Am I a Rhinoceros? Are you?

in #dystopia6 years ago

Am I a Rhinoceros? Are you?

‘The big beast stood like an uncouth statue, his hide black in the sunlight; he seemed what he was, a monster surviving over from the world’s past, from the days when the beasts of the prime ran riot in their strength, before man grew so cunning of brain and hand as to master them.’ - Theodore Roosevelt, 1910.

In Aldous Huxley's dystopian novel Brave New World, one of the tragic protagonists - Bernard - is described as a rhinoceros. Not because of a visage distended by unfortunate rhinomorphic enormity, but - one must suppose - because rhinoceroses are notoriously solitary and difficult to train. It is an unwitting romantic rival that describes him as such with a degree of pity, recognizing it is exactly Bernard's rhinoceros-like character that makes him such a social misfit.

“You can’t teach a rhinoceros tricks,” he had explained in his brief and vigorous style. “Some men are almost rhinoceroses; they don’t respond properly to conditioning. Poor Devils! Bernard’s one of them."

Bernard, an Alpha-Plus psychologist, is in fact too close to the hypnopaedic mechanisms of social conditioning and indoctrination that are the backbone of society in Brave New World. In fact, he designs and refines the hypnopaedic processes that the young are exposed to. He knows exactly how the system works, how the brain is influenced by repetitive neurolinguistic programming and that he himself was subjected to the same process.

"The students nodded, emphatically agreeing with a statement which upwards of sixty-two thousand repetitions in the dark had made them accept, not merely as true, but as axiomatic, self-evident, utterly indisputable."
"One hundred repetitions three nights a week for four years, thought Bernard Marx, who was a specialist on hypnopaedia. Sixty-two thousand four hundred repetitions make one truth. Idiots!"

Bernard knows exactly how many hours over how many years each person is subjected to the conditioning forces that are designed to eliminate their free will. He sees the cage. Being able to recognize the cage, he recognizes that the system is designed to remove free will and, as a consequence, is forced to ask himself if he himself is a slave.

To continue existing inside the system, in order to maintain his comfortable Alpha-Plus lifestyle and privileges, Bernard realizes he must continue performing his tasks and not rock the boat too much. Although he accepts that he is in essence a slave to or within the system, he believes his mental freedom sets him apart. And indeed it does. It actually makes him a danger to himself and others.

Bernard questions the world around him. He even questions how he perceives the world around him. How many of his beliefs, how much of his personality is due to his being conditioned? Can he resist? He believes he can. He even allows himself the small intellectual rebellion of questioning the legitimacy of the conditioning process, an unspeakable transgression for someone entrusted with its integrity.

He goes too far without even realizing it. In the end his unorthodoxy, his unwillingness to live in unconsciousness, destroys his comfortable Alpha-Plus life. He is not capable of conforming to the expected norms that have been achieved by extensive conditioning and indoctrination and is thus exiled so he cannot pollute the system. He is too much of a rhinoceros in the China shop, so to speak.

Bernard considers this an intolerable punishment, whereas...

“... if he had the smallest sense, he’d understand that his punishment is really a reward. He’s being sent to an island. That’s to say, he’s being sent to a place where he’ll meet the most interesting set of men and women to be found anywhere in the world. All the people who, for one reason or another, have got too self-consciously individual to fit into community-life. All the people who aren’t satisfied with orthodoxy, who’ve got independent ideas of their own. Every one, in a word, who’s any one."

In considering Bernard being labeled a rhinoceros, I had to ask myself if I too bore characteristics of the rhinoceros. I certainly feel I do. By all rational accounts, I am deep in the conditioning centers of the current system. I see exactly how children are selectively educated to perform specific tasks while those knowledge sets that would enable them to even consider real freedom are withheld.

I like to believe I have broken through the worst of the conditioning. Somewhere along the way, one clear morning, I awoke and realized that the orthodoxy of our world was entrained, a comfortable unconsciousness that made the world make sense only because it wasn't viewed too closely. In recognizing the cage I somehow felt free, even though I knew I wasn't.

And now, years later, I am shaking the cage. The porcelain plates on the wall are wobbling. Everyone near me can hear it. Some of them are turning away, some look on with concern, those being conditioned wonder at what it might mean. I imagine I can see comprehension in their eyes.

And I am wondering if there is an island out there waiting for me, or if the alternative is something less... liberating?


Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero
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I'm definitely a rhino and I think you'll find that many posters in steemit are rhinos also due to the type of people that this platform attracts.

Welcome to the Club of Rhinoceroses, now we just need a better name ;). I have noticed many contributors on Steemit are of a similar ilk, but more would be a great thing. Will check out your content, thanks for the comment!

Unfortunately, I still haven't read this cult novel, or dystopian book Brave New World. But it looks like I will have a lot of unplug time soon (bad power in the area). Thankfully there are books!

And I am wondering if there is an island out there waiting for me, or if the alternative is something less... liberating?

Yeah but there's bad power and internet lol. One can't watch TV news or youtube the whole day anymore.

I don't watch TV news anymore at all if possible, it is programming. Youtube is very useful, but I could live without it. Reading is where its at. Here a Brave New World .pdf if you have a e-reader.

Thanks. I've seen this in the bookstore so I'll just buy. The secondhand bookstore might have. I prefer to hold and smell a book lol, the screen hurts my eyes. Anything that doesn't need to be recharged.

I am totally with you on that.

island = steemit + free of

Steemit is certainly an island of free speech in a sea of censorship, despite the ability to downvote things to obscurity, at least things can't be erased. I am surprised Steemit isn't growing faster than it is given the ongoing total war on free speech.

you are so right and things move slow relative to our perception but it will imho be v fast relative to other inventions patience always is the name of all games

@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

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