Fruit it up Baby! - Medicinal Cooking Collective Diets For Ailments & Disease Week 4

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Medicinal Cooking Collective - Fruit it up Baby!

Oh fruits! Are they the only food that nature intended us to eat? Some people think so, but either way our beautiful fruits have some of most incredible colours and tastes that nature has to offer. Many people lack fresh fruits in their diet, and substitute them for frozen, concentrated, or otherwise adulterated fruits. There are many nutritional benefits in fruits, and especially antioxidants.. but only when they are fresh! So this week the medicinal cooing collective is here to seek and discover new ways to enjoy fruits without desecrating them!

Fruits have many health benefits that help prevent health complications like heat stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disorders, and diabetes. They effectively fight skin disorders and promote healthy hair growth. It is always suggested to eat raw, fresh, and ripe fruits to experience the health benefits.

Fruit Nutrition Facts

  • Eating fruits regularly benefits your body as they are natural sources of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for proper functioning of the body.
  • Rich in dietary fiber, fruits help improve the functioning of the digestive tract, thereby reducing the chances of constipation and diverticulosis.
  • Fruits are an important part of a healthy diet as they give ample energy without adding any unnecessary calories.
  • Fruits contain minimal sodium and harmful fats, so they are healthy for your heart.
  • Fruits are rich in potassium, which is important to keep your blood pressure regulated.
  • Vitamin C, a powerful is abundantly found in fruits, precisely citrus fruits. They are consumed widely for the common cold, wound healing, healthy skin, teeth, gums, and to keep the lymphatic system healthy.
  • Dry fruits are excellent laxatives and they also are a great natural remedy for anemic conditions, acidosis, fever, and sexual weakness. They help in healthy weight gain and promote eye, teeth, and bone health.
  • Fruits are a rich source of folic acids, which is the most important nutrient for pregnant women. Folate is known to reduce the risk of neural tube defects, anencephaly, and spina bifida occurring during fetal development.

The Challenge!

This week the challenge is simple and i think fun! I want you to come up with a dish or drink that features fruit as the primary element. You are free to do anything you want so long as you keep the nutritional value during the construction of your dish. Sometimes presentation is enough, and a glorious fruit salad all laid out is sure to inspire.. But this is the Gourmet medicinal cooking collective so I also hope to see some healthy and beautiful garnishes, dressings, sauces, and who knows what else! Not all the fruit has to be raw, and you can make cooked fruit sauces for example as long as there is some fresh fruit to be seen!

Posting Guidelines

  • Please include photos and clear instructions how to make it.
  • Include any other information about fruits that we may find interesting.
  • The deadline for posting is Saturday 13th October.
  • Please use the #ecotrain tag in your post. You can also tag #naturalmedicine as it is so relevant.
  • Please resteem this post if you want to help spread awareness to others who may be suffering and just don’t know the truths and options out there.
  • Please do comment on this post to let me know if you will join us for this Medicinal Cooking Collective Diets For Ailments & Disease.

You can be sure that through the magic of Steemit and Google that others will find this in the years to come, and who knows how many lives we can change and even save from our efforts here on Steemit.


Week 1 Diabetes:

Week 2 Cancer

Week 3 Good Gut Health, Probiotics


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Love these Medicinal Cooking collectives! I'll be posting on Fruit for this weeks edition.

Oh I know I am late but I would love to share my entry to this challenge tomorrow!

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