[Day 14] "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰] Very tiring day

in #dtubesnapx6 years ago

Visited chiropractor doctor today, found out that my C1, L4-5 and hip bone has some problem.
The doctor spent quite a long time to try to fix it for me but yet still need a little bit more time.
My body was aching and sore since, but I do not want to stop doing plank.

Therefore, here I am!!

Keep pushing and pushing!!
Try to lower my body a little bit too...

@anikearn , let's do it together :)

Thank you @freecrypto for stopping by yesterday.

I am really tired now, time to go sleep~

▶️ DTube

Today also I'm here :), actually I'm here every single day😊😊. Being a woman You are putting very great efforts, I really appreciate it 😊😊. Just keep posting mam :). We will definitely try to provide support to you😊.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yay girl power

Thank you
This is such a sweet and nice comment!

Very important to me as of my effort paid off :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

I want to ask you that did you commenting daily on 3 Dtube random videos. If, yes then let me know I will recommend your name to Nathanmars sir, so that he can include in #dtubefamily777 with great support 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes I tried to comment as much as I can to other dtube as I know exactly how it feel when I see people comment and I want to do the same thing too :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

So are you doing it daily?? and if yes then since from when you started?

Posted using Partiko Android

Let me see, I believe it’s after @nathanmars video talking about the proper dtube culture

Posted using Partiko iOS

She totally did that, with @stephie too.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excellent my friend, you have done this very amazing today. I liked it very well. You continue your work, I'm always with you.


Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you my friend
You are so nice ;)

Posted using Partiko iOS

OMG...你有無事呀? 做plank對D骨有無影響架?
很堅持的小迪..要小心身體呀! 抱抱

我的工作要常站, 俯身, 但因為我骨盤同太矮, 成日要踮腳,
兩邊好多唔對稱, 前陣子, 脖子動不了, 加上頭暈先下定決心睇骨醫
哈哈~, 年紀大了~

辛苦你喇 ;( 要快D整番好D骨..我之前有兩節尾龍骨梗左...睇左幾次物理治療先好番..

你那里天气如何?请支持中文区的见证人, @abit @bobdos @ety001 @justyy @oflyhigh @partiko (首字母顺序),全投,一个都不要漏。倘若你想让我隐形,请回复“取消”。

i see that some chiropractors are amazing but there's also some scammers out there. but i hope you get better. steem on and plank on! :)

Yes I went to some not that great chiropractor before and made my neck worse.

We will know if this one is good

Posted using Partiko Android

I knew that feel, mine is hurt too... @yanyanbebe
The cure is to have enough warm-up and cool down, never push or force to improve when you're feeling unwell

@tydebbie, Perfect job. You're continuously doing Plank. Another great day for you coz you did it better then man. I'll give support here.


thank you @madushanka :)
your support and encouragement makes a huge different!

As always mam you are doing it an amazing way 😊 😊. I really appreciate your efforts mam:). Just keep posting 😊


Posted using Partiko Android

你们好认真啊 👍

Posted using Partiko iOS


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