Who are the best people to lead or guide our world ...Politicians, Parents, Academics, Philosophers, High Tech.. Or someone else? EcoTrain Question Of The Week

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I may have to start with a question bypass on this very important question of the week. What do I mean? Well the thing is that this question is not being asked by those who matter. Sometimes it seems like we are hurtling along an unknown path, with no one really taking a step back and asking some really important questions! What are we doing? Why are we totally preoccupied about money over and above people, to the extreme? How long can we keep introducing new technology into our society with no one even in a position to think about and discuss the impacts of such technology. As every year passes our technology becomes an ever more incredible and powerful tool. As with any powerful tool, it can be used to shape and create beauty, or it can be used to destroy and control.

In my opinion the very worst people to lead or guide our world are politicians, academics, philosophers, high tech'ers or ANYONE who lives a life as a specialist and is separated from normal mainstream society. In the UK we used to have a different kind of democracy, it was called a Direct Democracy, an it was a time when people took a much more active role in voting for important laws. As the population grew, and times changed, our direct democracy was swapped out for a system of representatives, and is the basic premise of most voting today. The list of failings of representation is too long to even start, and most of you will already know about the failings of politicians!

Now technology has evolved to the point where we can EASILY vote on important ideas, and also elect ANY person we want to represent us and cast their vote on our behalf. Why should we be restricted to ONE person representing us, who cannot even do his supposed job whilst he toe's the party line. It would be a breeze to create a voting system that everyone can access and use to cast their vote on important issues, and IM sure with some thought and imagination it would be possible to create a most beautiful direct democracy that we could govern ourselves with.

Now I am writing this I remember a story that happened 20 years ago! I was in fact creating this very system, with a cosmic friend who convinced me into helping him make his very first prototype website of the future direct democracy! The functionality was laughable, but even back then we could see what was wrong and how technology could free us and allow us to lead ourselves in the most important ways. Government is important, but it has gotten so rich and greedy that it cannot bear any financial losses and that in turn has dictated most policies for decades. The United World Awakening (UWA) that I was a part of was a eutopia really, and id like to share a few of our morals and ideas as these are what in my opinion count in leading us forward. As it turns out I had given this question more thought than I realised when I proposed it!

"There is enough for everyone's need but not enough for everyone's greed." - 'Mahatma' ['Great Soul'] Mohandas Gandhi

The UWA will enable ever increasing numbers to reach agreement about how we should behave. We will use it to decide both general guidelines about how we should behave and to influence specific issues. It will overcome both the problem with democracy that it gives everyone an equal say while not everyone is equally qualified to govern, and the problem with current petitioning web sites by ensuring that nobody can sign a petition more than once.

These problems will be overcome by giving you 2 votes (1 for you and 1 that must be transferred to another member that you respect) and ensuring that you can register once and only once by sending you a password in the post when you sign up for full membership (email-address-only members will still be able to vote on specific issues but the voting results will show figures based on all membership and on full membership only).

The history of civilisation shows that our ability to secure a fair and habitable world for future generations depends on increasing levels of communication and co-operation.The UWA will establish a rolling Direct Democracy giving everyone a say, abeit unequal as we need to ensure that those who are better qualified carry more weight (see Core Design Principles), in how we need to change our behaviour to ensure a bright future for all mankind. For despite doomsters we can overcome the increasingly urgent environmental and social challenges that we face. History is not cyclic: we cannot excuse ourselves by saying that catastrophe is inevitable or by joining The Human Extinction Society.

Where there is a will there is a way. Mankind invented garbage and it needs to learn to reuse or recycle everything just as nature does if we are to avoid trashing the planet. We can and will eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels by passing laws that overcome vested interests to enable us to move to renewable energy and fuel sources. And we can avoid the spectre of violent revolution by curbing the excesses of the wealthiest and the exploitation of the poorest.

>One World

Sooner or later we will all realise that we need to communicate and cooperate globally on a basis of relative equality. This is the egalitarian aim that underlies democracy. We may be of different races, sexes and nationalities but, as is clear to all who see the Earth from space, we are one people sharing one home. The central message of most of the world's great religions is to love everybody. As Westerners say, we are all fundamentally inter-connected, and Christianity teaches us to love our enemies as we love ourselves. The deep underlying meaning of Ubuntu, a traditional African philosophy recognizing the shared essence within humanity and life, puts it: "I am because we are". As the ancient Mayans put it: "In Lak'ech Ala K'in", which means "I am another yourself". And Buddhism teaches us that separation is an illusion.

The United World Awakening (UWA) envisions that we will all eventually awaken to the fact that we inhabit one world and that we must share its limited resources and capacities in a fair and sustainable way in order to secure a bright long-term future for all mankind. The UWA is a movement that recognises that we need to establish an internet based Direct Democracy that will enable us to agree and evolve a global morality.

The UWA Moral Code

1 Celebrate diversity
2 Teach children morals
3 Educate everyone
4 Respect all life
5 Protect children from abuse
6 Work towards a peaceful world
7 Promote measures to provide for everyone's basic needs
8 Promote equal opportunities
9 Reduce the growing gap between rich and poor
10 Show physical affection
11 Reciprocate
12 Create wealth through beneficial activities
13 Reduce material consumption
14 Promote fair trade
15 Penalise excessive energy consumption and pollution
16 Reuse, recycle and eliminate planned obsolescence
17 Promote local decision-making
18 Promote local production and distribution of goods and services

MORE ON UWA HERE: http://uwa.org/

There is no way out right now, and our Government regimes are controlled by the invisible Elite, who would never let a direct democracy happen. I believe our time will come, and whilst i can't say what it will take to cause this change, i can say that I think it is inevitable. All the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, and all it will need is one thread to stitch everything together into a unified world. That thread is our willingness, our cooperation, our technology, and our common goals. It is possible with a great shift in attitude to come together and start leading this world into a smarter and cleaner future. When we have free unlimited power, 4-d printers, and no need for money, we will be ready. I think we need a decade or two more yet, but soon, very soon I’m pretty sure we are going for a 360 degree turn. The worse it gets, the harder we will turn, so everyone stay calm, be patient, hold out, wait till the time is right, and then finally let's Lead Us!



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Pretty interesting subject @eco-alex will definatelly pitch in this time..

Posted using Partiko Android

ha ha,, better this week yes!

Its good topic...and love to read many others as well

Posted using Partiko Android

Politicians are destroying us economic, parentes are best guides for life time.

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Those moral codes are perfect and I can see them being great as a backbone of a new society 💚

its really quite simple. everyone.

yeah I agree of course, it is up to us and our time is coming as you so nicely said we just need to be patient, interested to read more about the UWA, thanks Alex, I like how similar our answers are xx

Great read Alex! I am all for the one world idea! And I agree that the ones making the decisions now (politicians, academics, etc) are among the worst to be in control! Have a beautiful day!

I was kind of expecting a post like this. Since I was a teenager, I knew that the world has always been ran by the wrong people. I mean, the least trained and honorable people. This ecotrain question of the week will surely bring interesting inputs.

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