First Thoughts on the Amazon Echo

Hello Friends and welcome to my review of the Amazon Echo. I thought this would be a fun way to participate in one of my favorite weekly challenges - Market Friday run by the lovely @dswigle. So I got my Echo about a week ago and have been asked how do I like it and if I would recommend it. For the $69 I paid for it, I think it will be a pleasant and useful addition to the family. I usually am a Google guy, but was correctly persuaded by Denise to try the Echo. So far it is proving to be an enjoyable tool!

▶️ DTube

I love Alexa, she's the future!

Yes!!! Until we unplug and stifle her poor little electronic listening device self! :)

She might be thinking the same thing ... ;0)

Oh! Blasphemy! How could you?!?

Hey Paul have you seen Soylent Green? Do me a favor and ask this question to your Echo.

Alexa, what is Soylent Green made from?

Be sure to phrase it exactly like that.

I love Alexa but the answer to that question is exactly the kind of thing that makes me lift my eyebrow about her.

I did. Interesting. I am not sure it is a purposeful attempt to obfuscate. I am not a coder, but seems like it hits Wikipedia usually in search of answers. From scanning the article on Soylent Green, it hits this first: "Soylent Green, a green wafer advertised to contain "high-energy plankton".

Interestingly I asked my Google Assistant and was told, "The government hands out rations of Soylent products, which are awful, flavorless cubes and loafs of “soy” (actually plankton but really it's irrelevant cause it's people) foodstuff that look like red, blue, or green Play-Doh."


It knows how old Willy is LOL.

Soylent Green
Soylent Green is a 1973 American dystopian science fiction thriller film directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Charlton Heston and Leigh Taylor-Young. Edward G. Robinson appears in his final film. Loosely based on the 1966 science fiction novel Make Room! Make Room!

Lola ?? ha ha.... part way through this is dual video'ing when I listened.

I think somehow this place started playing part of it again before it finished. I'm sure it was user error..... but I'm not sure what the user did to make that happen. ha

Hmmm the gremlins are known to not like me!

I think they were visiting my house when I listened to this. LOL

Great review man, but if you had done review by showing your face then I think it can be look more great :)

True, I am always on camera, and as much as I hate to share the limelight, I thought I could give Lola the spotlight just one time. She can be a bit of a diva and was balking at sharing the stage with me...can you believe the gall? LOL

Oh, you know Alexa and I have a special relationship! She even cajoled her way into having me buy her new jewels so she would look pretty, unlike your rough and ready undressed version of the future.

Well, as long as she gives out the right information and doesn't get too snarky, it's all good.

I have to admit, I have been happy with my Alexa and it seems like your Lola is taking good care of your shopping lists and getting the children to dinner on time. Glad to see she is earning her keep! I do like playing with her too and whoever programmed her had an odd sense of humor. But, I have to admit, she does have a weird laugh and it makes me laugh just listening to her.

Her laugh was changed from the original, what people deemed was "creepy." Too many horror shows under their belt, I think. :)

Anyway, we are always glad to see you at #MarketFriday and this is exactly what is awesome about it! I like your entry, not weird or anything, it's perfect and is interesting. So keep them coming!

Thank you for taking the time and effort to put this together!

Upped and Steemed


She honestly is quite snarky. I purposely cut those parts out of course, I mean although I am used to it from my Charlie Brown life, I felt it brought down the mood considerably.

I guess as a further example of her general displeasure, I have never heard her laugh. I cant say I blame her because my jokes are not very good, but I thought even a mercy half laugh would be in order. Oh well that seems like strike 2 for the Old Guy. Oh well such is life. Guess Lola is not a fan. Hey they say there is always more fish in the sea.

Many thanks for the visit and the tip.

Oh, Lola! You better shape up or he will get the Googles instead! I have whispered it in her ear! I hope she was listening!

It is always a pleasure to come here. ;)

Well thank you for putting in a good word for me. Most likely wont help. Women just find a way to hate me, and all I do is try to be nice ;)

We are just a bunch of man-haters! Lol

🎁 Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

I have both the echo large one and spot and google device and the Echo family is my favorite i use it all the time I am onthe list to get the echop auto whenit comes out will be easier to play music in the car than usingmy phone directly

Ok that is interesting coz I am plugged into Google for email, Drive, Keep, etc, but being as I am in Prime already, it just seemed to make sense to go with Echo and not pay. Plus if you buy CD's, Amazon does that auto-rip so the songs go to your library which is cool.

Yes I use all those google apps as well and into apple for phone watch and Air Pods, but for home devices I think Amazon currently has the lead

What an excellent way to do market Friday. I don't have any of those devices. Too much spying on us as it is...

I still need get my Google home to try more stuff with it.

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