Who Wouldn't Want an Abundance of Forever Wishes?

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)



I told my mum what I was going to do for this abundance challenge and she said: “be careful you don’t get arrested?”

“Why would someone arrest me,” I asked.

“Because they might think you are a bit mental” came the reply.

So what did I do for this real life abundance challenge?

I made a forever wish jar…

A long time ago, I remembered seeing an idea about making a wish jar, which had a load of intact dandelion clocks in and I wondered how on earth they did that, so this challenge inspired me to find out how.

All I needed was a nice jar, so I went an bought one from a charity shop, as not to buy and create more waste. I could have used one from home, but I saw the one I found and it was perfect.

Some glitter (the girls love glitter) and I know there will be times my flat will resemble a glitter bomb and there will be lots of glitter slime in the offing.

And some hairspray (ok I know not the most environmentally friendly option here, but I hope you will forgive me)

And dandelion clocks.

There is definitely an abundance of dandelion clocks.

I’m sure the world won’t mind fewer weeds, especially when they make two happy girls and a jarful of forever wishes. :))

The Forever Wish Jar Making Process

Warning: lots of fun was had hairspraying dandelion clocks…

Go outside and find some dandelion clocks and spray them with hairspray (this was the mental part my mother was referring to)…

(We didn’t get arrested.)

We collected them up:


This is why you need hairspray, now look they won’t fall apart…

Then I decorated the glass jar with some glittery nail varnish, to add some more sparkle.

Resprayed the dandelion clocks and dipped them in glitter and popped them in the jar.

Added more glitter in the jar.

(You can never overdo sparkles).

And popped the finished jar on the mantelpiece so that we can make forever family wishes and smile at the good time we had creating it together. :))


So that was our abundance project for Ecotrain’s Real Life Repurposing/Abundance Waste Challenge. The deadline is the 9th May, if you have a project you want to talk about or something you do to make the use of waste.

One man’s waste is another man’s treasure an all that. :)

I hope you enjoyed it :)

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Oh wow... When I first saw the dandelions my first thought was: gotta be VERY careful and gentle... or spray them with something sticky. That's where the hairspray came in handy. Very nice job!

ooooh! what kind of witchcraft is that!!? and how did Anyone ever figure out how to preserve those flowers!!!? The girls are so cute and English.. i rarely hear the authentic British accent these days..

<3 Gorgrous little mantlepiece! yay!

Aaaawww.... the LOVE and SWEET MEMORIES you created in your girls's hearts will long outlive the jar and even the environmental impact of the hairspray. :) Loved it. Whimsical, delightful and creative. A NICE challenge entry!

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