What Does Respect Mean To Me? EcoTrain Question Of The Week!

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)


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There are times in our lives where we are expected to show respect to others, be it because of their position, their age or their life experience. Yet should we just show those people respect, just because it is expected of us. Indeed are we really even truly respecting some one, if we only do it out of duty. Is it even possible to show respect to someone, if they do not first show respect to you.

What even is respect, if we look online we see that respect is a deep feeling of admiration for someone or something brought on because of their actions, their achievements. It also talks about having due regard for someone's feelings, wishes and rights.

I imagine it would be great if we lived in a world where we all were respectful towards one another. Yet respect needs to be extended towards all living things. Yet for some, respect seems to start and end with other humans. I will be honest here and say that I fine it difficult to respect people who think like that. I question if they really understand the concept of respect, if they are unable to see how important it is for us all to honor the Earth. We are only here because the earth provides for us.

Yet somewhere along the line, that respect grew into a desire to control and manipulate, to dominate the very thing that ensures our survival.

I find it very hard to listen to people talk about respect , about how important it is, when they show such little regard for the earth and all things living on her. I am completely aware of how important it is to accept others, to accept where they are on their journey in life. I get that, I see how much this is needed so that we can be more at peace with ourselves. Yet do not expect me to respect them, I will not, I cannot, it angers and frustrates me, some times so much that I find myself in tears. But those emotions also motivate me to be a better person, to live my life in a way that respects all living things.


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For sure, I can be polite and respectful in my mannerisms towards people like that, but I do not have any time for them or any place in my heart to honor them. I do not like the fact that I even have written, people like that, indeed I fight very hard to prevent an more segregation in life. I strongly believe that in bringing us together we can help to unite this segregation that some have from nature. But again I do not have to respect them in order to do so, just like I do not have to agree with them.

That is my journey, that is who I am. I respect every living being's right to life. I feel so strongly, so passionately about this. From our elders the trees, to the bee's, the animals, the shark's.

Respect is not something that should be thrown around, something that is just a given. Respect is due when we feel a deep connection, an deep understanding. When we see those beings for who they are and feel drawn to celebrate and honor them.

I really believe that the word respect has lost some of it's power because we are being forced to be respectful to others when we do not even know them, connect with them.

I could not finish this off without first talking about respect for self. Indeed, how can we truly be respectful towards others, if we are not first respectful towards ourselves. When we are, then that light is plain for all to see. It is part of the power we all hold inside. The power to first love and honor ourselves, so that we can then do the same for others.

What does Respect Mean To You? Please make sure to check out some of the other responses to this question put forward by the EcoTrain.


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i SO feel you! this nugget comes for you....
i think we have to Also respect other peoples paths, and let them discover the right way, over however many lifetimes that may be. We can actually respect people that we dont really respect, in so far as they are learning, and they are sentient human beings with God only knows what background and upbringing. I guess compassion helps with respect somewhat! Also, I think for me what happens is i ALWAYS want to give everyone a chance to be something better.. By giving them respect, i give them (yet another) an opportunity to respect me back.

thank you Alex, I guess there are many levels of respect, it is true we need to respect the path that others are on and accept them for who they are. Acceptance in a way is another type of respect, it has so many layers. My main respect is for the earth and it all branches out from there xx

This thought fits somewhere in the discussion maybe.


exactly thank you for this xx

Respect is due when we feel a connection. Hmmmm. Pondering that. Definitely often that's true.... The respect for others needing to flow out of our healthy respect for ourselves is a really string theme in all the responses. And I agree with that. Nice contribution, @trucklife-family. Thank you.

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yesterday my respect was being stretched and tested, it is hard not to use our voice even when some do not want to listen, I think i let some of that come over in my post, but then it was a true reflection of who I was in that moment and we change everyday. I hope you are well @artemislives xxx

I find it very hard to listen to people talk about respect , about how important it is, when they show such little regard for the earth and all things living on her.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you Beautiful, I have been been feeling this so so much of late xx

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