366 Days On Steemit-What Have I Got To Say For Myself

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


So yesterday was my one year anniversary, which was quite fitting as I wrote a post about Personal Power. Today I really wanted to post a video, I have wanted to try out dtube for a while and thought that posting a video to celebrate my first year on Steemit, would be a great time to do just that.

I done, a total of 3 videos,and deleted them all. The first one whilst walking home from town, which had way too many close ups, way too many. I do not think anyone wishes to see up my nostrils and on top of that it was way too noisy, as there was a lot of traffic on the track. So I deleted that one.

Next up was a walk around my land, that was way to long and I couldn't even manage to get it from my phone to my computer and then lastly a shorter one, that I just couldn't upload. So no video, here I was thinking it would be a lot quicker, but instead it took longer and I am here writing a post anyway. I guess it is a lot easier when you actually know what you are doing, which clearly I did not.

But anyhow, here I am, officially 1 Year On Steemit and all the wiser for it. I remember checking out Steemit for the first time after my friend @markwhittam talked to me about it and I was completely overwhelmed. My first stop was the trending pages and I looked at those articles/posts thinking I really don't think I can offer anything to this community, there really was nothing there that I could relate to. But luckily Mark told me to check out the tags and then it all opened up to me. Then I saw the huge potential that the platform had and I jumped right in.

I done my intro, wrote about birth, home education, earth wisdom and I began my search for the people that I could relate to, the folk that inspired me, the ones that were awake and pro active. And wow I am mighty happy to say that there is quite a few of you and I keep connecting with more all the time. My life was already pretty interesting, but now, suddenly, it got more interesting. I started to to get involved in some of the communities on here, the first was the @ecotrain. I have written lots about this community before, ( got so much love for you all on the train) but it is so important to find your tribe, your people. It's not so fun swimming in a big ocean all alone, every now and again maybe some one drops by and says hello, but then you are on your own again. Starts to get a little lonely and one can become disheartened quickly because we can all write and we all have lots to say, but I like to be heard. Most of what I write, is meant to be read. There is a message within my writing, a sometimes subtle and sometimes not so subtle message, calling us to wake the feck up and remember what is important. To remember why we are here.


Look we are already part of something so much bigger than ourselves, that goes without saying, so when we create this new little world online, the same thing applies and we all need to come together and use this opportunity to steer it in the right direction. I know what I want to achieve in this life, and I know that it is up to me to make it happen. But I also know that having some help from others makes it easier. Surrounding myself with people who wish to create change, is really important to me, people who are actually creating change and I get to connect with them on here. I have found my Tribes that are stretched right around the world. I never expected this, when I signed up for Steemit. To be honest I didn't know what to expect, I just wanted to get involved and let things happen organically.

So Steemit has enriched my life, it has introduced me to so many amazing people, doing amazing things, all moving forward. All aware and awake and all striving for change, connecting with you all, this is the power of the platform.

I hear people freak out sometimes about where it is all going, what the future holds, but right now, in this moment, I can proudly say, that I have been given so much from this community. I have made connections , forged bonds that will last.

I do not speak lightly when I share my commitments to the earth. I am not just writing for the sake of writing, I am writing to get my intentions out there and to get the ball rolling. I write, so that I can join those who feel the same, so that I can join my energy to those who are devoted to bringing about change. I believe in the power of words and I believe in the power of us people. We are a force and when we come together, we are one hell of a force. There is no turning back from where we have come from, there is only forwards. And I intend to keep moving forward with my Tribe.

So on this special occasion, I want to say thank you, to all who have supported me, who have engaged with me. To all the members of my Tribes, all you amazing Earth Warriors in @ecotrain, @tribesteemup, @tibeglobal-love, @freedomtribe and @naturalmedicine. I know I have written a lot this week about community, but that is what it is all about.

Thank you Steemit, which for the last few months has provided me with an income, allowing me to feed my girls. Yes I live somewhere relatively cheap, where a little goes a long way and I grow some of my own food, so my expenses are not large. My life is simple, but full of riches, that just keep on growing. Steemit also allowed me to travel back and forwards to be with my sister whilst she was undergoing chemo, so I have a lot to be thankful for.

I look forward to where this next year will take me, with all these connections now made and intentions now shared. Much Love xxx

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Hi @trucklife-family, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @eco-train and @tibegloballove don't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @ecotrain and @tribeglobal-love ?

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i would be lost without you @checky xx

lol, it is the only useful bot,, and gets it right most of the time!

its not easy to make a useful bot.
yours get the suggestions right VERY much all the time, so well done whoever you are!

One year! I thought we were joining around the same time :)
Steemit is just one way we can be independent and financially free, it the unexpected kind of revolution lol..

I wonder if anyone thought to make the once existing "olivio" payment system hat was existing there, it was just written in small book that users had, making a currency on a blockchain?! That would be excellent!!!

cheers @movingman, yeah a wee bit older than you, hadn't heard of the olivio, will have to look into that, that would be pretty cool alright xxx

You must know danny and sam with the eco shop? I think it was sam that started the idea, but this was around 6 years back 😂 it would be great for the special village to have its own real digital currency on blockchain !

Yeah I do, they don't have that shop anymore, I live not far from Sam so will have a chat with her xx

Wonderful post and Congrats! Keep on Vibing UP! and followed ya. Thank you...

Wow. What a great story of your experience here on this platform and huge congratulations on your successful 1 year on steemit.
We are so lucky to have you here with us and always inspire us and show us what really life is about.

thanks so much @joalvarez, you are one of my longest supporters, much respect xx

Congratulations Aishlinn! It's been great to get to know you both on and off the platform. What you've done on here will be an amazing foundation for what you have in mind!

If you want any help with DTube some time, let me know. xx

thanks Sam, yeah I think so. Will definitely have to hit you up one time for some dtube assistance. Hopefully see you soon xxx

A whole year.. wowsers. Ha I struggle with the whole video thing too! Trying to put one together for later in week. Maybe we will eventually see each other in action... sans nostril hair, hopefully.

Posted using Partiko Android

I now it has gone so fast, I look forward to seeing you on screen, I am going to try again next week, I think xxx

a year on steemit is like 5 years of normal life.. SO its a Huge achievement and birthday really.. i still cannot imagine life without steemit, or that i had one not so long ago..

Very happy i am as i met so many amazing people, like yourself madame!
<3 see you for year 2 xxx <3

thank you Kind Sir, so happy to have connected with you on here and getting o the train was definitely A high light for me xxx

Congrats my darling, so happy I have found you here and to know you online AND offline by now ;) You are truly one reason why I stayed and still love Steemit!

yeah thank you Niina xxx

Congrats on a full year on Steemit! I hear ya on what a wonderful group of people there is here and how important it is to have your tribe. Happy to be a fellow tribe member! I tried Dtube once and abandoned it to upload it quickly to my Youtube channel for I needed the video. I think I got it figured out what I did wrong but I just have to commit to make the time and get it figured out so I can share my videos from there. I do like to see what people look like and hear their voices (like on the Natural Medicine Live Chat Show - that was great!) but pictures are wonderful too - like yours!

thank you @porters, I missed the live chat show as it is just too late for me, maybe one day I will get to listen to it and yeah hopefully i will figure out Dtube Too, thank you for you lovely words xx

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