to stay true to ourselves, to stay connected xxx THANKS @bucharoo

Kids are like flowers. If they are a tulip they want to be a tulip. If they are a gladiolus that is what their spirit desires to be.

So many people want to force them to be roses, or some unrealistic ideal that was forced upon them when they were young. All a parent can really do is to give them the water and love they need to stretch towards the sun.

Water them with love and appreciate their beautiful expression.

(somehow I suspect your children are beautiful fragrant roses)


very well said @steemer-x, thank you. My girls are blossoming everyday and they change their form so often, they are beautiful that's for sure xx

Yes! Love that your daughters are experiencing their freedom of movement and expression. Inhibited and controlled people of course would be uncomfortable with that.

And great point about ppl spending so much to be happy yet limiting it when they see it :/

thank you @mountainjewel, they really are so expressive and it is such a joy to watch xx

Weird kids, wild kids, whatever you want to call them, they are the BEST.



Love that first pic 🎉😋

yes they are thanks @byn xxx thanks for the photos xx I love your tribe xx

Beautiful family! Love the black and white dress in the bottom picture!

Beautiful tribe you have there, @byn! 😍

Kids need to be kids. They need to explore and express themselves. It is the adults that have forgotten how to be young at heart. Being with wild children is what keeps me young! I raised four wild sons and they have grown into very responsible and caring young men!

very much so @cecicastor, I feel like it is just getting worse unfortunately, living in a civilized world ! Our wildness is what keeps us connected xx

Keep doing it your way! Since when was being normal an aspiration of ours!? Haha! People who tutnwhen they see live vibrant kids are just sad that they have lost theirs.. keep being fully alive!!!

exactly, I have no desire to be that way, it's wild all the way for me xxx

Good way to be!

it sure is @wstanley226, thank you x

Oh i love love love this! <3 I wish the world was more expecting. Today's time is so difficult. I know I'm a little more "helicopter" but I had a close friend who's daughter got hurt, just playing and being a kid, the emergency room staff called dfs :(. Here in my state that's like the number one go to when kids just want to play and get hurt. It's sad.
But I'm proud of you for letting your littles explore and enjoy their childhood to the fullest! And sticking up for yourself and beliefs! <3 resteem so i can come back when i need that reminder or encouragement for those "rough public moments". Have a wonderful day!

thank you @squirrellymafor your wonderful feedback, have a great weekend xx

Preach it loud, preach it proud mama! It's true we're living in crazy times, our surroundings are increasingly fear infused everybody practically walk on eggshells. It's high time to take back the mantle as strong parents in setting the right tone and showing them how freedom looks like so that they will grow to be powerful individuals that are not afraid to be strong and free to dream and conquer life! Xx

thank you @alimamasstory, you are so right, we really do need to take our power back as parents xx

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