in #ecology6 years ago (edited)

Snake Release and Tree Planting on an Ecological Day

Saludos mis Panas de Steemit

Greetings my Panas of Steemit

Una buena manera de disfrutar del trabajo y no caer en rutinas es realizar actividades que marquen una diferencia, un día al aire libre, relacionandonos sus seres vivos, enseñándole a los niños a conocer de la naturaleza.

A good way to enjoy work and not fall into routines is to do activities that make a difference, an outdoor day, relating to their living beings, teaching children to get to know nature.

Si trabajo en lo que me gusta y encima de esto me pagan, solo queda disfrutarlo -Rafael Piña.

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If I work at what I like and I get paid on top of it, all that's left to do is enjoy it - Rafael Piña.

Esta frase fue la que empleo un amigo cuando siendo un niño de 10 años fui a visitar el Parque Nacional Dinira, esta frase marco a futuro cada una de las actividades que iba a realizar. fue una de las ocasiones donde alguien, (al igual que Morfeo) me ofrecía escoger y sin dudarlo escogí la píldora roja hacia nuevo futuro. Varios años después hemos coincidido en estas actividades.

This phrase was used by a friend when I was a 10-year-old boy when I went to visit Dinira National Park, and it marked the future of each of the activities I was going to do. It was one of the occasions when someone (like Morpheus) offered me a choice and without hesitation I chose the red pill for a new future. Several years later we agreed on these activities.

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Nosotros somos seres vivos y dependemos directamente de la Madre Naturaleza, aprendiendo más cada día de ella compartiendo con compañeros, educando a los niños en la importancia que tiene para todos los seres humanos, marcaremos una buena huella en la formación de esas generaciones de relevo que continuaran nuestro trabajo.
We are living beings and we depend directly on Mother Nature, learning more and more from her every day, sharing with companions, educating children about the importance of Mother Nature for all human beings, we will make a good mark on the formation of those generations of relief who will continue our work.

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Durante el día de ayer diferentes grupos y organizaciones junto al MINEA estuvimos participando en una actividad ecológica en el "PARQUE NACIONAL DINIRA" Lara, Venezuela. Donde se llevó a cabo la plantación de árboles de bosque bajo seco y plantas de la zona semiarida.
Yesterday, different groups and organizations together with MINEA participated in an ecological activity in the "DINIRA NATIONAL PARK" in Lara, Venezuela. Where the planting of dry lowland forest trees and plants from the semi-arid zone took place.

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Entre las diferentes opciones escogí dos plantas muy parecidas, el Sisal (Agave Sisalana) y la Cocuiza (Furcraea andina), mágicas y útiles plantas ubicadas en la amplia cordillera de los Andes, la fibra de estas plantas se vienen usando desde hace miles de años por nuestros antepasados para elaborar cuerdas, vestimenta, hamacas, calzados, en la construcción de casa de bahareque o adobe y otra diversidad de utilidades.
Among the different options I chose two very similar plants, Sisal (Agave Sisalana) and Cocuiza (Furcraea andina), magical and useful plants located in the wide Andes mountain range, the fiber of these plants have been used for thousands of years by our ancestors to make ropes, clothing, hammocks, shoes, shoes and in the construction of adobe or bay house and other diversity of utilities.

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Otra de las interesantes actividades que se llevaron a cabo fue la liberación de serpientes en su hábitat natural, acompañada de su respectiva charla educativa de ofidiología para la manipulación de serpientes, con su debido respeto como ser vivo y de cómo actuar en el caso que nos topemos con estos elegantes animales en nuestros hogares o a cielo abierto, teniendo en cuenta que su comportamiento siempre es más defensivo que agresivo.
Another of the interesting activities that were carried out was the release of snakes in their natural habitat, accompanied by their respective educational talk of ophidiology for the manipulation of snakes, with due respect as a living being and how to act in the event that we encounter these elegant animals in our homes or in the open, bearing in mind that their behavior is always more defensive than aggressive.

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Por cierto, entre las distintas Serpientes Venenosas que habitan en nuestro país, 4 especies venenosas las puedes encontrar en el estado Lara.

By the way, among the different Poisonous Serpents that inhabit our country, 4 poisonous species can be found in the Lara state.

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Tres hermosos Ofidios, dos Boas Constrictor, mejor conocidas como "TRAGAVENADOS" una adulta cuya longitud excedía los 1,70m de longitud y una joven serpiente de 36 cm, ambas muy hermosas adornadas con manchas de varios colores en su parte dorsal, una caracteristica pesar de tener una cabeza de forma triangular no son venenosas como tampoco agresivas a pesar que pueden alcanzar un impresionante tamaño de 4m, estas fueron liberadas a campo abierto en zonas estratégicas del parque, retornando al contacto con la naturaleza.
Three beautiful Ophidians, two Boas Constrictor, better known as "Venison Swallow" one adult whose length exceeded 1.70 m and a young snake of 36 cm, both very beautifully adorned with spots of various colors on their dorsal part, A characteristically triangular shaped head is not poisonous or aggressive although it can reach an impressive size of 4m, these were released into the open in strategic areas of the park, returning to contact with nature.

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La tercera y hermosa serpiente, destacada por sus llamativos colores y su diminuto tamaño, fue un hermoso ejemplar de CORAL son serpientes extremadamente Venenosas, cuya principal característica eran sus tres anillos negros ubicados entre dos rojos, otra característica resaltante es que suelen alimentarse de otras serpientes y reptiles.
The third and beautiful snake, noted for its bright colors and its tiny size, was a beautiful specimen of CORAL SNAKE are extremely poisonous snakes, whose main feature was its three black rings located between two red, another striking feature is that they usually feed on other snakes and reptiles.

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El ver como cada una de estas serpientes, entraba en contacto nuevamente con la naturaleza fue un gran motivo de alegría, aun más al estar presente entre el grupo un par de niñas que a partir de ese momento, observaran con otros ojos a las serpientes.
Seeing how each of these snakes came into contact with nature again was a great source of joy, even more so when a couple of girls were present among the group and from that moment on, they observed the snakes with different eyes.

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Disfrutar del trabajo en estos grandes momentos no tienen comparación sobre todo si escapamos del encierro de cuatro paredes y de la opresión de la rutina, por esto ahora puedo agregar, "si disfruto enormemente de mi trabajo y si por esto me pagan, pues continuemos haciéndolo"
Enjoying work at these great times is unparalleled, especially if we escape from the four walls of confinement and the oppression of routine, so now I can add, "If I enjoy my work enormously and if this is what I get paid for, then let's keep doing it".

Thank you for reviewing and enjoying this article:
Peace and Love for all
Cuida a la Pacha Mama/Care for Pacha Mama

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"En la naturaleza, no hay castigos ni premios, sólo consecuencias." - Proverbio Chino
"In nature, there are no punishments or rewards, only consequences." Chinese proverb


I was impressed by the coral snake. I loved the people in your pictures as much as the scenery. Lovely group--peace came through. Thanks for sharing a wonderful experience. (Also enjoyed reading the Spanish passages!)

Thank you very much for your comment! @agmoore I am glad that you enjoy as much as I do my daily experiences at work and others that can be attached to be giving those little grains of sand that help to preserve the conditions of the planet and the beings that live on it. It would be great if each of the inhabitants gave a contribution of one hour a day in favor of ecology and nature, another would be the reality. Ophidians are impressive animals and the coral is very beautiful. Blessings. @renny-krieger

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Greetings @geopolis thank you very much for considering my article for inclusion in the group, I have been reviewing the content of the article and I am interested in joining your community. @renny-krieger

That's awesome! Feel free to join the Discord as it makes communication quite easier. Looking forward to read more from you

Greetings @samve many thanks for the suggestion, as we know every network platform is based primarily on communication, so I am pleased to know that in steemit there is a multidisciplinary team @geopolis dedicated to work, publish and share articles on various scientific branches and other interesting topics. Is there a specific place to publish our articles in discord geopolis? @renny-krieger

Al posts posted on Steem platforms will be reviewed. So no real requirement there. Discord is mainly for communicating between members of the community

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