Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset: Everything's A Learning Curve, Right?

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Hi there fellow Steemians. Wishing everyone a beautiful week ahead, with good intentions and loads of love to all.

This is an opportunity to learn.

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I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little upset about the slug problem. However, instead of being defeated, it was time to address the problem, see where we had gone wrong and look for solutions before everything was gone.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist by nature which has at times led me to give up on things I am interested in for my internal fear of failure getting the better of me. This is one of those character traits that I am working on changing. Not just for myself but also for my children. I used to have a fixed mindset and because of this I missed out on many opportunities in my younger years. Opportunities to grow and expand. I see with my children that sometimes they get angry with themselves if they can't get things right first time and on occasion have given up. I cringe when I think back on how I am sometimes the same way and that they have learnt this from me. So I am now very mindful of the way in which I handle challenging situations and learning something new. Leading by example is one of the most important things to be able to do when you have children regardless of whether they go to school or learn at home. They are learning all the time.

In fact we are all learning all the time...

I'm a complete novice when it comes to permaculture practices. I've read loads of books and watched countless videos but nothing compares to actually getting out there, gaining your own experience. This is the first year I am applying permaculture principles in the garden. I've started small as I knew mistakes were inevitable and that little bit of remaining fixed mindset, that inner voice said

" Hey don't plant too many seeds just in case they don't grow or you mess up. You'll have more spare to try again"

So, being conscious of that inner voice screaming

"You Will Fail"

I decided to ignore it and give a few things a try to resolve the problem.

Slugs. Slugs. Slugs...

As the seedlings were establishing themselves and looking really healthy I woke up the other morning to find they had been eaten by slugs.

These are, or rather were, the poor french beans

The Pak Choi took a real beating

Even this poor lemon balm which seems to keep fighting back

They even got my cucumbers. It's safe to say that these little monsters are well fed. But hey Slugs, can you leave some food for us too!

A friend suggested drying out some seaweed, crushing it and putting it around the vulnerable plants. Given that a trip to the beach is only a 10 min hike down the cliff behind the house we decided to take a family walk at low tide to collect the miracle plant.

The seaweed laid out on weed suppressant to dry

3 days later...

Dried, and crushed ready to be sprinkled around the plants.

As the little blighters are nocturnal, we waited until dark to see just how many had colonized the area.

As you can see in the two photos above there were quite a few... and big ones too!

We decided to collect them and relocate to the field across from us.

The verdict

I am pleased to say that last night the slugs kept away. The seaweed worked. I believe the high salt content deterred them from venturing over the lines of seaweed to feast on my vulnerable plants. I'm super happy about this. The best part is that both my plants and the slugs can live happy healthy lives. I'm really hoping that the slugs can find alternative food sources.

No further damage and the seaweed even looks nice and adds vital nutrients to the mulch

I'm grateful for being given many opportunities to learn and grow. I'm grateful for friends with knowledge and experience and I'm grateful that I didn't cave under pressure and give up. There's still loads more work to do and I know that there will be more obstacles along the way and with that comes the experience earned from taking the time to observe, listen and look for solutions to every problem.


I am a passenger on the @ecotrain, a group of amazing people who regularly put out amazing content. If you haven't already had a look at some of the posts, I recommend taking a look.

What an awesome idea; I'm so pleased it worked for you. And I loved the beginning of your post as well! I taught high school for years, and witnessed first hand kids giving up when they were frustrated; in fact, one of my sons was and often is the same way. It is something he too is working on. Don't be too hard on yourself though, I was never like that, so sometimes it's not necessarily a learned least not from parents that is.

I curate for @asapers and submitting your post to appear in our READ me ASAP newsletter as a quality (so far unnoticed) post :) Stay tuned...

Fantastic I've been checking out this lovely Steemian for the last few weeks but every time I drop by her posts have been to high to curate. Not that thats a bad thing lol.

haha I went back and looked at her previous posts and know exactly what you are talking about!

Aww thank you for the kind gesture. Yeah I don't think my posts would qualify. I'm very fortunate that there are a few whales who sometimes come along and upvote my posts. As you can see by the low number of votes I think they hold a lot of weight. I'm super grateful to them for that though and I'm grateful to you @lynnecoyle1 for considering my work good enough to be showcased though. 😊 one love ❤

You are most welcome :)

Hmmm... This is brilliant and ingenious. I can imagine how you feel.... Feels so good when everything goes as planned.... If not better. Cheers mate

Aww thank you for your kind words. 😊

You are welcome :)

Congratulations @holisticmom, your post has been selected by the @asapers for a resteem and a feature in our brand new curation post. Issue 56

What does this mean for you? Well first an upvote from some members of the team, we are no @curie or @ocd but who is going to be unhappy with some extra upvotes. Also each post featured in the article will receive a 10% share of the SBD generated from the curation post.

Keep up the great work and please consider supporting the @asapers with an upvote and/or a resteem on the post you feature in. Please wait seven days for payout.

Your friendly @asapers

Giving back A.S.A.P

Read Me ASAP.png

Good for you on going for it! I'm so ready to find a spot and get started!!

Thank you! Yes this is the first year we've applied permaculture principles so I'm still learning about many techniques. The slugs have kept away and my Bak Choi is finally looking healthy!
You could always grow in pots for now! There's a ton of food you could grow in pots and when you move it can go with you 😊😊❤

Right now I just have some moringa and some loofah, but I want to get some other things going too.

They are both really useful. We tried to grow some Moringa here but it really doesn't like the climate. You could make a list of all the veg and fruit you like and try and grow those for now. Maybe go for low maintenance things. Xx

Yeah. I keep trying to do tomatoes, but I think they don't like the salty air.

I really wanna do mulberries. I miss berries, and I think they're the only ones that are native here.

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