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RE: Humanity On The Steem Blockchain- ecoTrain QOTW

in #ecotrain5 years ago

I LIKE that you have chosen to focus on steem's HUMANITY and generosity of spirit, instead of just rattling off a long list of your 37 best steem friends to get their upvote. Thank you. Yes, the way the global steem family is stepping up for #venezuela IS inspiring. You might check out both @kantos and @fundakantoria and see what they're doing in Venezuela teaching music to childdren - and funded entirely be steem. Also check out @littledisciples and @childrensclothes. Yes, the steem price is awful but steem IS making a difference.

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I was going to use your name but I already have your upvote :P !! HAHa I was actually wondering what I would do as I didn't want to leave anyone out and I didn't want to do a big list as it seemed labourious. @tryskele was very clever here, but it did give me a good idea for what to write - how long have I got - don't want to miss this one, it's such a nice way to focus on the POSITIVE and I love people's charitable hearts here xx

Thanks @artemislives. It doesn't feel right to just name someone for a vote. That is just how I am. I only mentioned Asher because his post and seeing the outpouring of support was what really made me realize what is it I have gotten from this community.

I know there is so much more that goes on and so many more that need help which are just as bad as #venezuela. I don't mean anything by not mentioning it some things I haven't learned about them yet. Plus #venezuela does hit a little close to home since that is where my sister-in-law is from and they are in the process of trying to get as many family members out right now.

Totally’ the whole point of this qotw was to share topics that inspired us or things we learned! I should have worded it differently

I had a hard time picking 1 specific post. I chose to go a bit broader. If anything it was Asher's post that started this retrospective. It really is learning that as humans we really are more caring and understanding than the media makes us out to be. We are naturally humanitarians.

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