
Looking for signs

Such generalizations! Not everyone fits in with these stereotypes of life in America. At least I hope not. Who really knows? I am one of the ones who has lived with so many potential disasters. I know that things have changed. The weather changes are most remarkable when you can see the long term effects, but ...
Look at everyone walking around connected to their cell phones. The virtual life that so many live because it is preferable to direct interaction?

Who are you trying to convert? Aren't we all here already? Do you think there are still people who are willing to listen?

Look at us

Some of us have taken a side step away from the madness that current life presents us with. Let us be ready but in a peaceful way. Otherwise only the military types will survive to continue the species-- that thought gives me little hope.

Homesteaders unite and let us ensure that peaceful, sustainably minded people will continue.

Matthew 24:5-12 New Living Translation (NLT)

5 for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. 7 Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. 8 But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.

Disclaimer : the videos and articles I post and resteem don't necessarily express my view(s) on the subjects in question. I tend to post well written commentary, argument and opinion. I also like reading well thought out reader's comments.

Yours is a very well reasoned comment.

Tip of my hat to you...

Thank you.
We can only try to be prepared for whatever life throws our way and in the meantime, live to the best of our abilities.

I've always liked the Health Ranger, especially his work on GMO etc. I think the video should be thought of more as an infomercial rather than actual news (HE SELLS SURVIVAL PRODUCTS) Whether any of the scenarios he mentioned actually lead to collapse can be debated, but it's a fact after SHTF it'll be too late to obtain many basic needs, hence prepping.

Well, decades before the Health Ranger started selling products, I was already stockpiling "just in case"... The risks are still out there. And that's why I still Prep... I like Mike. He's not perfect. He's not always right. But he has a worthwhile opinion, me thinks..

My take away from videos and articles like this has changed over the years. 2 years ago a less prepared me might of reacted/panicked. Now adays though i try to remain calm and have more faith in God. Preparedness is a mind set. Its a concept of thought that says my life and security are my responsibility, not the system in place nor the police or any other system out there. This is not to discredit them, its just a reality that I choose to embrace. We are going to have to be able to help ourselves before help arrives. This is going to be easier if we prepared in advance. The story of Noah is a great example. God may ask of us but its up to us to do the work to build the boat that will carry us through. Times are changing faster i feel than before but that may just be my aging perspective. Everyone alive today is a culmination of generations that survived the day. A little faith and a lot of work. Are we ever really prepared? I would argue no, we are preparing and doing what we can.

"Are we ever really prepared? I would argue no, we are preparing and doing what we can."

Yes, agreed. For example, I have multiple bugout locations, food, water, guns, gold, medicine, seed bank(s) and stockpiles of other essential items and most importantly a strong group of friends and family, yet I'm not ready for an all out SHTF total collapse. A totally grid-down collapse would immiserate tens of millions of people. And nobody can be prepared for that...

Hit the nail on the head. No matter how prepped we and our family are there is always the global aspect of a total grid down scenario. Nightmare to think of.

I do love a good conspiracy story. Subbed

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