A Response to Ecotrain QOTW regarding Vegans

in #ecotrain6 years ago

@eco-alex, the driver of the @Ecotrain, presented this weekly question for any and all to reply to Find out more...

Why do you think there is so much hate and anger toward Vegans, and why are those who eat meat and dairy so threatened by the notion of giving it up?

Go vegan.png

Personally, in what I have experienced, I don't feel much of an issue on this for me.
I respect peoples diets and what ever reason they choose to remain with those diets. Whether it be because of animal rights issues, or because of a health condition like being Celiac or perhaps they've chosen a Ketogenic diet to move to a different fuel source for the body.

Now don't get me wrong, I abhor the treatment of animals in the meat industry, and I refuse to buy meat from the grocery store.

Often it's your environment and conditions of where you live, that can determine your diet.

It seems the further up north you go, the more the diet seems meat or animal product related.
Take for instance the Inuit up north having their mainstay be whale blubber, there is not much vegetation there in the winters.

In the area where I live there is a lot of people relying on hunting and fishing for a subsistence living.
In many tribal societies it was the hunters who sustained the community and were much respected for that.

archer hunting at sunset.jpg

Viewpoint of a hunter...

A viewpoint from my hunter friend:

He take hunting seriously and sure his hunting skills are up to snuff for there will be taking of life and he never want an animal to suffer.
He went on to say that every time he takes a life he is sacrificing a bit of himself, but he is willing to do that so his family can survive.
Animals lives are not taken carelessly and there is a lot of gratitude for what has been provided.
These wild game live out their full life in their natural habitat and if it is a good kill will never know what happened to them.

I don't like to see hatred of any sort directed to anybody.
I hope this perspective given here, can bring some clarity to the equation and help to bring more acceptance and respect for peoples choices.

All photos came from Pixabay

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My husband is a hunter and a fisherman. But he never kills something he doesn't intend to completely utilize. He is very mindful of making sure his shot is sure. He has not gotten a deer for several years now because the single shot from his muzzleloaader or crossbow wasn't a sure thing.

And I recently did a post on the ocean pollock he loves to catch, but we don't like to eat. In the end we do eat it...

For many it is a way of sustaining themselves and if done ethically I would much prefer the animal to be harvested from the wild then some of the practices they use in feedlots and slaughter houses.
did you come up with some good recipes to make the Ocean Pollock better tasting?

Re:Pollock, no, we didn't try too hard as we are spoiled on cod and haddock and especially little redfish aka ocean perch. So the layers reap the bounty of pollock.

How close are you to the ocean with all these salt water fish?

About 2 hr drive. But he lives to see the ocean and can't go often enough. In winter, he goes out at least once "to see if it's still there..." but not fishing, as all the boats are out of the water.

Our diet has lot of influences like cultural and regional. I believe nothing is right or wrong, but yes being a little mindful and compassionate towards animals is required. Also for our own good, for our health it is important we develop healthy diet habits.

How true! The most important part is that we eat food that sustains us and we remain healthy.

I had joined #ecotrain and I had purposely avoided this topic when I saw it. After having been on several vegan FB groups and seeing much of the hatred between the two sides, it has been something I steer clear from discussing most times.

I live in an area where hunting and fishing is huge. There were and are hunters on my husband’s side of the family. And everyone in my extended family are omnivores while I chose to be vegan as of this past year, and I have not regretted my decision one bit (hubs still eats meat too).

You have posted your view point ever so eloquently and I admire you for that. Thank you.

Yes, I think it is just a matter of respecting each others choices and really it is just our diet and that is just a small part of a person.
I was hesitant on answering this question too, but I thought I best shed some light on the other side of the meat eaters.

And you did well with your answer 😊

I always respect a hunters relationship with the landscape. It's only when they do it for the ego.. like killing giraffes.. or money.. like rhinos.. that I get upset.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh goodness! I think that is horrible to kill animals just to say you are a great hunter or even worse, just for the heck of it.
I had watched a little animated film once about a young boy who would unthinkingly harm animals and it went on to show how he learned compassion for the animals after he himself had been caught and in distress. I wish I could remember the name of it or more details but the main thing that stuck in my head was how important it is to teach kids compassion for the animals (all critters) at an early age.

That is so lovely. I can never understand why anyone would want to harm animals in such a pointless and cruel way xx

Posted using Partiko Android

I really appreciated that you shared the perspective from a hunter. My husband hunts sometimes and it is always an emotional experience. Everything is done with care and nothing is ever wasted.

Yes! They are sacrificing every time they hunt down game but one they are willing to make for their families.
When my friend told me what it really meant to hunt I had a deep respect for him and am more grateful for the food we receive.

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