Interview w Nikita Fedyuk @conspi-theorist "Why Global Financial Crisis is Inevitable" Reporting from Roswell Podcast

in #economy8 years ago (edited) Reporting from Roswell

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Friday October 7, 2016 Episode #25 "Why Global Financial Crisis is Inevitable"  Listen to Archive

with guest Nikita Fedyuk "aka" @conspi-theorist via Skype from London!

Born in far eastern Russian, Fedyuk studied economics and finance in Moscow, Italy and finallyThe at London School of  Economics. He additionally has years working experience in Banking, Consulting, and Investment companies. Despite this, he recently joined Steemit to begin blogging about why the global financial system is already crumbling, and is destined to only get worse. Is there a solution or anything one can do to protect him or herself today? I asked him on tonight's program - LISTEN to the ARCHIVE
and follow Nikita @conspi-theorist for his past and future writings.

GO HERE to browse the Silver Starter Pack and/or Survival Goods frequently mentioned on the program (DISCLOSURE: this is an affiliate link, but I was a very happy customer BEFORE becoming an affiliate).

Friday September 30, 2016 Episode #24 "Transhumanism Revisited, Part 1" Listen Here to Audio Archive

Thanks to recent news that "SpaceX founder Elon Musk has revealed that his "Mars Transport" spacecraft has both the technology and the PLANS to travel much farther than Mars! " tonight's program revisits a Reporting from Roswell "classic" interview with Cyber-defense and security expert Jason Pappafotis

discussing Trans-humanism (editing the human genome for desired results)  at length. In addition to cyber-security, Jason currently works as a  Research Analyst for DESE Research, Inc,  has been employed as a Physicist for The United States Navy, Energetics  Technology Center, and for Alion Science & Technology.  Jason will be speaking Monday October 3 in Nashville TN at the Distributed Health Conference to discuss the incredible potential of Blockchain technologies to transform healthcare. He has previously joined us on Reporting from Roswell discussing the Blockchain (scroll below, to August 19). Program airs at 5pm Mountain Time (Click the Listen Live link above),  starting with many upcoming events happening in the month of October of  interest to those who may be able to travel to Roswell for a weekend  jaunt! Regular listeners may remember that like Jason, Dr Michael Heiser, Phd

also joined us in April to discuss Transhumanism from the  Theological/Morality perspective. The audio archive of his "classic  interview" called "Transhuman Theology" can also be accessed from the SpaceX/Elon Musk article (scroll to bottom for audio link). Part 2 of tonight's program will feature a  shorter interview with Dr Heiser, on how he was censored from The  History Channel's "Ufos in the Bible" program based on extreme bias of  the "special" - despite being the only person they interviewed for the  program holding any academic degrees in biblical studies! (Worth noting : Dr Heiser is scheduled to speak at the 2017 Roswell UFO Festival. More of this program's broadcasts will feature 2017 UFO Festival scheduled speakers in the months to come.) 

Friday September 23, 2016 Episode #23 "101 Most Important Albums in Rock Music History"  LISTEN HERE to Audio Archive

Guest Charlie Freak @charliefreak1 

... is brand new to In his own words, he feels that  Steemit is "perhaps the perfect manifestation of NON-CONFORMITY towards  our  existing societal model and COOPERATION between the “masses...”  Walking away from a corporate position and "western Society" seven   years ago, Charlie and his wife now live "off-grid" in Mexico -   including being out of "the traditional banking system".  (HOW THEN do   they "pay" for goods and services?)  I'll ask him! Charlie writes that   in recent years he has been discovering himself anew, and his passions.   Also, in his search for "truth" and himself, Charlie is currently   authoring  The 101 Most Important Albums in Rock Music History: Decoding Universal Truth which will (possibly?) released exclusively on Tonight, he will tell us about his life's adventures to date as an off-gridder, as well as reveal to "Reporting from Roswell" listeners   (for the first time publicly) albums #101 - 97, share with us why they   made the list, and perhaps even what "universal truths" Charlie has  seen  reflected in these important classic rock albums. FOLLOW @charliefreak1  to  see the entire list unveiled over time, from #101 to #1, and please   comment below to let me know whether you'd like to hear more from Charlie (and future installments from his list as they are published)  on this program.

Friday September 16, 2016 Episode #22 "Planet X & Ancient Aliens DEBUNKED"

Audio Archive HERE >>>>> Guest Frank Johnson representing   

 joins us for a chat on some recent Planet X malarkey, as well as    offering us just some of what you could expect to learn from the  3-Hour   free on YouTube video, produced by Chris White. Local Events  and  Global  Conspiracies, as always. Above IMAGE Source & Article by Exposing PsuedoAstronomy  

Friday September 2, 2016 Episode #21 "Symphonic Daddy"

John Farrer, Conductor  Site - Website 

Audio Archive Here >>>>>> (See also Roswell Symphony Orchestra website)    What a treat as Roswell's "Maestro" himself joins us in person on his    first visit to Roswell in several months, to kick off RSO's new 2017    season. Mr Farrer has served as Musical Director/Conductor of our    undeniably "world-class" Symphony for 43 years (!) - as well as serves    as Musical Director for Santa Clara California's Philharmonic   Orchestra,  and conducts symphonies, workshops, and much more in the   U.S. and even  The London (England) Philharmonic. Full BioALSO!    Roswell Community Little Theater debuts "ANNIE" tonight, and Boyd    Barrett ("Daddy Warbucks") joins the program once again for a few    minutes to tell us all about it. Listen to Boyd's previous appearance   on  "Reporting from Roswell" Episode 5 "Roswell BC"" and (Before the Crash) to listen to Boyd's hit "radio noir" audio drama.  Listen to tonight's Archive >>>>>>  

Friday August 26, 2016

Joseph Jordan, Episode #20 "MUFON Invades Korea?"

AUDIO ARCHIVE HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>  Joseph    G. Jordan, formerly of NASA, currently works with a private    contractor  in South Korea, and serves as the South Korea National    Director of  MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). Best known for his research  in   helping  abductees learn how to terminate the "alien abduction"    experience...  (VIEW "Unholy Communion : The Fourth Kind Unveiled" full video)     ... Tonight Joe joins us to speak about what he's learned about the  UFO  phenomena since moving overseas... and it's not what he thought -    or you and I think! LISTEN to AUDIO ARCHIVE HERE >>>>>>   

ABOUT : Get to know your host, Guy Malone...

... a.k.a. Roswell's NM's "Alien Stranger"
(Professional Photo above by 2006)  At, you can read the online version of my book "Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible", click thru to read the Amazon reviews; find a few previous articles and interviews, and/or watch my videos on YouTube starting with "Roswell 1947 : What Really Happened?" and "Why Christian Fundies Think Aliens Are Really Demons" ... Visit

More Recent Archives:
Friday August 19, 2016 Episode #19 "Cyber-Primer" AUDIO ARCHIVE
Returning (!) guest, cyber defense expert, and former Pentagon/DoD employee Jason Pappafotis    guides us through the tech world of "The Blockchain". Topics include    ProtonMail, Bitcoin, Etherium, and STEEMIT, but in normal human-speak!  (More detail)   

Friday August 12, 2016 "Episode 18 "Depression HEALED Through Diet!" AUDIO ARCHIVE Interview    with Kay Endsley, who came "off her meds" after 11 years... then  found   deliverance thru a specific diet and improved gut health. As  always,   local headlines, global conspiracies, and so much more.  

Friday August 5, 2016 "Episode 17: "ET Go Home!" AUDIO ARCHIVE  By    permission, excerpts from the essay "ET GO HOME! Retiring the    Extraterrestrial Hypothesis" written by Greg Bishop (from his new book  "IT DEFIES LANGUAGE"),   a phone call with Nick Redfern, and some news on the new series "Star  Trek DISCOVERY" coming January 2017...
Even MORE Archived Episodes (#1 -   16) can be accesses on my old page Website Now Powered by STEEMIT -

 - the social network that PAYS you to post! Free to join and to host your own pages (like this one). See also for a great variety of today's new content published by Steemit authors.
See @ibringawareness and/or @ancientofdays for MY user profiles on Facebook  / RosGuide  (Roswell NM Upcoming Events Calendar)
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