The First Domestic Earthship in the UK receives an official NEGATIVE Carbon Footprint! Mind Blown

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

Two years ago I volunteered on the first Earthship building the UK that was built as a residential home and met domestic building regulations. This build was initiated and led by first time self builders Heidi Pavlou and her Husband Savas Pavlou. They were both committed to the Earthship approach, so much so that they sold their home to finance the build and lived with their parents and in a small tent whilst they built. I have great respect for them, not least because of their conviction and dedication to completing the job with very small budgets. They worked with volunteers and low paid workers for much of the grunt work, and I was very happy to assist them in the early stage of the build.

One of the main concerns when self-building is meeting building regulations. These days the building codes and requirements are quite unforgiving, and if you step out of the norm it can be very difficult to satisfy the building codes. A lot of the energy efficient calculations are based on computer algorithms (SAP), based on predetermined energy efficiencies of known materials. Whilst this can be very useful for estimating the energy efficiency of a building before it is completed, problems do arise when you are using previously untested materials such as glass bottles and indeed tyre walls! Whilst i was volunteering we were visited by the building inspectors and I got to see first hand how the process went. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. The building inspectors were very friendly and not nearly as imposing and harsh as I had imagined. I think they were actually very supportive of the project, and wanted it to succeed. Whilst they can't bend the rules for you, they definitely made the effort to support the project by giving good advice opportunity to fix things that they were not overly satisfied with. It seems to me that half of the reason for your success or failure in meeting UK building regulations is purely one of character! Sav and Heidi are really wonderful people with great character and local community connections. Due to their pleasant and positive nature they were able to befriend the authorities and get their advice and help at all stages of the build. It was easy to see why many people have failed in their efforts simply because they lacked the communication skills to speak to people in a way that lends them to wanting to help you. Maybe this is one of the great secrets to a successful life! A I wrote some time ago, the end of Education is Character! So IF you are self building and will end up having to deal with the authorities, be aware of this simple but very important message.

While I was assisting with the build we worked mainly on the insulation and berm around the back of the house. It was great to see first hand how much insulation and foam was used to seal this house up. The back had a good 8 inches of insulation, as well as about 2 feet of dirt. All of this was meticulously sealed up so that there was not even the slightest path for air to leak out of the house. The reason that Earthships are SO well insulated and bermed (partially buried) is that they are build to perform in even the harshest climates without any need to heat or cool them. Of course most people Do add some additional heating in the winter, but IF you don't or can't you will find that you can still live quite comfortably. Heidi confirmed this to me a few weeks ago when she explained that they had all moved into their Earthship before the wood burner was installed and working. It was -5 degrees Celsius outside and yet inside they were all quite comfortable. There isn't any other building option that I know of that can offer this kind of performance. When you do heat an Earthship like this, you HARDLY need any fuel to heat it up as it is SO well insulated and sealed. In fact, just body warmth can make a significant difference!

So, I am Very happy to share with you the latest Government reports on Earthship Sheppey! Bear in mind that the average home is responsible for around 6 TONNES of CO2 per year! Earthship Sheppey on the other hand is responsible for ... wait for it... -0.01 Tonnes of CO2, with the potential for a further 2.3 tonnes of CO2 to be removed in the future. That is really incredible, and having a negative carbon footprint is something that Heidi and Sav should be extremely proud of. How can it be that two people with very limited building skills and a VERY small team are able to achieve figures that totally wipe the floor with anything that these huge building companies can offer.

How is it that an Earthship can actually provide for you, keep you warm, watered and even fed with no bills or maintenance when a conventional house is essential a matchbox that does nothing except suck power and resources and spit out toxins and problems for the planet. This is a revolution folks, and here is the proof. Why should we spend our money and time on heating and cooling, polluting the planet and contributing to global warming when we can do this instead. It really does boggle my mind why the adoption of Earthships is so low, which is why im writing this post! This is nothing short of a miracle in my mind!

SO now i will share the reports with you! Please do share it if you know people who understand these numbers as there are VERY few such reports since there are so few Earthships, especially in the UK and Europe.


ANAZING! We have been following earthships since discovering then just after Occupy. We fell in love with the idea of a self-sufficient home. We even got to tour Earthships Brighton. So glad to see one built for habitation in the UK. We have future plans for an earthbag passive annual storage house once we finally get setup.

Wonderful! I was one of the initiators and project mamagers of Earthship Brighton and low carbon trust (right at the beginning) that was the first non residential earthship in England !

While the acheivement above is very impressive and not to be under-estimated how this can benefit all of us in the future, there is so much we can do to improve existing housing stock.

When we had the survey prior to getting our solar PV array, we got an EPC band of C, thats pretty good for a detatched home built in 1966, the guy said the average is usually a D/E. We acheived it through increasing the insulation of the house, improving the heating systems, and installing low energy lighting, replacing old double-glazing units and such. We have not had a new survey, but the assessor said by installing the solar PV we should probably end up as a B!

So come on eco-people, dont leave it to the Earth-shippers to do it all!

haha,, nice comment, and nice to see you to see you .. Nice!

very true what you say,, its SO easy to make huge improvements with some real basic changes!

ha ha you went all Brucie on me there for a moment!


Cant say enough how great it is to see, and hope to see a lot more of this!

The truth is there are very real solutions for happy, comfortable living that doesn't destroy the earth in the process.

Sustainability is the way of a happy and healthy future~*~

and You are the proof!
oooh LIKE the new profile pic.. u magician!
oh and HAPPY 70th . . wow congrats!!

Thank you, it is true I am proof that it is possible to live a happy and abundant life while not only living sustainable but helping so many others in the process!
@gardenofeden is truly something worth tuning into!

Oh and thanks for the congrats on the 70th I am more excited about that than I am bout my "real birthday" hahahahaha

yeah no shit!!! every birthday is that bit less exciting!

hahahaha true and yet every Steemit rep is MORE exciting!
the paradox....

well, as I've noticed since the start, Steemit turns Everything on its head!!!!

I really hate the term carbon footprint. CO2 is not a pollutant, nor has any affect on global temperature. So, although it is a good metric, as it is a straight conversion of how much fuel (oil, coal...) that was burnt to let you live, "carbon footprint" places the focus on the wrong things.

Earthships are a far better living environment. And, in the future, match box houses will be abandoned for the comfort of earthships.

MMM. thanks for your comment. I feel like you are a bit too sure of yourself here, considering 99% of scientists worldwide have correlated CO2 to global warming very clearly.. No need to debate this! just sayin'

and yes, totally agree the living environment, and reduction of stress through self sufficiency is priceless!

99% of scientists worldwide have correlated CO2 to global warming very clearly..

Oh, but there is a need to debate this, because its all lies.

You remember that movie, starring Al Gore, an Inconvenient lie?
In there, he says, "Don't they look like they go together?"
And everyone in the audience should have shouted, "Lets put them together and find out".

So, either Al Gore is lying or he is not a scientist.
Because any scientist would have put them together. Lotus 123 was created over 40 years ago. Its easy.

Except that, what they show is that CO2 has no effect on temperature.
The temperature graph leads the CO2 graph.
Temp goes up, then later, CO2 goes up. Temp goes down, then later CO2 goes down.

So, unless CO2 is causing temperature changes by going back in time, then CO2 has nothing to do with temperature.

Now, lets add another graph to that plot. Sun spot activity. And low and behold, it matches the other graphs, except that it leads temperature, which leads CO2.

The 99% of scientists is a lie too. You can look up that one.

im sorry but i do get a bit frustrated with people who really are not scientists debunking the science.. mainly due to conspiracy theory or lack of trust in the system. I am not naive enough to believe what im told by the system without some due diligence.. but im also not going to jump on the sceptics bandwagon ..

most people who say this is all lies, and just for tax and other purposes i think are kidding themselves.. They are VERY paranoid about governments (rightly so) but extend this to GLobal warming.. TO say 99% of science is a lie on this is really a bit far fetched! Sure sun spots effect things, but that doesn't mean it is the only effector. The vast majority of scientist have dedicated incredible time and effort to report the truth, so we better listen properly without just repeating conspiracy theories!

maybe read these !

here is a half decent video too.. I HOPE you do your due diligence and dont just believe some website just because it sounds true

Of course I am not a scientist.
My ideas were too radical to be allowed through college.
I write as often as I can about how our science books are complete and utter bollox.

When they included UN interns in the # of scientists...
... and you complain about not arguing against scientists.

Right now, we are entering into an ice age. (grand solar minimum)
As such is happening, earth ships will be even more highly prized.

Now, I would love to talk about pollutions. And the global elite who are pushing world wide pollution. And how to minimize these pollutants. Further I would love to talk about community sized zero and low emission power plants that we can build right now. But, I do not consider CO2 a pollutant.

Communication is key with the planning people here in the UK but this has set a valuable president to alternative ways of building and living i live off grid in my truck/home and leave little impact on thd earth and im totally resteeming this post to my page 😊

Yes u got it too! Thanks a lot for the resteem, we have to get this information out!

Its on my page now as a reference if ever i need to show anyone, hand made homes very much interest me and Earthships in particuler because of the climate here in the UK lets hope and prey that this is the start of sonething that grows and grows.

This is so awesome to see. Every little bit helps. I had no idea that each individual house created so much Carbon emission every year. Is this a UK stat or a worldwide generality? How's your earthship that you decided to build coming along?

well this stat is actually MUCH lower than MANY houses.. but it is an average that includes much smaller homes.. 6 tonnes is i think a UK stat.. USA is no doubt much higher!

I have finished my earthship in 2012! You may be referring to the Workshop i did in Rishikesh, which also JUST completed.. Nowadays im less active building and spending time promoting ;-) WEve done SO much work and still very few people know about it! ;-)

Ahhh right my bad, I just remember seeing you working on one just a little while ago. I guess you've moved from the ground floor up to the corporate office so to speak haha

Great to know this..But why is it that the authorities show apathy inspite of having this much of proofs to show?

Its not authorities with apathy, its us! We choose what we build, not them ;(“)

Yep..Now I got it!..Actually me and my family were living in a thatched hut made up of coconut leaves(I don't know it's collective noun) and then had moved to a single roomed house made up of mud.Now we are living in a concrete building but it doesn't brings the optimal temperature we used to get before.

Very good info. Is there more photos of it?

Even though you're not living in it, I imagine there is a great deal of satisfaction in seeing the results of a build that you participated in.
Any plans to help anyone else achieve earthship dreams?

you are right, absolutely! Earthship Rishikesh is one such project that just completed. Iam writing about it now, and you can see the latest blog at:

Would be great to see earthships built all over the UK. I'd love to see a video tour of this place.

MMM nice idea.. ill ask them!

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