For The TREES! We will not back down. Our roots are firm in the ground.....

in #earthnation6 years ago (edited)

I wrote this piece mused in the middle of the night by spirit when a local ski resort was planning on cutting a large swath of upper watershed old growth trees where the headwaters are in Ashland Oregon. They were calling it Ashland Mountain Ski Expansion. There was no good reason to make more ski slopes given the smaller skier population and declining snow fall.

I sung this as a song to guitarist Freedom's riffs, at an activist rally and spent days in the streets providing the townspeople with valuable information in the spirit of the Lorax. Remember that awesome 90's movie about deforestation and Dr's Seuss Lorax.


We made stickers with the Lorax on it, that said, "It's NOT HAPPENING!"

Great manifestation technique. We held this vision firm.

I believe we had a large affect on the outcome! in which no more trees were slaughtered. We spent a month protesting this and We WON! Woot woot!


Tonight ! Right here. Right Now.

The veil has been lifted and so have our Sacred waters been gifted
Immunity at THE Source.

Dragon's mouth breathing forth the purest essence of Us.
You and me, Crystalline Divinity.

Truth prevails in this shire,
of ancient trees and magic water.

These Spired temples of woodland perfection are
ONLY guilty of introspection
and gifting Love, in every direction.

Who will speak for the inmates on loggers row?

A H O !

What is a single tree worth?

For it would cost far too much to buy these trees,
to tow them away, a sale NOT offered even to pockets overflowing in green.

Because Mother Earth can not be bought or sold,
borrowed or owned in a time when
Love rules over corporate deeds.

For, a tree is a monument of truth,
has needs, free will, and purpose just as you and I.

For the potential of a seed,
is a miracle to breathe.

We give thanks for what we receive.

We stand up for what we believe, not bound by fear or greed.

We will not back down! Our roots are firm in the ground.
Mama Earth's got us, She won’t let us drown.

We tune in to divine flow and we turn on!
With soiled knees and arms raised most high, we dance and sing to our
Beloveds, trees, water, earth and sky!

There’s No other Choice but Succeeding,
When LOVE is the force we're perceiving.

Who will rise up in honor to serve these trees?

Who presents a solution to this slippery slope of veils and confusion of rights and wrongs and resource extraction for profit driven blind action?


We ARE the earth stewards,

truth speakers and cosmic weavers…

And it’s time to align our hearts and minds !

Bleeding this forest is a crime.

Let It be seen now, the errors of this calamity,
The misunderstandings forgiven too.

She will forgive us. Won’t you?

We are the Answer and Now is the Time.

For THE TREES, We SEE! We Breathe.

epic tree of life.jpg

I Love You, Lila*Star


the great inspiration
.i got it.
love it.

TY So much!

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Really - then i ask, why your coremembers burn them?

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