Six months on Steemit - what an amazing adventure

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


I’ve got a bit of a writers block at the moment but then I saw that yesterday was my half-year anniversary on Steemit. Hooray! A good moment to write about my experiences on this platform.

I Joined this amazing community on 24 July last year. In the beginning it was sort of frustrating. Spending days filming and editing to get zilch, nada, nothing on my posts. My first 7 posts had a total payout of 22 cents. LOL I started to feel a bit lost.

My first video on Steemit.

But then I heard the whistle of a train. And I was invited to jump on board by a bold driver called @eco-alex. It was the @eco-train of course. A group of wonderful people with a passion for writing who support each other and have a desire to make this a better world.

Now that’s a community I felt at home with. There are posts about sustainable building, homesteading, gardening, exploring our inner selves and many other interesting and inspiring topics.

Alex has a nose for talent and recently invited more great people on the eco-train. Like @schoonercreek who makes these fantastic hand woven and naturally dyed textiles. I was very impressed with the video her friends made in which you can see how she makes them.

Then there is @solarsupermama who helps families to switch to solar and writes about her own personal development and lots of other stuff like “Honouring the Feminine”.

@bristena94 who’s currently writing her “Diary of a Free Spirit”. A very honest, open and detailed account of her inner journey to become a more open hearted and spiritual person who listens to her soul. Her motto: Be You, Be Wild, Be Free!

If you want to see what the other loving people on the @ecotrain are writing, check out the latest ecoTrain magazine:

Ornament 2.jpg

As I said, in the beginning I found Steemit quite frustrating. It took up a lot of my mental energy. Steemit started to become an obsession. And obsessions are never a good thing. But luckily that phase is now over. I can now easily not write for a couple of days and don’t worry about it. And although it’s always nice to have a decent payout, I’m not so worried about that anymore either.

For me it’s more important to share my passions on Steemit. I love to photograph nature and especially birds. I’m now also writing for @familyprotection. I believe that this is one of the best initiatives on this platform set up by @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam. I don’t have any children but got personal experience about child stealing by the state, from the time that I was doing activist work in the UK. @familyprotection can definitely change this world by exposing the CPS for what they truly are and helping families in need.

And that’s what I like the most about Steemit. There are so many loving and good people on this platform that are fed up with the old paradigms and want to live in a better world. This beautiful planet that should be a paradise for everybody to enjoy. A world without pain and misery. A world where everybody is free and thrives.

Also on Steemit there’s no censorship and you even get paid for what you write. With the increasing censorship on other social media, Steemit is becoming a free haven for critical thinkers, anarchists and activists where their findings, publications and perspectives are engraved on the blockchain forever.

Thank you my fellow Steemians and Steemit for making this possible.

Much love,


Why not click here to read more inspirational and interesting posts by the other members of the ecoTrain.




thanks for sharing, I was actually curious to get in touch with people who've been here for longer and to know how the journey has unfolded for them.. thank you so much for including a link to my diary, means so much to me that my writing is received and appreciated in this community, it really is amazing, such beautiful people and projects.. in total awe! <3 xxx best wishes as you continue to grow and expand on this platform!

I should thank you and @eco-alex who invited you. Your diary is inspiring indeed as are your other posts. My best wishes to you, I hope and wish you'll do great here on Steemit.

thank you so much! such warm feelings make me want to write and shine even more!

schoonercreek is my discovery! 😊
I think she is my only discovery for the train, but when I read one of her posts I knew immediately, there´s a new steemit star in the making.

I'm very glad that you did. There are a lot of stars on steemit and it's not always easy to spot them. Thank you for introducing @schoonercreek.

Thank you so much. I, too, think Steemit can really be a profound platform and create some real and lasting change. I'm so loving being on this journey with so many beautiful people.

I'm very pleased to be with you here on this journey. Thank you.

Likewise. Grateful to be here with you.

Six months and counting....
It has been an amazing ride; hasn't it?


Here's to the next six!!!

Thank you @goldendawne. It definitely has been an amazing ride. Cheers!

Beautiful post! I'm sure if you posted some of those videos you labored over now they'd get a little more than .20! You always have quality photos and intriguing storylines. Glad you heard the conductor's whistle :) <3

I probably would get a bit more and I'm indeed glad to be on the @ecotrain. I'm happy to have you as a fellow passenger as well. Thanks.

Looks like you and I joined Steemit at almost the same time. :) So glad that you joined it and then the @ecotrain. Your posts are definitely a brilliant contribution here and are so amazing.

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