DtubesnapQ #5 : Can we tag our projects in comments ?

in #dtubesnapq6 years ago

I was wandering how to tell some people not to tag their projects in the comments of the posts.

I invite people to steem and dtube and I'm not happy to see some of them commented by others with tags.

Most of people are happy about @dtube because they don't see advertisements in it like on youtube.

Sometimes we even can't skip those annoying advertisements on youtube.

Will it be fine in the future if people join and have a lot of comments with tags and links ?

I understand if we tag people trying to promote them and help them being noticed.

But tagging projects with comments and inviting someone to a project right away without even explaining him how things work here, is not nice in my opinion.

I think it's ok to comment sometimes if you already have strong relation with the content creator. But sending those comments to random people looks like spam.

I'm sharing my opinion and I'm not blaming anyone who is doing that.

I'm not here to offend anybody, don't take it personal.

We are living in a modern world and we have to discuss things in a civil way.

That's why I usually contact people in discord before writing about the situation in public.

Do you think guys that's ok to tag our projects in comments for random people in @dtube especially new ones ?

In case I see opinions of those who don't agree or get mad, I will edit the post and add more details and more thoughts about my opinion.

Please take a look at this quote before you comment :

Source : https://twitter.com/garyvee/status/1066869114290012163

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▶️ DTube

I think it may be OK if you first leave a significant comment related to the content and then share your project if you see potential in the person. I think is wrong to just copy and past the same message all over again, that would be spam and it could hurt you.


Hey @clixmoney, I liked your video I think you are right on many of the points you make. I think different on (this point) but I like knowing more points of view. Looking forward to your next video and keep up the good work.

By the way I'm working on this (project) check it out, it might interest you, we are looking for people like you.

End of example.

Maybe something like that would be ok, it would take time but you could share our project in a better way. You should also have a good relationship with the person, but if you had that you could do it directly on Discord.

At the end the best thing is to promote us or our project on our own post, make enough good videos to apear on hot videos or trending videos and people will become interested without us telling them, psychological that is more powerful because it becomes their idea and they will be more open, people can block themselves if we are pushy.

Yeah, you are right. If at least the comment will be different it will not look like spam. But if the same comment just copy past everywhere, it's not nice at all. I forget also to tell about those upvote their spamy comment to make it in the top. I don't like that also. If they want to promote their project, they should let it go to the top naturally, not upvoting it and hide other comments. Some of them even upvote the comment and don't upvote even the commented post.

I think the same!

I agree so much with you. I will admit to making a few mistakes myself when I started with DTube. In general DTube is an amazing platform. We all must support it. As well learn to keep it free from commercialism. That other video platforms are like. Here DTube. Can be a leader in the Community. People can voice anything they wish. DTube is a true Video sharing platform. Very nice. Good way to share thoughts with others. The communication of this platform is truly amazing. Let's see this continue in the future. Thanks again for sharing.

You are very welcome. Thanks for the nice feedback. You are right, the communication is great here. ☺

Well for me it's a bit okay sometimes if you know that person or having a good relations with him /her. But if you go and do on a random post, suppose if you don't know a person and go and comment on his/her post that please support my kind of particular post than I think it's bit annoying and rough for me. And maybe he/she can downvoted too and if he/she have higher sps then it will affect very badly.

but wait, wait if you upvote him /her with a higher upvote than for me its your right to write about your project in his/her comment section 😁because you have profited him/her.
I think making a seperate post or video to promote or grow your project will be a good idea. It's harmless too.

Have a great day and wonderful night 😊😊

In my opinion we don't have to comment them if they gave them good upvote. @dtube at least is not doing that. So, @dtube want the platform clean from any ads. Why we have to do the opposite ?

Anyway, everyone has his own opinion and I respect yours.

Yup I'm very aware of that dtube is not doing. I'm talking about the general people not about community.Well I too think that we shouldn't it but if it's beneficial for them then we should definitely do it. Because for me sharing is caring 😊

It's depend on what you share, I think.

If it is related to the content - it is absolutely okay and necessary in my opinion.

I think it is totally legit to promote projects if they are about steemit/dtube and for the purpose to empower creators and if they are related to the content.

I don't see a problem here. A lot of projects are doing this because they need to spread their honourable community message around for building awareness and if it is fitting to the creator it is even better.

Without this they just have their posts and this is often not enough.
Imagine steemit without cleanplanet, curie and all the other honourable projects. I think we would not talk on dtube without this communication work of the project founders.
Just my opinion ;)

I just was thinking that we can promote only on our posts to not let newcomers think it's a spamy platform. But I will not care about that anymore. I hope that's right for this platform. Let's keep doing that and see where it leads. I hope every dtube and steem related project will be successful.

Yeah but don't undervalue you opinion my friend! It is important for everyone to know you specific view on things :)
I hope every steem related positive project will succeed!


Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, that's why I shared it anyway. I will be more careful with people from now.

@clixmoney, this was a very important and nice video, but I will comment now, because now I have time. So, first of all, thank you for sharing it with us. I watch it early in the morning, while traveling to work by bus. I've thought about this issue many times. I don't have a clear answer. Probably, everyone has his/her personal taste/view on this issue. We should understand that different people have different preferences and, in my view, we should respect each other.

Now, about me: I am not against projects tagged in the comment/s, if the comment is really good and relevant to the post/video (it is not just a spam, by which to promote your project). Also, in my view, the main part of the comment should be attributed to the comment itself. I mean I don't that much if someone just write one or two sentences (not very related to the post/video) and then just add some advertisment with big letters.

This is what some them are doing. Writing with big letters to attract attention. Writing it very big to hide other comments. leaving a lot of space and tagging a project or a few of them or even people from their team. Imagine you an investor joining dtube and having full of comments aiming to promote their projects. Now we don't have them a lot, but what we will in the future ? 10 comments all about projects ? Only one wrote there to say his honest opinion without trying to promote something ? Even if the project is built on steem blockchain and even if it's good for dtube, it shouldn't be promoted like that. Spam kills competition, some people are working hard to be noticed for a few months and some just come to us and try to invite everyone that way. We will not improve that way, we will not have a fair competition. If everybody accept spam here, nobody will care about the quality and the platform will just lose people like me. Anyway, I hope for the best, we have more important problems to care about. Let everybody spam, powerful people are allowing them to do so. Who I am to tell them not to do !

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