If 50% of the defense budgets of the 10 biggest nations was given to Philanthropic causes, would we see more or less war and violence in the world? The @ecotrain Question Of The Week!

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

This is the Question of the Week put up by @eco-alex under his @ecoTrain initiative. It's a very thought provoking question. We are so engrossed in our comforts, these questions hardly come to our mind...

Statistics show that the largest allocation in budgets go to the Defense sector, I always wonder if we could spend so much on War why not on Peace?
US being the top followed by China, India, South Korea, Germany, Russia and so many more.
What is it that we get out of it? Bitter territories and broken hearts 😔😔 and year on year the trend shows these budgets keep on increasing for more wars and violence.

We all know about Syria, it started as a civil war, which could have been controlled but the opposite happened and one after another in the name of bringing peace and stability other countries entered into the conflict and played a major role in devastating Syria.


There are many countries where the Defense budget is out of the Audit scope and hence this is one sector where a lot of money goes unaccounted, so this can also be one of the reason for heavy defense budget allocation.

In Today's time we have most of the Private sectors coming up for Philanthrophic causes, be it the Apple, Tatas, GE, Wallmart, Microsoft and end number of them. They are doing the jobs that the Governments need to do. It is good that they are contributing to the society, but what work they do, why can't the government make it their top most agenda rather then focusing on Wars and Violence.


Coming to the Question
If 50% of the defense budgets of the 10 biggest nations was given to Philanthropic causes, would we see more or less war and violence in the world?

I would personally like that the Defense budgets are reduced and the same is allocated to better philanthropic causes, but how is it possible is one big question. This means that lesser army camps and more initiatives towards bringing peace within the boundaries.
In the cut of the budget I would not want that the needs of the people who are battling it out gets cut in any way.
How much ever I love my country, I cannot ignore the fact that there is a lot of corruption in the political system.
In the existing with such huge budgets being allocated to defense, we still find our Soldiers struggling for the basics of life, so with the Budget cut it would be a die die situation at all ends for the soldiers as they will be the first to get impacted.

There is 100% scope and possibility that the budgets can be reduced and used for better causes, if this happens in the most honest ways I am very sure this world would be a paradise to live in.
If the same defense budget is passed on to the third world countries progress, there would be better housing, education, sanitation and a better life for them.
But not at all easy as said. This means removal of Bureacracy, Corruption, Power freak leaders and bringing in a sense of unity, love, compassion.
If one Dalai Lama or Mother Teressa can make such a big difference to the society, imagine having a Dalai Lama and a Mother Teresa in every single soul.
A very beautiful book written by Dalai Lama "Beyond Religion" a must read for everyone, where he beautifully explains that the solution to all the Wars and Violence is just one thing which is Compassion.

The budget allocation is not a problem, it is just playing with the numbers, problem is all about Power, Greed, Corruption. If we can bring a change here this world will be a Heaven itself to live in.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻🧚‍♀

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Well done ..
basically . We face the problem of corruption and moral decay
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

I see the defense budget as a sneaky legitimate excuse to amass wealth by corrupt government officials and their cohorts using the protection of the country as cover.Most of those weapons are not as costly its claimed to be. weapon merchants profits from wars and chaos.

That's where the whole problem is, these guys never get satisfied with how much ever they loot public's money, they need more and more

They are like the story of the greedy toad that died from asphyxiation trying to fit an entire bat in its mouth.Eventually it will consume them

평화로운 세상이 왔으면 좋겠네요! 점점더 국방비가 올라가는게 무섭네요

A great text, we need science with a human approach and financial advisors with hearts bigger than pockets. This is one of those topics that always gets me, especially when I hear crazy newspapers saying that the World is in debt this or that amount. To whom is the World in debt? Marsians? But I am drifting from my point... As long as we have money for weapons, no one can convince me that we do not have money for food and medicine, no one.

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The solution is simple, stop giving our energy and focus to this madness and create parallel structures peer to peer to support each other. I will NOT support this corrupt centralized economical system, political system, taxes, medicine, school system etc.

Use decentralized platforms to spread the truth, finally information is back in hands of the people! :)


Yes the best solution to this is coming out of the centralized systems.
Be in fully command of your wealth and information.
The future of blockchain will change a face of many systems hopefully

Hear here buddy!

I see that war is indeed created, then despite the many countries that help keep the war there and hope we may the world is safe from the war

Yes that's a hope my friend. I wish it can come true

Make coffee not war!


Make Coffee, Tea, Green Tea everything but not War please :-)

Unaccounted money...where the heck did it go? I think the 'defense' budget of multiple countries is also a cloak for other more devious workings in their governments to keep a veil over the eyes of the populace. Would be great if the funds were used for something else! Like, getting cabins built on the moon ;)

Ohh my God there also there will be bribe system and someone will want to be in Power, we can't manage one planet imagine if we had existence on two. Then there will be Planet wars :-)

We are living in an era when people are scared of people. ..and there humanity hardly exist. Just to get safetty from people across the border to prove the authority on others these countries putting all efforts to show the supremacy on others....and killing mankind. Instead if they bother to help others and create a friendlier environment no defence budget required.

So true, it's all about the greed for power and for that these people can go to any extent. There is no value for human lives, the only thing that matters is money and power.

No one wants War except for the corrupt people in power which has ruined mankind completely :-(

just to show the supermacy

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