
Very cool. I watched a documentary earlier in the year called World War 2 in Colour on Netflix. I was surprised at how much I didn't know about the war, such as what went down in the Baltic states and Norway. It really was a world war. Seeing places like where you've just been brings that home in a big way. D'you think blockchain and tech and millennials will stop it from happening again? It seems like from my age and older (46) we're all fucking it up again.

I've heard about that one, thanks for the reminder, gotta watch it.
I think we're progressing, and I have faith in crypto & blockchain, and other inventions making a better future, but with every new invention come new issues. I'm concerned about the ways new technology, like AI, allows to manipulate with people's perceptions. We need to be more critical as ever towards what we read and see on the media.
It seems that there will always be war and conflicts somewhere in the world. Balance. It is unfortunate that one is born at the time and place where it happens, but it is just a hard level game for the people there, and they still have a chance to get themselves out of the situation.
Part of my relatives fled the country to the USA during the WW2 and deportations, so they escaped. My grandfather, pilot of the Latvian armed forces in between the two wars, later hid in the woods and cemeteries, changed his name to Stanislav and took up the profession of a journalist for a local town press: that was his safe alias.​ He escaped the deportations, too. But obviously, not the war.

Amazing that they just left those structures decaying away on the coast. One day it will be part of the rock formation and people will wonder what it was? Was it human-made or natural? :D

Fascinating also that you have these vast empty spaces. Maybe it's just because it's cold now and nobody's at the beach.

Enjoyed this a lot.

Right!! Exactly what I wonder about huge rocks. Well.. it will be that way only if some millionaire doesn't decide to clear everything and build a seaside villa (it's almost a tradition for the riches).

That was a trip.

That track takes me back to the mid 1990's

I'd spend hours in the various record stores looking for music, before the days of high speed internet.

Looks cold, when does spring arrive?

Oh, the good old days of record hunting. Were you in Shanghai at the time? Did you have access to get a wide variety of Western music, or was it limited?

Spring usually arrives around April, but the bastard is late, and it is snowing outside my window.

No, that was in Minnesota. The place I remember well was the Electric Fetus

The sun is strong enough in April here to give me sunburn, until November.

We can trade climates, if you prefer.

Nice! I'd love to, if we could. 😄
Like some flowers, I thrive in sunlight.

As for me this can be considered one of the best trips that can be made, going back in the time to the worst memories our world ever had this is an amazing post nice words and great photos

It's surely interesting to see what is left of the place, which marks of time remain and which are destroyed, and how with the perception of modern life conditions we can analyze the past.
Thank you!

U are totaly right i agree with u and even i did not visit this place but i had this feeling like it touched my heart and i was able to see the big destruction reaulted from the WWs again thank u for waking up our feelings again u did a great job

Aww, it's so nice to hear that I have moved someone like that! Thank you!

I read a lot about the WW that is another reason to have this feeling When i saw ur post

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Hey! I have just discovered you!
I am from Germany!
Just a little question, I got my Steemit Account today, and I already uploaded a video (I produce VLOGs & Comedy stuff)
My question is now, how do you get your audience? Just patience and uploading?
Would be awesome if you could give me some tips!

Greetings from Bonn, Germany

Yes, brother, produce quality content, add your unique style to it and be very patient. It takes some time before people see you and also dtube :) however, if you find like minded people with the same interests or a place where dedicated dtubers hangout such as onelovedtube or dtubedaily, it will be very helpful.

I'm also in Germany man!! In Berlin man!! We should meet up!

Winny out...for now 😉

Art life!!!!! It's been a while since I commented on your video. You have a very unique style of editing (I mean everyone has) but it's very different from what I've seen so far (in a good way). I can also see that you got inspired by ur bf with the background music :) that's good!!

"The broken" 😂

Winny out...for now 😉

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! 🤗
Oh, I love music as much as he does and I love editing with music, the mood that music can create.

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