Poetry, My Words are My Power and My Healing

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Writing poetry has always been my greatest way of expressing myself. There have been times in my life when I could not vocalize how I was feeling but in poetry I found my voice. I found something that gave me power, that was a window into my soul, into the darkest parts of my being. My life was made easier and with it I discovered a way to heal myself.

Before coming onto Steemit, I had stopped writing poetry, in my twenties I was busy finding myself, partying and travelling. I had forgotten what is was to write, to express myself so freely and openly. And then I became a mother when I turned 30 and my life was full, I dedicated my hours to my children and my nomadic life. I wrote on and off but I never made the time to actually sit down, to sit with myself and write from my heart. It was always more in passing, a quick poem here and there in a notebook that I always seemed to lose and then forget about.

Being a mother, I put my children first and as a result I let some times things get pushed to the side. Mainly my self care, I know as mothers we all do this, it is only natural. Just like it is natural for us to then tell other mothers to look after themselves and make time for themselves, yet we don't do it ourselves.I have read posts on here saying just that and I am very grateful for those gentle reminders. But coming on here really reminded me of the power of writing.

When steemit came into my life, my love of writing returned with it, along with the freedom in being able to express myself so openly. Words are so powerful, I have always believed that we create our realities and the first step is to put our intentions out into the world. To bring them into being. Along with that, is the power that words have, in letting go, that which we have been holding onto.

To really allow ourselves, our lives to flow. To prevent ourselves from holding onto emotions that can drag us down, that can cause us to become stagnant.

When I read about the 100 Day Poetry Challenge, I had recently began writing poetry for the Steemit Vision Quest and I really saw it as an opportunity to improve on my poetry. I also really fancied the challenge, would I a mother of 3 children, be able to see it through to the end. That was my main driving force behind my desire to enter it. But in the end I got so much more.

Image Source:https://silverbirchpress.wordpress.com/2013/04/page/2/

Everyday I took the time to walk around the land I live on,and really reflect on what was happening in my life and what I wanted to share in my poetry.

We all write for different reasons, I see poetry as a opportunity to share my knowledge and my awareness on all the things that really matter to me. I write about the way I see the world and my desire to inspire people to re connect with their natural world, their natural selves. I write to motivate myself to be active in creating a better reality for me and my family. I write because in my writing, I am free. Free to express myself, to be my true self and to share my truth.

Sometimes I awake with words forming in my head and I reach for my pen and paper, yes now I always sleep with them next to me. At other times I am about to fall asleep and suddenly a sentence forms and from there I just allow my hand to write, I let the words flow, I do not hold back. The freedom I feel when I do this, to just let my thoughts flow, to allow myself to be in flow, that is such a wonderful feeling. I feel so alive. I write so often about how life needs to flow, it was something I knew yet struggled with. But poetry really brought that flow back into my life.

It is like being a child again, feeling that wonder and excitement at what you have created. It is such an important act of self love. To trust in yourself, to trust in your words and your wisdom. To allow yourself the freedom to grow with them, to allow yourself to just be!

The poetry challenge came at a time in my life where I have had to deal with many emotions, with feelings of frustration and anger at what is happening. Instead of just pushing through and not really dealing with them, my poetry has allowed me to bring those emotions out, to acknowledge them and use them in a constructive way, to embrace them and to then release them into the world. I need those emotions, but I also need to express them and not act them out..

Writing has been my therapy, it has allowed me to self heal. Because it has also helped me recognize patterns of behaviour that I keep falling back into. Because when you acknowledge how you feel and embrace it, you are opening a door to allow those feelings to be released, and through that door older feelings come and with them many realizations of where those feelings have come from, such true understanding of yourself.

From wanting to improve my poetry and wanting to see if I could actually complete a 100 day challenge, I have tapped into my power.

My power to self heal.

And with that has come a new confidence, a new belief in myself in my capabilities.

A new taste for freedom.

A new leash for life.

Thank you @d-pend for creating the poetry challenge, for undertaking such a huge project and navigating us all on our journey. I can only image the amount of time and work you have had to dedicate to this challenge. Thank you for helping me remember the power of words and the power in expression.

"Speaking My Truth "

I Like the Shape,
that this is taking,
this vision of life,
this realization,
I like the texture
that these words create
when spoken freely
and molded into shape,
I like the sound
that rolls off my tongue,
that sweet noise
that's over before it begun,
I like the sense of playfulness,
that keeps me guessing,
that arouses in me
my voluntary confession,
I like that writing
is my secret power,
that allows me to unleash words
that spin and flower,
that educate
and seek to empower.
I like that no sense
is needed in expression,
yet understanding is achieved
by common suggestion.
I like that I sit here
and speak from my heart,
while all the time sharing
my wisdom and art.

1st Image Source:https://meganmcrae12.wordpress.com/2012/08/29/words/

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


awesome! so inspiring @trucklife-family! one thing i keep hearing over and over in this post is FLOW and the ability for poetry to encourage flow. that and belief and care for oneself, are a fantastic way to sculpt a life. thanks for this reflection and great job on doing it!!!! <3

thank you, yes to flow is so important, we flow, we grow! much love to you xxxx

I so totally agree with you. Beautifully written as always. I like that you have a notepad by your bed to write when you think of things. I need to start doing that again too. I agree the flow that comes from writing poetry or playing music is definitely a great way to release emotions that are getting the better of us. Big love to you 🤗💖

thank you my love, please do keep a pen and paper next to your bed, I love to read you gift of expression, I feel we are very similar in our way of seeing things xx big love and respect to you xxx

Just as you like writing it, we like reading it 💚

thank you @zen-art, the feeling is mutual xxx

I am so happy you found this challenge too! I think you express your thoughts beautifully through your poetry and if someone were to ask me to describe you I would certainly say she is a poet with a beautiful heart!

ah thank you @beautifulbullies, keep inspiring with your beautiful pictures xxx

'I like that writing is my sectret power' 😉 Right there with you.'

thank you Clara xxx

wow, this is an amazing work. I feel the same with poetry, it is really a strong feeling.

Mama, this is just so delicious. Im now at the point where i dont know how i lived without writing. Or how i lived without steemit for that matter. What a rich and nurturing environment for rekindling love affairs with our own hearts and spirits.

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